
Sunday, October 5, 2014

EPL-Mekan-3, "The Galactic Religion, as we head out into the Cosmos"


Bring the Title "Light Bearer" back to it's rightful place!
No more Piety!

 The attack came at night, as the evil do. The attack, which I first new of Satan, as I had already defeated Lucifer. Satan, with his temptation of knowledge, but first the intimidation of with false knowledge, that which is opposing God's Wisdom. The twisting of principles, as to incite law, where the principle holder is, law is no needed, nor a need to respect it. The laws will keep one small, on a tight rope, as with Jewish law, the Witch is constrained by her own law, then and finally the absence of principle is the final sentence. All who are evil, adamantly break these principles, by inducing anti-principle. Into the darkness, with signs, and you will see them as a sign. The inundation of information. the media demons, who consider themselves to be like gods. For even the greatest of men have relied on this tactic, of exploitation. Jesus was very careful, and when others used this media against him, this is when they new of him. Assistance was the goal, to show man, that the son of man, could indeed be inhabited with God's light. For so long, the evil within man, and evil without, fill him, with a self destruction, that was and is the lie, that only filth can take up this space, all that void, within man, within the molecules which make him up!

 Money, a demon called Mammon? I say that care and thus earth credits be far different than money. You call it what you wish, and I will to have prosperity, unadulterated. Thus earth credits must be used in a flow of current system. We need to project ourselves to the place of prosperity, see what this building of opulence can do for others, absent of media. This is hard in this world, as there seems to be booby traps placed everywhere we look. It must, thus be you intention of care, and Care's placement, which you hold an esteem of not feeding the lazy, but assisting THE ONE MIND. The one mind, needs your help, to uphold EPL principles. Thus, those under the title Satan's attack, who at a time very well have taken on the title of the Light Bearer, or Lucifer, must be helped the most, EPL earth credits go to assisting others in exorcisms, and taking on the demon world head to head. EPL, does not stand behind a facade like the Catholic, Jewish or any other modern day religion, we are to go head to head with Evil. Jesus Christ is our assistor in this, the Angels, the Elders, and our frequency like's (those of the same mind, the EPL Clergy). Thus the Light Bearer title is what we fight for. I believe the Illuminati, and the Masonic order, along with the other sects affiliated, to be the promoters of Satanic Energy, The Eye, and thus the knowledge, having also taken the title of Light Bearer, during the destruction of Zarathustrianism or Zoroasterianism, in 333AD. There was a fight, and the title has shifted, moved. You see, we are in the Sun, we are a part of the Sun. Our intellect comes from the Sun, and the Sun and it's energies respond to our intellectual involvement with our highest estimable values, which EPL makes simple, the EPL principles.

 You may want to look much closer at titles, and that a name is a title. The One, not meaning just one but ONE MIND, can have a name and a title as well. There are many, many names for Light Bearer. I do not chose Lucifer as the name, nor any other direct connotation for this. God is not a title, but a Lord is. God, we call in EPL, THE ALL, which is everything, nothing removed. We thus have an obligation, as if mitochondria existing within God, to do our part at removing the waste, producing the current of energy, cleaning out the filth and dirty anti[-principles within us, without us, and making the world a better place, and thus, radiating this out, as a true Bearer of Light must do.

I would like any who have access to making Jewelry, to begin making EPL mantras, as well as any one with silkscreening ability to make shirts with the EPL sign Infinitum Secretiore, the infinite separation means that we are willing to be separate from the hell, from the filth, from the error, from the sin, and that we relish the infinity! We should then begin to build the church, the recognition of the clergy, the shrine, the sound center, and spread the EPL doctrine, first creating a solid text, from the many blog journals, and editing them (need assistance on that). The earth credits would go toward building the clergy, and thus fighting the evil. We would take on the people of other sects, other beliefs other churches, who need a true and pure place, to be active! The wisdom of God is calling out, can you hear him?

All "money" would go into creating a non-profit organization, a religion. The money would have to be designated goals of active achievement IE how much the sound center would cost, reproducing the six solfeggio notes in separate units, a six tiered building, with frequency matched sound resonance in each spherical or circular based "pod".
 Making the EPL symbol of Gold, with a small diamond in the center of the cross, is the goal with affiliation. Frequency will be a huge part of the worship aspects. The weapons of truth will be used actively in clergy meetings, and these meetings, along the EPL SOUND CENTER, will be used always, even when it is night time, people need a place to sleep. Have you seen the waste of churches, all around the world? Taking God's property, his real estate, and having it sit vacant, idol, for most of the week, till Sunday, or a brief church meeting? EPL should also be active in promoting diet. The ROKbodhi 123 diet and the Kata, which has not yet been released, is a crucial aspect to the use and awareness of the physical body, yet how the spiritual energy be released as well, placed toward the higher good.

Also to be initially donated, would be a proper website, which allows active downloads, purchases, and more. Become involved on the ground floor, as clergy member, if you have faith in the EPL methods. A computer generated, three dimensional color sphere spinner, with matching frequency to color be essential, as a learning tool. This could very well also lead to tapes, with the EPL Color system. We need tech minded people, who are interested in lighting EPL on fire! Then speaking, motivating, traveling with the EPL brand, making the world a better place, as we, humans, begin to branch out into the cosmos, not taking our filth with us!

EPL, let's produce opulence, let us actively fight the evil, and win, no deals, the fruit of knowledge can be eaten best by the pure.
Infinitum Secretiore

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