Using the EPL Code, I will establish how it affirms Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior
Since we do not know, at I least I do not know, what emanated first before Purity, I will begin with purity. This seems to the the over all dominant Principle, that rules over all, as true law.
Purity: Jesus is at least conceptually the most Pure Man. The most Pure due in part, to not necessarily his life of purity, which can not be known, at least at this time, but his intense focus in Purity as his main thesis in living, teaching, preaching. It is, after all, the culmination of purity, which makes up the most undeniably most powerful source of force, THE HOLY SPIRIT
Faith: Jesus lived with Faith. All accounts show an unshakable Faith. This Faith was taught as ever pressing forth to and ever mind~body~spirit profound and expanding understanding. The Faith has everything to do with a powerful sense of yield. That is, the truly weak will attack the strong, and constantly change natural order, chaos, jealousy, this dictates our feelings and personality more than we feel comfortable acknowledging, but the police, military, and government as we speak, would have not control over us, if we indeed had a built in solid system, such as EPL, in constant motion. Jesus is the return to Purity, using Faith as the Principle through those corridors of Life, for which we can not go back in time, thus must maintain "The Pure Space".
Love: Jesus Loves us, we feel it, we know it. It is hard to except, when the opposite be represented as the live preserving agent, to allow the undulation of order to chaos occur, rather be perpetuate.
Love is, as said, using EPLimath, the same as Phi, the number 1, to the right, as we count Phi. Love is the 3rd number in Phi. Love takes 3 numbers, which add up to 2, yet with EPLimath, the near future is part of the moment. So Sacrifice comes heavily into play, I feel inclined to compare it with celestial retrograde? So truly Love is the quantum number of 4, as in the cross. I believe this "Phi beginning", represents the repeat of Purities return. Further, that without a purge, the system become entirely corrupt, loveless
You and I are simply not pure enough, to be messiah, believe me, I have uncovered powers, beyond my wildest dreams, but am left with the reality, that all I touch, thus has my stain, my mark. In the concept of Christ I can rely, on the fact, that:
I know smarter Men, live, and have lived than I
I know Holier Men have lived, and live today, that exceed me
I know that Better Men, more superior Men, are alive today, and have existed prior to my life here
For the one who can truly say, without a doubt that they are more pure. That they can live within the fabric that makes them up, and to thus, take up rule over the multitude, even Jesus is quoted as saying, that one is the Father.
I do believe in this, relenting to the superior MAN, as the Purest Man, we can then be purified, as if we always were this pure. We soon and often forget however, from where this notion, and the power was first derived, thus, the murder of the Pure Superior Man, in jealousy, hate, envy.
In this we have an advocate, for we too, are ostracized and attacked, for being better, and thus perpetuates the human drama. People rally to point fingers so readily, at the one they are jealous of, as the next to be stoned, by the community, of craft.
Hope: The balance of Love involves Hope. The numbers play off of themselves, as if to cause a perpetual motion. This focus on the Pure Son of God, Jesus Christ, is then placed into an active prayer, a meditation in motion.
Jesus represented Hope. Hope in us, hope in the future, hope in our seeing and realizing our own purity. Jesus taught that though we can not visualize ourselves as pure, we may assert the quantum Phenomenon, that he being the Son/Sun of God (again I make no apologies for the correlation, as I have turned the dial of the Sun for two years myself, and see that Purity is the first rule to this as a cause of restoration, which involves a consequence), I however proclaim myself as of some sort of strange spiritual DNA origin, not yet known, I have deductively searched through my abilities, and true nature, and can only say I am misunderstood by myself, and others, this is as far as I can take it. I do however see that I am part of a spiritual machine, if you will, that has been wiped out and erased, ardently, so that the traces of this are smudged out, before a "TRUE MASS CALLING OUT TO JESUS CHRIST'S RETURN" can take place, the positive use to the Merkabah EPL.
Hope is the future! I have not brought it up before, but I hear the truth of what be said, be understanding language as a constantly casting forth, IE The Cart Before the Horse. That is, to make a statement, one imposes a feeling, a suggestion, on future events, space/time placement, of will. This will follows, what is thought to be a nature pace, rhythm or order, which has been breached, as well as manipulated by artificially means, as to only allow certain thought frequencies to occupy a given space/time event.
Hope in Jesus, as pure man, the only pure man, is not blind, it is specific, and thus intent based specificity, universal law in order (the construct to the artificial bounds as well), is superior, in the superior man, who is entrusted with all power. I have changed gravity with my mind, jumped in and out of bodies, auto suggested to the mind in motion, changed weather with simple techniques, and been called out by the Illuminati, having craft rituals done on me, which I turned in my favor, and won my Soul, making it all the more powerful and full of strength. I believe I was to be kept pure, but was placed into a program, which would insure a focused regression in my pure state. My head rings and I am able to draw energy from the beings more often stupid government workers on the other end, who have changed my time line, and destroyed my life, with the greatest focus of intent...they make you sin!
Jesus Christ becomes the only way through, as the return to Purity. I believe he broke the matrix of space/time, allowing us a space/time escape, from this plane, for which we have been pre-initiated toward soul ownership
I do not, however, find the Devil/Satan to be a bad thing, I feel that this is answered with the simple application of concave, and convex, and both religious, political and astronomic fact focus, IE how things truly work, and the distance of these "opposing forces, or sources" simply being Phi 1 left, Phi 1 right, 0 as sphere perspective guide, "how we see the world, life, events that shape us"
The Principles, as a daily focus and application when done with Purity in mind, I believe, can return the world to order, by and for the people. Jesus cared a lot more than I do. I personally do not like people, it is only in Jesus Christ, living within me, visiting, humbling me, that I have any temperance towards care at all, less mercy and compassion.
Temperance: I have pointed out how the EPL PRINCIPLES must be focused on, by going back, and reciting the prior Principle(s) the emerging Principle can be instantly understood. Hope before Temperance...and Care coming after. The projection of Hope, gives a solid application to the thought, the task, temperance. The well tempered, will provide the highest level of Care. The intent must be Pure, and I have often speculated, as to include the intent with the points, but find them to be invisible, as "choice", the left or the right hand path. The Pyramid, when looked down upon, can be seen in convex or concave fashion, that is, to be seen as a long corridor, or as that which is pointing out to the observer.
Temperance is needed to accomplish any great task. Temperance implies diligence, and applied will, this again points heavy toward intent because though Temperance can nearly always be present, it implies action/production. I do not believe Albert Pike is in Heaven. However I find it an honor to see these Men, who did not believe in Jesus Christ. I was given the power I have, because it was the only way I could learn, cause and effect. I have kept back a very destructive power, anger, hating people and the world, seeing it as false, and transparent, not bearable from a very young age, possibly forever. I turn to Jesus as my true teacher, for I have also found secrets to immortality. I feel this is better used to build towards the physical leave, and to grow towards a spiritual return, than to be stuck or detained here any longer. I see this world as artificial, and am often apprehensive to go into public, knowing the attacks, and the misuse of craft, which I now have built a superiority. I am ultras sensitive and can feel the slightest undulations and changes, shifts in patterns, of spiritual movement. I find it more important to report it, that to misuse it, as I surely do. I am happy being a student of Jesus, and he teaches me many lessons. I am learning to let go, and to rely solely on him, as master and savior. I have felt the presence of GOD strong within me, and am further blown away how these super beings, teach and instruct those from such a seemingly remote way. I soon lose my luster however, in sin, and revert to a lower form of God in Man, and could only rule as Over Lord, and not as superior, pure and just Messiah, so I had to count myself out of what most will certainly press forth, as potential. I know my potential and failed it, and thus relent to Jesus Christ alone, as my Lord and savior. I am some sort of being, that understands and exist multidimensional, and it has been very difficult to understand, what I saw early on as idiocy and false teachers abroad.
Care: Placing care into others, is near to impossible for most, if not all. They all demand some sort of return for their favors, as seed sewn. Jesus was a Fisher of Men, he sewed the seed of Good Will in Men. The intense lesson teaching, as one focuses on this Principle, taking it into every day life, becomes an education to the within, as well as the without. Care is the number one abused and exploited thing/event, occurring in a given society. A lapse in this, caused the Angels to fall. The medical community is create to constantly abuse this Principle, as a form of Anti-Principle.
Again we see in Jesus teachings, that to place true care, with no idea or concept of return, but practice these Principles, in the build up and production of making things better for all, establishes him as not one who worked craft, but the One who Turned over the tables of commerce in care. Care is our jobs. One could say, that without a money system, as the system would be ever growing, ever positive and productive, using EPL as a guide stone, the care is all we would ever do, care for one another, with all our time. Care taken to the extreme which is truly what the intention be, one is both building and shaping the people and the world around them, through one pure, focused positive and trusted mind, THE ONE MIND.
Mercy: Mercy is exploited. People abuse mercy, seeing them as suckers. Sales thrives from it's abuse. Religion, and more so Christianity is used against believers of Mercy, as a business module. The syllogistic rulers look down on those of the spiritual as mere kinesthetic feelers, or white lighters. Without Mercy, even the dark world would collapse, as most are duped into Hell, having lived good and productive lives. If you are not being treated fairly now, then why would you think the agenda would ever change. Many have to be face with consequences of painful and dire measure, to become better. Fear, can change a soul, but only the most pure and willful of intent, thus the recognition of this existing in one man, one god, one spirit, in totality, as the supreme and blazing true glory to all, becomes essential for validation of perpetual life.
Mercy is the measure that shows the SS as erred. That is a forcing of Purification by the impure, is only a gesture of retarded good will, yet is ploy to reset the chaos order machine, a push towards totalitarian control, the changing of the guard, which is still in effect today.
Compassion: Jesus could have done anything. The Apocrypha struggle with this fact. Thinking "what would I do, with all that power?" Yet, with superiority, comes a refined attuned and sensitive, multidimensional outlook, and thus, and inward journey... those consequences of all thought and action, when in the supreme seat/throne. Compassion says just this, to see all perspectives as one moment. No one today moves forward in our world economy, with a truly developed sense of this. Compassion is so essential to the mixture of the pure and perfect being, that it is nearly all that keeps this one from annihilating everyone. Jesus sees something in you, he will not give up, he makes you better, he projects the narrow road into you! Without his perspective, the world becomes dark, people become dark. I have been to the outer layers of Hell, and I have lived, animated, but mechanized in this place of final judgement. However, I feel the Illuminati has begun to tamper with peoples reality projection as to what is truly heaven and hell...they exist, as does this seeming middle place or middle world.
Passion: I nearly thought to leave it out, but it became so essential. This, the 9th, if you will. Passion turns the world. As Temperance, it can be used, by those of the left, or of the right. Passion is the driving force, that outburst of will, the radiating energy, the intense caring, and emotion in motion, the outpouring of a life force forged, directed and willed over space/time. Passion is that highest belief of a person, in motion. Thus passion be what is stripped from the people, as misinformation is all the education we have. Passion becomes the call out of eras, demanding those ruling factors to finally step down. The arrow soon points in haste, to thy neighbor, as that order of chaos, plays Brother against Brother, and so one through family and community station titles and members. Passion will get you killed, when it is directed with malice? More so, Passion will get you killed, and called insane, when one can not see the fight you are so aware of. We look back at events, and soon realize, but far to late, "I should have been there, I should have contributed, I should have fought beside them", yet the information was kept from the Masses, now used in a different way, to defeat the passion.
Trust: Jesus placed his trust in us. We killed him. We would place him in a mental hospital today, and put him on a list of pharmaceuticals. He would rot, outside well manicured application of technology in community today. the unpleasant unsightly truth. So I would personally love to see the entire series of dominoes fall, every line, every angle, society, the elite, the Illuminati. I start the fight, proclaim the intention, with this original language of Principle, and place Trust in the fact, that the message has been received, and the motion will be continued, if the intent be what Jesus as Lord proclaims.
There are thus different concepts of Jesus. Most use Jesus as a temporary application not different than the artificial life which they have become falsely accustomed to, today, a heavy reliance on the illusion. It is, I find, essential, to see through thus, different eyes, a new and multi-dimensional perspective, and learn to think this way, unlocking abilities, of that multifarious mind.
These are the sub principles. The Principles are more direct, and you should use this as a study guide.
What do you think about Jesus Christ and his gift/view on those main EPL Principles such as:
The world of what if's has to stop, else we be consumed by them. Yes you were forced to be impure, and it was not fair, yet Jesus alone, gives us that Principles standard, for which EPL would not be manifest, without his special gift to us. Spin for positivity to once again rule, will a pure future of your children's children, do not listen to the emerging agenda, when they say this is their main focus, it is a lie.
"We spin for the return of PURITY, knowing we are not, thus, Jesus remake us!"
We have all been attacked, let's take away the comfort of this hives home, and change THE TONE!
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