
Thursday, February 19, 2015

Stellar Mass "Higher thoughts of being" -Wonder Land


I carefully have observed people, how they do things, why they do things (as well as animals).
When intentions, of any act, as done for want, or that which is taught as the basic want of survival, only competition, and the track of competition lies ahead. It is thus, that society be set against the truly superior Man, from the first day, into that default of the strawman, that inter woven network of lies.

 Occult practices, are based on around the need to conceal, thieving from the fact that the average brain would not and could not assert, by brain I mean to say the idea of the individual, who only see himself especially herself as unique, for he very flaws. Perfection, strange as it may seem occurs at that precise point, when one is entirely guided by the truth. The truth, that you should spend you life, not unlike a cat, grooming your health. After all, it is EPL belief, that you are also judged, if judgement not be an instantaneous thing, on the condition of the suit, this holds inner and outer continuity.

 I am a work of art?
If I, at any time, holding these principles, and the ability to open up to the truth of Purity, see how I was contaminated and machinated against before my start, then to assert;

Shall I except this flaw, as truth, then to navigate about that which is untrue?

*This the female, thus society (as community is based around that object of the females desire), and thus money, is based around untruth, as money is a means to even things out, when in reality, the female has shown her gross negligence, at counting cards, and not learning the truth of what she perceives as "the game"

**Do you not realize, that if I were as weak as you, I would, what you call "win the game" in a matter of a moment. Yet that I should actually have the space/time accrued (lifetimes of serving toward Principle), and thus a lofty Soul, of which be judged in each moment. You petition thus before a committee of witches, demons, incomplete forms, then are only given advocacy, or truly thinking yourself granted by the adversary, in you misdeeds. I then, having such Principle, are thus rejected from society/community, deemed as a Christ "that which is useless to the cause of exploitation" yet they jump to conclusion, and say worthless.


Shall I take the hard road, that narrow road, the road less traveled, and see that this carbon build up of attached objects and things, the flaw of the Pharaoh's past, not seeing that eternal life can only be experienced, when you lose yourself entirely, yet to embrace the EPL Principles.

*Thus the above, held in contrary view, be said.

It has been a steady road of poor role models, which is why I bowed out entirely. Those who are held as great, have only been placed in those positions to stupefy the truth in those who first know it, then to forget it? Alexander the great, and his help from the silver fleet, a to then leave a mark upon the world, and the statement

It is thus better to be conquered as a person, and to conquer the world. But he does not own it today, and lives in such infamy in the annals of linear time. He thus proclaimed himself God and was assisted to do so, only to find, in the end, that he pressed forth only the incomplete form, which he was. Never happy, just like the message that resonated out, at sub-frequency levels, kill, destroy, sacrifice, for the gain of someone else's ideas of exploitation, rather than justly appoint the appropriate measure. You will find, that in you the Son you sacrificed, that you failed, and will gain not another chance, for this purity should have been protected, and not sold, for piles, of what will be worthless "money".

This is thus hell, to the Principle holder, only in so much that, the world of people, and never the force, is dominated, in that percent of Phi, by the Principle-less...who proclaim "We have principles, we just don't have the same ones"...will you then recreate the Fermion, and all existence? Thus you see the agenda, to create a Principle-less existence, those call "freedom"


"God is dead, only be spoken by those, who killed the god within them"

The slave is easier to learn appointed tasks, and is thus a good slave. He/she can learn anything, that the master teaches, and is well at observing. For the slave, as robot, does not question, but shoes morality, and more so virtu(e) be based around not Principles, but the ripple out of mere beliefs. Beliefs alone, only appose the country men, outside ones scope, to set one apart IE divide. So too, is the slave created, then further embedded with generations of breeding for such. In that any language, with any root, as long as "teacher" says it be so, is grasped with only the ardor stated by slave "I shall impress master more!"

Is this not the true story of K/Cain and Abel/Able? Brother's, because there are no Father's but the one. Kain be the first because he questioned, then took action, before he assessed his intentions, to offer up the fruits of the land? Yet when murder of an innocent, then the sacrifice of this blood took place, this god excepted the sacrifice? The god must see that Man be a murderer from his beginning, for the mere fact, that by his very physical existence, past first generation he is an abomination? That such a sacrifice, as said before is a statement only in vanity, for the Pure gift would not be done by the fruit of the hands (a physical act/deed; Masonic Virtu(e) ) yet be the pulling away from the production entirely, which be based only only further life, or blood shed thus commerce in community-

The answer has been there all along, only, the use of that which was got, by way of Anti-Principle, is not a worthy method to go about "life continuance"

I place great thought in this, which is why sin IE experience, be essential for learning, and to gain a soul, for one is forced into knowing by being received. We are thus first judged as spirit, before the judgement, un-merited be handed down, that one should serve in such a place. It is thus, the spirit of competition, or pitting those who are culminated forms of individuality against one another, in the heat of competition. Yet who told you that because those 20 "some odd" personalities run a race, that the true competition be got in the race at all? Because they do it?

 If you have learned anything, by now, it be this;

*For all reasons stated, in so many ways, on this site!

Yet they want you first, "they" being your first accusers, testing you, so that you surely fail...thus granting the two dimensional wheel more linear time, or spins. They want you first to do the opposing, the antithesis, the dichotomy of what they find thus that you are now without a paddle, then to make the statement, in final declaration, and to be thus "distracted in life until parting it" this;

"For at the least, I had a paddle by which to travel, and to navigate these blood thirsty fire lit waters, now doing the opposite, I am left without resources, cause or aim"

It is at this precise juncture, that a character, at specific points in your life shall jump out to reveal himself as the Jester (that one who is comedian) and says to you-
"See, you have taken life to seriously, I am happy in my ignorance, I have found a better way, by simply not caring, and thus to not justify why I do anything...I go along with the flow/currency"

Do you think I did not know this from my very beginning? That this, which I write, in a society, less a family, that was not paid off with the bartering with a demon, could not, by choice, value what UBER GOTT placed within me? Thus I became the point of judgement, that is;

The one born with wisdom a priori, who followed the code appointed to him, and arrived in sinful destitute, for he was made in god's image, by man.

There must have been a last morsel of truth seeking, in some form, somewhere, a that time of the event, or perhaps ,it was thus, that so much lying was taking place, in that second month of 1969, in the later part of the month. So 46 years from the inception, thus next February, is that fated date of death.

 The same thing happened over and over again. It became common for those to usher in that time repeat. Not knowing that the same Man comes forth, and yet a different soul each time be elevated above the masses.

This is what is taught, that not any man can or will ascend. Thus become an AscenTion Being (EPL). The one who watches, looks for, and then teaches what he knows of Principle, is the only salvation, and this is the only fact Man, more so, Womb-Man, the pleasure seeking version, based of instant gratification, must learn to assert to that growing and budding soul.

The Man who sold the World was Womb-Man?
Not likely, only the easily controllable weapon against all Man.
Was it then this Illuminati, or the contrary Mason?

Perhaps it was Devil?
The Demons?

No, it was, and is Man to this day, who looking at the divine, and given the key to this Kingdom, without first earning it, set about to proclaim himself God, or UBER GOTT

Losing the fact, that space/time is based around the sacrifice of service to UBER GOTT
Further, upon realizing this fact, Man set about to disprove this fact, of orbit. He moved Planets, bent time and space, re-invented everything, picked apart the closet...only to find, that he would repeat the same time signature, for simply, he is not the origin of creation, was not in the fiber of first creation, thus is not of the mind, nor of the mind of heaven. So the mind is that center point, which Man, in his first, natural yet now quite adulterated and un-natural form, attempting to breach. Yet over Billions of years, and the repeats of such, he can not cross the barrier, by his own will, and must thus lose it, the will that is, to impress a higher code, a moral or virtu(e) based code, on The All. For like a Malnourished flower, it will wither, but more so, like an experimental Particle, suspended in the solution of Man's idea of solution (dark matter/black Sun, substance) he is left back at his beginning, until the cycles, which he is most unaware, shall repeat no more.

Such is singular thought, and how it matriculates into form, Man, more so the Earth as a statement with Man occupying it's many forms, in Principle, as a sphere, among other spheres of expression, Be...the thought is either validated by truth, or is held untrue, and the substance of such, be thus stored away, until and EM pulse comes forth, washes it away, and the purge leaves substance for use, anew.

Stellar Mass
Higher thoughts of Being

*Thus, when one errors, he is merely, like the buckling steal, held in labor under such mass of worlds, bellowing out (as in the bellows that hang over such a city My Black Star/Sun). Thus the reliance on Wisdom, which is backwards learning, *the knowledge somehow came before the lesson, revealing a teacher, which can not be breached nor seen. We have thus to call ourselves sin suits, yet not to take on foot in the Jester's way, for we will then find ourselves in wonder land, the land not of imagination, but where the refuse lie.

ROKbodhi 321-123
** Thus, if this understanding were rejected by the form, I too would be rejected. I have identified the Principles as physical acts of the ROKbodhi 321-123 Kata. That stretch and exercise should be done, while the active mind is in walk, that is, the two minds must work as one, to a common cause IE movement, as nothing lies static.


Thus I offer my services, based around EPL techniques of Principle, in the ROKbodhi 321-123 Mantra "Form follows Function, and function into form"

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