Stellar Mass
The White Horse
The warning sign
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In this time, Stellar is cast into a life he can not escape easily. The Potentials have thus, reduced into nearly one. He feels the sadness, in one of the very last life times he must close. He isn't sure what to do next, and is thus reaching out to the FATHER, for answers
My aspiration should thus be, if not wanting to further root in this world, and what this world has brain washed me to do, think and feel, thus be of that greater glory. I must then, creatively approach, with an active imagination, The perfect world. I would begin with a day. What type of house or dwelling would I choose to wake up in? I know I do not like to sacrifice things, nor kill trees, and since science, by way of sacrifice offers these things (3D printers, fabricated anything)..the knowledge that we are most likely not 25 years left outside the statements of current technology, and not 50 years, but most likely so much is available, and has been, that we have only to demand, these resources be available. How do we do this, when we lobby it goes on def ear?, We are then subject to further observation, and then the attacks come on family, psychical warfare. It is our minds which are being thus held captive. We however, have yet to demand all that is ours, for "Satan", at his core, must have done it all for community? And so you have yours. and I have mine. When united, the imagination becomes the most powerful weapon, it is the very gift God gave us, above the Angels, above everything, think, know, faith!
Well, due to my well above average aptitude, though met with many hardships in life, my mind became the stable force, but only in my darkest hour, did I see, that God, and the Angels are quite real, I often block out the events, as to filter the awe shocking reality. I am becoming more comfortable with the fact, that the world had to destroy me, before I would rise to my own status of power, from within, whether or not I am further discouraged, machinated against, withheld from any post, or success be stripped from me yet again, having given my best, and noticeably been of the best in all the trades I endeavored on, then I am left with the knowledge that I must continue on, to cultivate myself, and if the mental aptitude, and "mystical powers" are all that I am forcibly "allowed two build" then I will build it, and it's antithesis, due to the intellectual understanding of natural balance. I thus am open to all the sphere of Pro PRINCIPLE properties. I am once again at the open market thus, after nearly leaving due to not allowing me service, I become with the mind, the patron of honor, wherever I may go. However as soon as I absorb this, have a smoke, a drink, a thought that be rooted to such craft, I am dimensionally back, into another zone. It is again, when we are in alignment of other forces, that there becomes an open flow through. This is why there are only certain people who can see things. We can, with love, be deceived by spirits. As those we love, if we are to place them to high, becoming the EGO sphere, and not given directly to God, we become afflicted, as with they. We must assert thus, principles that always keep us in alignment. I developed my own, and constantly modified them. I was pushed to the limit, and lost my force altogether. I was divined gifts, that would seduce any man I know. Music, Women, Money, and Fame have been laid at my feet. I destroyed that self, and it is painful every day. I absorb the pain, relish the destruction of my hard earned accomplishments, they did it to me, and so I did it first. I did not sit idol, I developed my mind, and took back, every day still, growing in ability, and influence with the correct people, who are also focused on more than a small Satanic introduction to life. It is truly small, and shows only a very small brained angel. I absorb the power, that was taken, and tell you there is so much to be known, seen experienced, outside this plane of limitation. Do not go searching into space, nor look in the eyes of other lost worldly people build true principles, connect with truly positive people, of the same mind, and instant of watching things break down, and be sacrificed, make them grow. Become the active mind, build the spheres, move them in your head, always fill them with positivity, work the weapons as you are attacked. When enough people get on board it will build on itself., The goal should never be worldly power, but pure community, if we are indeed capable. There should be no jealousy, because we should be wanting all we can for ourselves, in the form of health, and happiness, and thus will this for others. This is a long known knowledge, thought it was rooted improperly in The Secret (book RB), based on The Master Key System (Masonic CFH), and was directly taken from Morals and Dogma (AP). The purity factor can not be left out, and the things we truly want, have to be exacted, as does TMK begin with, but traces off, into anti-principle based concepts, feeding back to the universe, which is another name for Lucifer. Be exact in the God you worship, The God of EPL is Jesus Father, yet far above the current slanted Christian God, and more so Jewish God, which is always again going back to Lucifer. I except no lesser life, no lesser God, nor lesser aspirations that to be my best, and shine for God. I believe the MKS, as I studied it for years, and it states there are no shortages in nature, that all is abundant, and this is true. We do however need to learn how to care for what we have. and so, we are tested. I am, right now, expected to rise from nothing again, and I will, as I have done before. I own the ability to rise from the ashes. I have a voice, expression, a name, Barry Dean, I have health, ability, strength, focus and faith, is my strongest asset. These things all require maintenance. If I become limited in my scope, the spheres, undeveloped orbs, I become slanted, uneven, and lose the base of my support. I will be tested, and the mechanism which be allowed to test me...read the Bible on that, as well as other doctrine, why Satan exists, is because we do not take care of our own shit (excuse the term, but it's true). Yet when we begin to step out, to care for others, and are thus attacked, we are doing a service to the community, and now Satan is thus in breach of his own code, doing this for community. This being testing us, taking from us..its is shown that he seems to relish it to much, and shows his ace. He wants power, and feels he has earned it by becoming so great, that he can not longer see as we see, if he ever could. There is only jealousy, when we do something good, instantly manifest with others who do not follow principle, so I can see the origin always.
These are massive weaknesses for a so called "god". Makes you wonder how something could be so boring, as to create the most exciting things in life, which are always so mundane and the same. Sex, Drugs, Music, Violence..the same thing over and over again. When purity is breached of first craft, it opens a current for YOU TO TAKE THE POWER BACK. I hope you hear me? What do you think that great men do to become great, use their minds, their ability, stretch themselves to and beyond limits, even dark men, have to go through the labor, the effort, of struggle, they are the ones working the machine. God assists me far greater than the toxins I have felt when using high level natural craft. I avoided it my whole life, but then, noticed that other were actually feeding on me, living off my energy. I now know, that it is not a sin, to take back or protect myself. I offer this as a service, this is the best advice you could ever read, this information can change the world, and it makes one wonder what the anti-Christ propaganda is truly about? As I feel that peace can be established with EPL, I feel that an order of goodness could be based around this, and protect others, so is this prophecy, by assisting others, am I now considered this abomination?
The new world order was told to me, as well as anti Christ. The moments were dark, and my dreams as a child were warning not to open doors. Yet with these principles, teaching who God truly is, the peace that can be reached, and the purity we can achieve, am I evil, in that I may not be looking at the unknown technologies, or what things will be like when we all reach god like status. I am this ubermensch, I am this one. But truly the one, so what, I was never to harm, I was harmed, and afraid of my power, my entire life. At 9 years old, I was shown it all, and it was to great for me to handle. I was already so seduced, destroyed, and advanced, abused, that on the knowledge of my life before me, I decided to stab myself. I held those knives, trying to press them into my stomach, and not able to destroy myself. I asked for help, but was only told, by holy forces I am sure, that death would be the only way out. The anti Christ, I am pro Christ, though I fall short of this one. I place all my trust in the perfect man, and the perfect man is no who people think is perfect, the perfect man is the one, who could be destroyed, over and over again, without anger, rage or malice, I have rage, rage against injustice is still rage, rage and wrath against evil, is still not of good origin. I let them slap me, though I could have fed off of their very source until they were dead and gone, I knew this long ago. I am the one who is the keeper of the stables, I am am the one who rides on the whits horse, to save the world. The evil is good, the good is evil my friends. The world was already destroyed, and for one to come out of the time loop, and make any changes now? A price must be paid, for all our sins. I opened it up, a perfect child failed. I am to blame, I am the one who opened the portal, and the ripples went out. I see through time, as only a fabric, I cry for my ability, as it will never be pure again. I am in am in angst of my ability, as it is limitless. I can not give a little, or try a little, I am a being that must shine on. My shine is tainted, by the the spirit that tainted a perfect soul, and I am fallen, Father I am fallen.
It is Hell, awaiting my sentence. I am guilty of the crime on not seeing how great I was, when I was at first, a pure one. I should have pressed on, harder, but the abuse bent me. I hated the weak man, who was my Father, and watched those weak souls prosper. I should have aided and assisted, as the Zoroaster, we pure ones are not forgiven for other spirits influence or slights. I am the weak one of the bunch, yet more powerful than all of you here. I am the anti-Christ, and have been hiding myself in shame, my soul in shame. The beauty, the perfection, the limitless potential I was offered, I shamed my Father because I hated the man who was my afflicter. I was tested and I failed. I feel that the time loop, has been a great injustice, in that, we have to go back through. I am not sure if suicide is the appropriate thing to do, but the next time through, I hope I can do better, and thus, I hope there is better offered.
I create a loving' father, who did not do heroin at 13 years of age, I create a craft free Mother, who's Grandmother was not a witch. I create a family, that sees my potential and exalts me a they should. I create a loving me, that would treat them all like gold. I would have tried harder, if they tried harder. I pray for evil to have not been so prevalent in my life, or in this country. I pray that the time travel, had never been done in the first to have been our space time resistance, and flow. The material reality is hardening, and growing stiffer, can you feel it? It is no longer fluid, not longer of the firmament.
Still under edit
Stellar's inner thoughts
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