
Friday, February 13, 2015



He who exercised the will beyond saints, he who wrote the words to save a soul, be evil? Teacher like Albert Pike?
You say the elite Mason's be evil? Then read on

We all die, by your hand, we seekers of All Truth, penniless, proven inept by the masses. For only in our death, can you trust to read us, thus the time be passed


You did not see my purity, the Purity of All Man. To busy protecting a self, when you have not become a self. If you had, you too, would hang on a cross. For which All Great Men, have thus a cross to bare. We must be discounted, rejected, to be excepted...Chaos, Order, Chaos, Order....

So which one brought you to your knees?

Was it Chaos or was it Order?

Oh, you have not got there yet? Well, when?

We have turned the clocks, surrounding Solomon's seal for quite some time now, in fact to repeat it, again and again, until all it's fiber now be bent, like a mesh, that can not come together now, to many seems. Which is where I come in "Hello I am every Man, the one that always be, the one whom resurfaces in all spaces and places thus, the measure of your time!" "I live like a barometer, within your place of longitudinal time"

I am the one given all power, because I am none, thus part of the whole which is one, the only whole there be, truly...this is the one for which you seek!

Read, and measure those same lines
As it be seen in time-

You pound your head, saying "it makes no sense, it makes no sense!" but it is strangely I, who am left to turn your twisting wound. The truth, creates panic, panic creates the truth...chaos and order, chaos and order, is all you ever knew, and will ever know. We must then create another race, they say, to bring forth ease, yet the quest was thus foreseen, Now you say, it is the Angel of darkness, which creates a ethereal world, within a vacuum, which will at once, with the proper tilt, pop, and never to have been, nor you sorry souls! Precisely why you are not in the Pleroma, and never will be. A statement was not made as such, but the fantasy of heaven was not enough, to make it real, so to display who and what you are. See in all time, I do, and you are to be destroyed, hope is different from idiocy, incapable of doing anything but faking a surface smile, to do acts of saving as you caused one secret to perish....chaos, order, chaos, order...and so you, who collected ill fact knowledge say you are god? There be but One and he peers through all and any, for he is that which you call good, that which does not please you, which you call evil and much less and all much that you are but an isolated pre-thought, never to become the dream.

I am the Son, who sees no good in you. My presents, blesses you, as it curses me...yet you say this be the mark of evil? I can bless myself, by simply being like you? Yet in turn this curses you...then who am I? This is your quandary-

Then what act thus make him average, aye then what thoughts. "We should have paid more attention to him, wow!" Yet your elite did, and watched on, in fact machinated against me, from day 1, yet I prevailed to become, for the field was shrunk, and so it become a war, in a place that they can never go. So now they know? They do not, and thus proves what you are, is what you have become. True they made you, to fail, and fail you have, but one morsel of hope, could solve the mystery, one shred of inner goodness, found in solitude, not in busy community, for which you hide, like ostrich, among other ostrich and call this a class of peoples?!

Selfish, without a self...oh the dichotomy, a personality, assuming will, not even a 2 dimensional cog in a machine, and so you think the halve part, can project and become the whole? Thus another leader you turn to, who is not without knowing who they are. Cold blooded, they are who they are, and meet there areas thus, though in Pi. You would call them evil, but they see the evil in be given brain, which be the balance, yet the EM pulse stays in those places of hormone taint, reaction and relative sight and malice say you have patience, that you have finally earned a degree, but let that degree of learned foolishness, each moment of thoughtless thought, count against you in your greed, oh women of the night, whore is spite.

You are an error, when you do not worship a True King, who is also Buddha, he is the decimal, which you mark without care. Making a mark, not knowing, nor caring, as foot prints on the sand, like pollution in the seas. Thus isolated you are, as you who turn on your True King, who has constant mentoring by God's, Men, and Elder's which you would destroy, if before you, as your kind. You do not know, you can not know, thus you must be ruled.

To destroy you, the personalities wash back up again, yet we have tried, an abomination you are. Yet it keeps falling back on us, that you having been past the point before, so we make it more painful each and every time, so that you will learn. Not even the slow torture of you, nor unlimited Love can teach you, but forced unity, so we make war, as to instruct that which can not be destroyed. Perplexing, for the one who feels the moment, and makes it so, so trapped and tortured, as the decimal point be. trapped, yet the source, all mass, yet to have those numbers on both sides, seeing only their own division. You are a personality! And thus will always be! Now work! Not for Money, which be but a training tool, see that there be no separation NOW!

You are a piece in a machine, and the test...when we do not come together this time, which is what/wat you avoided, again...the time may finally be removed, somehow, using laws of re-disperse-ment that I do not know, until the moments come. You say 2034, as if you know? But 2021 is your final time...the crawl does not count, but in your sorrow, your final truth be count. If it does not add up to 61.8%, no Divine Mercy can be shown. So I must go on, though I would love to through myself before a bus, or show my painful sorrow, to the Uber Gott, through the eyes of Lord and god's. I have been done for some time now, as the repeat makes one nauseous, as if  about a small boat, as leviathan swims to pluck aways the average Son.

You looked at each grade, to closely as you aliens don't miss a beat, but missed, that I should fail miserably at life, yet to get a D-, due you, and your compounding against me, to test? Yet that only resounding A's are thus given to those who make it the end, which there shall never be, for I AM, a one, the grade was given, by all those who now knew, high above, as to not be disputed...61.8%, for the Spirit unto Man, which now be a soul, who commands as the King, which you pass by as nothing, saying....he has no personality....and you would be right, for to project, as to gain your affirmation, as dolls, you are to me...Dolls!

Do not begin to explain to me the many odd reasons the Sun can not be viewed in space
One of the most revealing posts I will make is this here-

As you, as the mind peers through space, passed the division, and hails the unit, which be but replicate, in cross, Y's, which are, spheres, being pushed and pulled, but yet, who/what dictates this designation of direction?


Always in each word, heralded by division, being the "decimal point in math", as to allow the next construct to take place, as a piece of carbon, which broke free, now radiated, from it's death doomed host. The lies, the labyrinth, all is in reverse.

The Stellar Mass
1300 hours} by 1pm the true Stellar Mass begins, pray, be as 1, undivided not Man, not anything but the Mind which pressed you forth, the service.
2100 hour}The point where Phi looks back unto Phi self, THE MIRROR. 3 hours point the yield as the same day repeat again.

Gain a closer look, by way of degree, ever close, as we do. We see that that little dot, which was so looked past, is a sphere, a world, not unlike this one. We see that the numbers are floating around it, and repeating the event. The substance of this world as thought draws in true form, MASS.

All one has to do, is look at the two corresponding sides to any sphere, namely seen as planet before our eyes, truly perfect prior to the strain of mining. Which side is the left, which side is the right? This reveals your true nature. Are you looking out, from inside the prism, inside the sphere, which has no end, madly they ponder, for they too, look into the mirror of reflection. to letter the mind sore, and the event, the moment breed into flight.

You laugh, but each "animal" before you took a vow of silence. Each animal had to reduce, as the decimal point, which has such mass, as heaven, so do the numbers, that is, all other bodies rotate about it. The mind is the mechanism of control, so they, who step in as teachers, torturers, murderers, guides...they being of the very fringe, that when you pray, the game is still on, more so than ever in fact.

 It is what be in your heart, which pulls more current, the store house of truth, passion......ALL THE PRINCIPLES OF EPL,


If these seem all good, then see yourself, and what your purity be. A mishmash way of thinking, where you love, what you can control, thus the impure (namely you) be the purifying factor, to your very child? I think not, I know not! But you, to yourself are god? Yes, quite so, you deny it now before the dark and evil ones, your very guides, pressing your eyeballs out, and into a furnace to KNOW, Gnosis, but you proclaim yourself still as God, blasphemy.

You show it now, as the craft is being ever watched, as woman proclaims herself a new species, superior to Man, and yet, she is Man Fallen, and so she does, worship, a god, allowed to mislead. They created Satan, they are Satan, and follow him thus. But if they only knew who/what was on the other end, of the receiver, in deep space, set about a planet, which be a spec, that you women pass by as nothing, insignificant, not having the phallus to pleasure you? Oh Man, how you have fallen.

Two halves, connected, the Pentagram and Hexagram make no sense alone, When combined, purity must be there, ever present. Then all shapes where, and will be in, within the sphere. Those magnetic opposites pushing/pulling at one anther, divided in space? No, making time. It's revolution, and the belt that it creates, is finite, and the heart knows it.

We are thus afraid, when the ferris wheel stops, when our ride ends, for we view form 2100 hours always, peering from the darkness, as time reflects back on time, and in the center, another day.

I am a C average human, a C average is the only way. Pull to much, and the stuffing comes out from the straw man, to much oil, and the Tin Man flails about. I am an amateur at everything, but a natural and you call this "jack of all trades?" as if a  trade has anything to do with it. I am able to sit at a piano, and make good pleasing sounds, to the ear which is not invaded by modern syllogism, which has not been corrupted. There is no lesson, nor no rule, in the taking of one side, in order that the other perish. So too, both sides do not stand in unity, yet they work together to create anguish. How afraid they are of my return, the mind that understand, personified in the average Man, All Man.

That they should not see, that it is in the decimal point that is the place, of all numbers which never lie static, as soon as one seems whole, the decimal is there, giving and taking still, at sub-frequency, and so, a fraction within a fraction. Always moving is EPLimath, that there is no such thing as static. For if there were static, there would be no initiate with the mind.

I serve none, yet all, for I represent, what every leader strives for, and thus must be seen, as Judas in the long, as evil. I am the scorpion which stings you, after of course, you thought to trample me. Kill me here, and I am on the other side, all side, all aspects, that you may think me as Black Jack 21..yet only one half, where two do not make a whole....this is the lesson, which ever moving Phi explains, as momentive force, makes appears as if numbers skip. To stop at light speed, that is, to envision, and thus visualize static, within the moving vehicle produces vacuum.

One day, to really listen, to my songs, which were made up on the spot. with virtually no prior, thus being writ. To see EPL and it's genius, yet to see the flaws, which are also meant to be, and thus the beauty, as we who are in the vacuum, must be incorrect, as to formulate a sentence, static, when Phi is well then on it's way.

One side draws in, One side pressed the center is the vortex, the crux, the source, which did not beg to be worshiped.

All power, me? Yes

But what would I do with it, as this power within a Man, leaves the Man suit exhausted. Focus on one point, you call this reduction, yet to grow wealthy from the isolated mind? This is not wealth to me. All quality I own, it is my birth right, when I died.

Divine Mercy was what the said to me, and so, I intend it. But to be merciful to those who see evil, which the vast of you do, so much beyond 61.8%, they had to make martyrs of you, to stop the evil and the end of times. You blame me, the average Man? Ha, I am only a measure of you?? Don't you see, that you wanting control, gives then this stubborn and rebellious control, to all components of you, for you as personality, are not whole but I am.

Average Man, made so by you, until I then made you.

God, me? A little nothing?

Uber Gott lives through me. And so, Albert Pike sat at my shoulder, teaching me, as much as Jesus Christ, for they push for the same...ironic

No two sides, two halves, pushing, pulling creating energy, locked in an embrace, where both demand freedom from the other. No Love can be known here, because the average Man is peace, tranquil...knowing and creating the Principles from scratch, and thus, the mind permeates without yet beacons from within.

All is thus philosophy, and so I see the Math. The numbers already turned to letters, the math thus is a wild goose chase, as the numbers were known, thus set to the algorithm, creating a tempo. One could also say Philosophy be on one side, the right brain math, as the decimal truly "divides" the math side, to the left? No, because there is no division, the decimal is the sphere, which contains all knowledge and thus the revealing of this energy flow, all flow, and where it go.


The decimal is....all I can say
One side reveals inward spin cycle, the draw inward, is a fight for who owns time, in the vacuum
One side must spin outward, the positive, to shine on other beings.

Saturn is the place that spins in
The Sun, all Sun's attached, are this spin outward

Why then, can we not see the Sun from Space? Have you ever seen a picture?
It should be blinding, the reasons are not good enough!

It does not make one bit of sense

The reasons are different, and are full of shit

This is the most revealing fact on asteroid earth

These pictures are not the Sun, I have seen enough NASA bullshit to know the out of focus shots, the optical illusions that are not obvious

Great when I answer this one in the proceeding days, I'm really gonna be fucked up ha HA!

The numbers must be wrapped around the sphere as well. The decimal specifying a center point to the perspective illusion, within the mind matrix. The numbers must thus wrap at specific intervals, and cover the entire surrounding of the sphere, which is the EM grid surrounding earth, but I can not see the outer shell, meaning there is a frequency block, set there for specifically me? Hmm?

Becoming very obvious of the synthetic nature of the whole thing, to cultivate a one?

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