Many don't assert that a title is a name. The name we bare, becomes our title, our title becomes our name, our deeds. Thus what a person is capable of, having held the title or post, he is called. At one time for example the title Blacksmith, carried with it a name sake, to the individual, which referenced this. I looked up my own name, some time ago, and the meaning of my last name, Masteller, from Marsteller, also Mosteller, means Keeper of the Stables or Horse Stables, for example. I do not keep horses, as with my possible ancestry, so the title, or name no longer applies to me. I am thus, of another name, or more so title, which represents who I am today, who I have become, what I do, and what more so what I stand for. We only, in this society, carry a some what superficial name, which is be tied to a fanciful choice, by our original guardians, when we had no ability to name ourselves, nor communicated with who and what would be written. This can feel binding, and a parent should understand, that when a person takes on an occupation, a developed ability, the name is the title, and the title is the name of that person.
Lucifer is the title to the light bearer, the one who bears the light. Satan, being the resister. When resistance appears to bring the greatest light, or, when conflict or war produces the goodness in people, which otherwise people tend to steal and attack one another, privately, in polite society.
Seeming to go off on a tangent here, I want to talk about the fall of angels, which are those messengers of god, the meaning of angel. The Nephilim were seduced, this goes on deaf ears most of the time. I personally believe that Jesus Christ, meaning God in salvation combined with the anointed one, was breaking the witch craft done on community, man, society. The original female, was not infused with an intellect. When the Nephilim, engaged, the fall, the DNA mixture, but more so the spiritual impurity of power, created a sub-race of people, these were referred to as the Rephaim. I believe that the number 13, which is the typical coven member, as well as the number of disciples. The witchcraft done on the Nephilim, in seduction, is often times overlooked. Think about the time we are in today. A man does not crave a woman, unless the woman has revealed herself, and with her energy, aimed to seduce a man, or man. This alludes to Jesus calling himself, the Son of Man, because the Son of Man would imply that Jesus had to go through the impure DNA labyrinth, as a Man born of people. This creates a lot of subjectivity, as with much of the debate, lasting for hundreds of years, after Jesus life and death/resurrection, as to whether or not he be called "deity", which means supreme being, being having the title of life or living, supreme being a reference to that held and continued higher mind. The females wanted what the "god's" had, and they still do. The best part of reading history, is to reflect on the fact, that principles and the breaking of principles, do not change, these can be called laws, yet in my opinion law only need to be instilled, when the lawless are present. There is a supreme being, or existence, absent of the lawless. The Rephaim were considered to be the giants, and the giants would have no laws which bound them of lesser peoples. Remember that though there have been skeletons found, which are purportedly up to 60feet, there are references in the bible of giants being as large as 6.000 feet (Bill Snobelen ), these are biblical text, supposedly. So we have the seduction of Gods, in Genesis the fall of woman, prior to her introduction of the fruit of the tree of knowledge. Women now using craft to enter high government. The Masonic god, is truly the combination of beast, man, women, as Baphomet. The theft of DNA, with no principle understanding, only having it's lust in the origin of power, is how the female humanoid, gained the supreme DNA. talk to any male family member, any friend, think about your own life, Woman are evil, once you get past the "act", there is nothing redeeming about any of them. When you are not complying, they will do craft on you. The friends, or support systems, they crave, and must have, else they control and isolate the male in their lives, shows a predisposed and embedded programming towards building a coven, this is how they work. Greater evidence comes forth, displaying the engineering of modern peoples. The bible, though it speaks in code, states of this amenity between woman and serpent, but does not speak of this with other beasts, persay. The obviousness is mind blowing, that women are placed within a society to finally destroy any source of supremeness in man. We look further at the Gospel of Judas Iscariot, eluding to Adam as first man, and Adamas, the self generating Angel, as a descriptor of these "first times". We see that the fallen angels took human form. From where did the composition come? That is, where did the bodies come from that these spiritual beings usurped, towards establishing a physical body? Remember, to view these events, in much the same way as our natural science works today, try not to create a fantasy or a time of folklore in your head, whilst pondering on this subject. Remember that Jesus spoke in parables, leaving this knowledge to the esoteric, the few. There is a trust, trials one must go through to reach the pinnacle of understanding. Remember that the anti-Christ is said to be free from the passion of women, or the want of a woman, intellectually, and then spiritually past them. This points more to the Siddah, being passionless, the formless ones. Thus man kind is an abomination, and the antichrist is said to make an attempt at bringing peace, then turned on man kind, and thus to usher in Satan, to take those who have shown themselves as unworthy, to the underworld. Thus the Christ, and the Anti-Christ have the same goal, do they not, yet working as a sort of balance, a revealment, of a polarity.
Woman are the medium to principles existence, and thus do not exist, in infinite purity, without first becoming a man (as many codex state), meaning to be of principles. The highest esteem, with any holy action must be service to God. Just as the Christ stepped in the way of Satan, or the destructive force, the resistance towards good, purity, the anti-Christ steps in the way of bodiless formless destructive spiritual forces, and becomes the body of destruction, a crux, axis or focal point.
Our existence has become one as to contain this drama, this unbridled passion, this unpeaceable and principleless way of being, brought forth by women. Women, will come out of the wood work, to get in the way, to aid to stop you, as a male, from achieving the higher mind, the mind free of them, the passionless mind. I however have noticed, that the laws of spheres, or separation reveal the division, that purity must be continued and applied with whilst the division exists, with these interpretations of separate and dividable principles of light, for the now.
1. quarrelsome, hostile.
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