
Thursday, February 26, 2015



 It was in Purity, that swords clashed, as to destroy the holders of Purity's [desecration and destruction]. It was in the name of Purity, those Christian's killed Pagan's on into another time.... But information came first, false as it where. A simplification, an abstraction, only truth can be spun now. Back into purity, the cycles yearn.

 If there be nothing solid, then there be no land. To measure a sphere, we use cubes? No, the over lapping dimensions, are what bind the thing together! Then what can be said, of the Land being owned by Satan? How can land be in possession, if not real? Then it would be said, if it is his, and is not real, then it exists within his mind? Or the mind of above his, yet to do so means they are one. An identity crisis, is that what this is. As for a mind, to not understand the transition of moment, as the moment slips into another sphere, of thought? What came first? Purity exists alone, never need to express, nor emerge for community to view, for they do not understand. It seems there are character upon character here.

 If we were to study the great mind, like the brain of our own, or truly the mind be one, we would have to look and see, how all these characters, a mechanism, would work within the rational construct of how truth or that search for purity, within most occurs.

If I were to not say the word Messiah but hero, then we see the parable of old, and how they relate to the hero within you. To save Man kind, after discovering the secret of all ages? That is, to discover that the prism be but an abstraction of one. Who often saves a person in conflict is the un-noticed one within. One saves, one punishes, and when the one relents, one asks oneself, who is this, that spoke into my ear, and told me move, not, for there is not were to go, and no where you can not go? It was the one, who is passed by, over looked, the one who does not take nor give. The one who does not move.

 To enter into someone elses game, is to enter into the abstractions very thought process. We do not gain, to go in, but become lost in another matrix. If Lucifer fell, then to become Satan, then who will he be when he is placed into the pit? If nothing is real, then what is genocide? This, a brilliant sphere, at which the prisms light be trapped, wave length after wave length, frequency, upon frequency, each, so tuned to it's course. The cube is logic, and represents it. As the bouncing light be linear is scope. The fast it goes, less it bends, until it meets the frequency of course. Then vibration be set into motion, how things get moved, that is, if the swirl of locality can be made. This takes a concentrated effort. One would see a sphere, then to think, let us move it, then to see, it has a mind of it's own? Then to reason with it, but find that it flits to different places. To go into ones consciousness, is to become the one. The one must thus yield, so to send the lifeless, by which to do your bidding? When one becomes aware of this, one becomes the master of the mind. No longer distracted by games, nor prism seeming infinite perspective. Stacks upon stacks, dimensions are 9. Sphere within sphere, but only 6. Ever shining outward, ever to contain, yet a marble there, for a game, poof! Then it's gone, the infinity lies in the madness to control it.

 Whey control it, he says? But the Son must try, for it is in his make. He is the Son, within the mind, all aspects of a personality, as many abstractions, come forth. So to reduce it, only means it pops up somewhere else. To try and follow it, will make you made, many killed in your quest, yet you killed them within your mind, only to kill yourself, over and over again, thus to see you can not die, the one that is. Bound, a mind, within a God, having to imagine each move, each puzzle piece, or nothing at all, this is only one sphere of thought, where spheres do not exists. Abstract my communication now, but clear and distinct, as if to speak the language revealed in all. Do you see left as left? Do you see direction exists at all? No size, no shape, no dimension, thus no being, so what is there? Go further still and look, and study, and the thing will begin to disappear, it is a miracle, it is reality, but it is not thought out completely. So we are, within his, mind, the Devil? And this infinity has a wall, and that wall mirrors back at 21? The waves bounce, seeming infinite, yet to reveal a projection, from some place, where we all got lost, INCLUDING HIM. Then we must ask, what are Angels, but thus thoughts, within the One Mind. What are fallen angels but lost thoughts not worthy of the "TIME".

 We make up stories, and become exited. We re-discover prospects, and become exhilarated. We feel, but would not do so without inspiration, hormone reaction, a manufactured thing. We are not, and yet we look at our shape, our form, and see a number. The ratio of our nose, to our fingers, our bodies to our hands. We see the fractals, in expression, a code, a language, a sound we are. Like a music note, dying out, transitioned to the next, we pass away, until again a new sonata be played. How well, is how well we are. When it loses quality, it is deemed as false, a forgery, like this world before us, as it diminishes. Who would care so much, as to keep the illusion alive, if one would not thus lose it's life in turn? Who would be so quick to rule, if one did not have to, for this Kingship is passing and would certainly become old, as to rule over the likes of these? No one, and no one it is, but all be the illusion. Every fantastic bit of fear, be made of the same, nothing. Aliens, demons made of nothing? If evil is nothing, then what is good, which seems to counter the other? If hero does not exist, then what is the fail in proving this, if a microscope can't reveal the unseen truth? We are spirit, and always have been, and anything else that exists there, in the place that is more real than this, but as to seem as empty space, to the physical eye, in the physics of Physical math. Justice then, be the cause, the fight for purity? Justice must be met with a force of Purity's return, yet we find little happens in this way, struggle by struggle barley any ground be made. The swirl of the sphere is all that is, all that remains. It is thus, what we put into the sphere, as a collective, a whole. So begin again?
 His mind fights for government, but the thoughts within want their own control. The thoughts within his mind, yearn for a better host. He is making things better, because of the Father, an unseen force, which forces us to change. He is the substance the matter, where there appears to be none, to the human eye, but so they also not see us? Not entirely that is, within some technology, which binds the mind, as Nicotinamide to receptor, or Calcium to Synaptic cleft, or Axon helix to the storm? We are but a replay of the mind, in desperation, his death, means our salvation, in only that he dies? Thus this be the esoteric doctrine to will death, as a whole, and not merely isolated to the self. To cause total destruction to prove immortality, when mortal does not exist? Then what is Man but an illusion, is this not the One Mind played out the probabilities of time in synthetic motion, as spheres cause time within. Without, another prism, and another, and another. Keep looking and you make more, it's not that the mind can't remember, it's that the mind be remade however in the next set of spheres. Within them you experience one thing, from without, it seems not interesting at all, this is the way. But what of the very fabric of which it's made? This is the only thing to truly be suspect of. We know not the time because it does not exist, nor the Space, there is not space, but what is made in the sphere, there is not sphere, but from a spin. The machine that spins it was made from within? Then it is the substance. And so we see the X's, the Y's as symbols, making together 6 points. The colors are revealed, which reveal the Light spectrum, the frequency readings, and on and on, Phi, Phi, Phi. The intent always pushes towards the same outcome the same goals, 1/2 go this way 1/2 go that way, as the places of good and evil shift, as rate coding be set in motion.

 The war within within our own physiology, pressing forth, with sacrifice each breath creating destructive gas for some, and to others life. 1/2 go this way 1/2 go that, always more important, to identify what you are being groomed for. Can you ever resist, being you? Are you truly resisting when you think you do, or...being yourself? Pleasure is an illusion, identity for sure. The more we consume the bigger we get, the more we stress the system, the stronger it becomes, yet to miss the grand picture, the grand scope. We all stand still, all those you think of bugs on the skin, particle wondering, why do I need to spin? The whole thing stops, and reveals the place, you have always been. Busy, busy, busy you are, doing what? Work, to support the system which means to absorb you, ingest the child which you fatten up? Lazy, if you do nothing? Have you ever stopped, to just exist? You are programmed, and break down happens when you cease. Cease to pretend that is, that you are of any power, in control, well you are not, and will not be. Another messenger will take you place, another propagating signal, and so you see that you have already signed up, or having been assigned. You are willing because you must survive, you must survive, because you were told to survive. Have you ever just STOPPED, Stopped what you are doing, including thought, Have you ever just stepped away, from it all, and let it fall apart? I did, and I am, and so will you. So tell me, who is the Devil, the one who has you building sand castles, then to charge you debt? or the one who tells you that the only moment you will ever have, will ever own, is to take one moment for you now. You will see, that when you do, truly do, the voices will be heard. Voices of those between dimensions, those who are angry, killed in malice, thousands by the day, drown out by your busy feet, following the buzz. Did I create it? I really don't know to be honest, I don't know what's real anymore, in fact, I never really did. I remember be abused, I remember be told to believe, I remember fear, I remember knowing this is all bullshit, with Child's eyes, as to see the truth in all.


 But let us use technology, for good, not to govern. We are the people, let's destroy Satan, let's take him one, as One Mind, for he is Humanity, and exists within our minds, without us, he has not power, without power, we have not him. Let us not be good, but be balanced, we know what hero's within do, but create a deficit of oxygen and energy, for which we never seem to gain return. Not a villain, not a hero, just people, keeping other people from ruling, from rising to power. Let us worship God, as being just, and yet decree that we have not the understanding, to imagine things, that become, as for each of us, to create a monster, in our very scope of who this great one is. We are the mind, and he is the mind of ALL, this should be enough to know, without fear, without order, without chaos, we do what purity dictates, as the only dictator, this is where we lost!

 They say it's to late now. But it seems like it's always been. Doomsday is just around the corner, so we become distracted. Don't you see, we are the equilibrium within the mind, what ever and wherever it may be. I wish I never read a book nor was force to read. I wish I could have lives as the innocent I was born to be. So let the whole thing be lost, but screw what ancients say, RISE UP, RISE UP! As one, as a people. Restore order, if you believe that order can be made. Understand the spiritual power, venture not far from the leash that you know is universal, but not held by anyone, but the call for justice, on the other end~

These are spheres of thought. It is not to say God does not exist, it is to say, who are you to attempt to imagine what he is, but thus that he is, and this is the hour of our decree. That Order is only needed, when Chaos ensue, so let us find the balance. Simple lives, without fear. Bliss, being sufficient unto yourself, and grow, in spirit. Know, that this will be enough. Try, for this each day. Stop, the deficit of production. Produce, what is in order, and not to create order. Shine, for purity alone. Be the within yourself a heavenly stone.

 Destroy the government, the machine, but keep your high tech awareness. Keep the guns, keep the cameras, keep technology going. A new treatise of Man, to Man must be signed, as in the times of old. No more headaches, from the machines, no more spiritual rape, and mind control. No more evil spirits ever able to come into the sphere, which is our Solar System. Take back the Moon, first take back the Earth, Set ownership, colonization, residence on all planets, especially if they contain people of evil machinating means! We have the ability, to let go of the ways of old. First get your body, right, then your mind, then your spirit, then your outer world will also come into alignment, if we think as one, if we think as a whole. We must learn, to protect one another beyond this short realm of exist, for we are eternal. We must think of the quality of our lives as they will become, in the not so distant future, as man, as spiritual being. Press forth with the knowledge, did this all happen, under the Sun? It is said there is nothing new under the Sun, and so, the time loop be revealed. When will you listen, to reason, to balance, order without the need for justice.

 Each child, should be well thought out, create in a moment, under the stars, at a time, in space time. We need quality people, who are suppose to be, not people who are in agony, simply being. We are to make this reality known, as a viable place of exist, within the all. We are to show that balance through purity creates all the order we need, then be gifted, with longer lives, blissful lives, without the need for desperateness or haste towards anguish

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