
Saturday, February 28, 2015

Give it straight part 2


The strange events that occur, the very phenomenon between the heart and the head, represent and I believe collectively are, where this multi-dimensional war takes place. The head can only do craft, in a sense, the head which leads the heart. This can only produce the left hand path. The heart which leads the head, is the right hand path. Many will deceive, who have learned the art of deception, namely women, by actually not feeling with the heart, yet to think with it. This is the serpent at work, what is considered physical wisdom which is, in the highest degree of expression, the art of steeling ones heart, to gain their possessions. My heart was taken one time, in all my life, and it would not happen again. I found that my heart was never with the real person, but had been prior vested in the art God gave me to, in the taming of the body, with Spiritual wisdom. That is to say, I was fully vested and focused, the sex craft initiate, witch, did object change of focus trickery on me.

 When one realizes what has happened, and deductively, actively spiritually takes back what was stolen from the, for surely no man, in his right mind would freely give a woman anything, a real Man that is, a Man who knows the truth.

The body must be willed to be fit. The mind will go as far as the brain will allow. When the switch between these polarities, is done properly, one will understand what Thoth himself said, when he refers to the Head pointing North for 1 hour, South for 1 hour, each day, especially on Thursday. Our world is run, entirely by way of this planetary system, and it's alignment. It takes a moment of pure revelation to just suddenly realize, God is quite real, and not merely in Angelic presents, but perhaps, this may be the identity, or vestige suited so that they can see him, relate? Truth is, we don't know what to call him, so we call him God. Many ancient civilizations are completely confused on the subject, there very tribesmen and culture absent of the concepts of good and evil, saw only the raw energy of his eminence, clearly in those moments of blinding faith and reality of the situation, it was not a dull shine moment, nor a pony show, like the Fallen Ones put on, as they put on people, in a grand way, but was but an emanation of the true God.

He sends Angels, because of the utter fear factor involved, few Men, will still stand without turning into blubbering wimps for a life time, without it. He like hard Men, who have at least spent a life time knowing how to me soft, seeing now, with the soul, how it does not work on earth, nor in places even darker. A hard Man is the goal, and nothing in truth could be writ, by one who does not know the full truth, of this world, in shallow from at least. So this one God, gave us something by which we could relate. A living simulation, even to those who think they broke the simulation jokes on them, and it returns that way, in the afflictors very language, their cause.

 Animals are filled with Demons, the place must be blessed, with hard work. The woman is open to many forces of influence, and is a forcebot as such. She borrows genetic material from the Son, who is blessed, a thief of it rather, then to express it as her own? The Principle be lost, that is, the substance of the knowledge only passed from Son to Son, as all here are truly Brother's. One must get moving, to put motive into motion, in order that they should also put the spiritual drive into physical motion. The force can be built, culminated, grown, for quite some time, before the physical ownership actually comes into play. A balanced play must be instituted. The flow of force can not be spent as currency, but built up, drawn on, this I had wrong for some time, this is what the Christianity will mislead you. I believe it to be against the Father's will, to give vital flow, of living force, as only the Nephilim will every know what to do with it, other that a true Son, on the rise.

 God is seen, when Man is truly being Man. The forces of evil are thus those, who will by any means, keep this expression form taking place. A Man has the right, in a lifetime, to learn, unobstructed, unwatched, what it is like, to be a Man, the age of  this budding is sensitive and requires sworn care, one of the reason, I am given eternal power over Man, and beings which are of the unholy, they are but food to me, for they live by and through my emanations. I thank you Father Uber Gott, which is why I reached all the more higher unto you!

I owe nothing to anyone, they who place their will to collect on me, shall hereby repay the debt of charge multiplied by ten! Worth more than a rotten soul, I would say, so to let them be cast down, into a pit, is where my will goes next, if not paid in full, in haste you should find the means!

May the plan of the US, as well as other all other countries and their doom makers, gain a surprise attack to end this once and for all. Come forth Father, I urge you, against these Principalities, give us the pure doctrine, and the let the Population sore to 11 billion if we are happy in the make.

God bless everyone, who is working to be a soul. Down this day, with the "Afflictors/Afflicters" of Pure Souls, back into the pit you go, hey, where did they go~

Infinitum Secretiore
And can not wait till this division takes place, there will be peace in the valley again~

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