
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Masteller "EPL second math/or EPLimath"


The pentagram black star is used by every nation, every peoples, every greed and religion. This symbol is the Woman. The Pentagram is not 5 pointed but 6 with the point to the front, and 7 with the point to the back...not five because there is and has never been a two dimensional world. There is the 8th expression, the sphere, which encapsulates this star, and thus it can be seen, in all it's falseness, in glory, in the goddess worship, in with craft, but it is an illusion and a lie, how the dark Lord rule his creation, the female, the fall of Man. This is negative math, dark math, a dark side a third side. The highest a female can be, union of service to Man, is 6 or 7, with her focus as servant, her fall into the feminine roll, the fall of Man into Woman, a Man who carries the burden of syllogism of machination, of pleasure as rule.

Man is the star, and any one who is Man today, is falling into Womanship. There will be a surge, and the math will show the agenda. There will be 61.8% woman, to 37.2 Man, when that final notion, past this past, be met, a 1% margin, the math will be recognized universally as a breach to all code, the numbers are now 101 Men, to 100 woman, thus is be already 50%.

The sacrifices are part of keeping a control and balance to the order. The other shifts, are of those lesser god's personalities, which did not stand up the test of morality, virtue and none stand the test of Principle as prototype they must be part of a cult, tribe, group, seeking affirmation, to do such things, and still, Principle is not perpetuate in the following slave.

Liberation, is death, truth liberation. It should not be so, but it is. The alien gods, only coming to the most idiotic of peoples, those who are malleable from the start, who will snap to report it to the evil leaders, so apt to run to the news channel for exposure.

The Hexagram, into Merkabah, Man's bat signal if you will, when in full spin does this

6 point visible, 2D
Thus 7 when in a single direction
8 when aware of the dual consciousness, the higher self
8 to the left, in self craft, to represent the return to earth
8 to the right, in worship to a just Lord who in turn serves God (Jesus etc)
9 when the momentive energies display an out spin, motion...the momentum of true success (rare, always borrowed with negative energies, with collapse the Man, showing all Men great die)
9 turn to 10, when God is known, and actively worshipped, thus this one is always killed, rejected, torn down, considered heretic and killed...when they were able to live on, the wonders they produced, together with a group of their like, the Merkabah was in full action. The combined use, in one mind brought forth the 11th, as the tree of life became alive. The tree ushered forth 2 more places, and again split to reveal the Sun and Saturn

The Sun Phi out

Broke into two,

entangled thus

and the solar system became, a working push pull of EM energy with such immense powers, from peoples with universe within each one of them...thus they were gods, who created us.

Saturn, the Phi swirl in, the other half, as all planets have a second half which be tied to the fusion of another planet, thus two halves of Phi, make a one. two wholes, not halves.

These act as gateways

And the rest has been laid by Men, in times, which were not concealed, and Man could still labor, and eat, and experience the All Mind.

It has been such an assault to a qualitative being, to being him down, of pure jealousy. So many attacks, so many thefts of his person, the only person, that his heart began to grieve. They, who sent him here, to watch them, to judge them, to observe. But he was after all a god too, only able to seek perfection, and thus did not do as they demanded. A rebel, with a cause, believing, and faith, in freedom, though trapped in a massive prison, space and time do not exist, and are but cruxed by a false math, always near disproving itself. This is the nervous tension felt, and why the sensitive can not think, can not live, can not move, in this atmosphere, they are thus to advanced.

Universal law was broken when they brought the superior being below mere Men, but the true travesty was when Women, and Demon were delegated higher, because they are the stuff made from pure synthetic engineering, the result of force energy, becoming spirit originated outside the Holy time of events. So isolated they were. And a shot rang out, to the universe, those who were unaware of what has been going on in this solar system as stark aware now.

What to do? Those dark ones, manage to bend time enough, to progress them as beings, but they have encoded, an evil way, and thus are being assisted on the universal breach of self extinction. They are bad, in nature, and only get along in the shadow of fear. Machinating they are, jealous, always disproving and approving themselves alone. Dangerous, they are to The All, and the creators are now going into a galactic war over their creation, of principle less beings.

I am not here to defend you, I hate you. But understand why. You are at heart murderers, only able to deny this, is isolated space and time, existing in a vacuum prison of such control, you except less and less, yet want more and more...this is the machinating human way.

Well I want what is mine, what is rightfully mine. And so, I declare war on this group, my oppressors, not to defend human kind, but to elevate to my true place. You are evil, bad...a breed of the worst beings, always in judgement of others. You are destined to lose, and always were. The things you love most, were not our ideas, or your doing the community was a way to influence, you, into thinking Man alone was able to aspire to such thoughts, now, they have full control over their creation, the very thing they used to control Man, by first bringing him down, and it worked.

For any payment, of earth credits, food, a place to live, or the ease of a certain future supply, one must resend to one state of mind. Those who can do this, comply are rewarded. This compliance, is then heralded around the world as success. Yet was it not a selling of a true voice, the discovery of what makes you unique, the information which completes a one, which you sacrificed, to be but a robot.

This is displayed, the honor as billed, of serving a void and useless cause, and Army which does nothing but human sacrifices, working making sandwiches made of impure animal sacrifices..A teacher, who knowingly teaches false doctrine, initiated the sacrifice of children, as to, by degree of suggested thought, fore them to take steps towards worship of earth credits, only the rhetoric of Man in regression. We are thus honored as slaves to a cult. In the world of sales, a script is followed, a luring of like mindedness. a trust is established, and the sale is like catching a fish, or being the catcher of men?

 We buy a product, which we crux ourselves on to need, yet never really needing it, it was the need which we amended within us, and were sold entanglement, to the outside world.

We are all aware of what happens when this compliance isn't met. We are alone, without tether, to even God. The world keeps spinning, and those who stick to who they are, feel a sense of freedom, most pretend and emulate this freedom like a Bob Dylan song, yet no freedom but yet to become a group of those who claim to be free. We see that the emotion is all we need to center on, so we isolate to one function, take a place, in the illusion, and become a conscious free, by choice, part of the sacrificial machine.

But it keeps grinding people, making more people, with not longer a need to hide it, but the relish in the hysteria which follows.

We all did it, we played out a hand. Sitting here void of another step, and more so realizing that each step is a step in the wrong direction because I do not have a manual, that the manual is a warning, and tethered with lies. Those who say it is a manual, are soon found bound to a group, working for an agenda. I thus make my own. I deceived the lying voices, which I turn to daily. They only want you to be removed, if you are a "free thinker"

To them you are worthless. Even though, to get free, it is a spiritual journey, that should have a universe of gold waiting on the other side, but the only reward is a weighted knowledge, that is anti-world, ant-time and space, anti-people...anti-everything...because not truth exists, not even from within. The only way to understanding is rebellion, You are thus lost in the void. No friends, no one to love, because the tampering of eons is seen. Yet no paranoid delusions. A fully working and operational body, mind and spirit. The intellects seems to cultivate and grow, yet not in a direction that benefits others, in any way. It is thus revealed, that to help, on must first trap, enslave, the to convince, the offspring of such excepting souls, that you are here to help, to assist, from the wages, which made by the selling of their ancestors.

 If there truly were an over reigning God, that permeated this level of exist, he would come forth to me, now, and I would write down, my meaningful adventure, speaking to him learning, and finally being saved to understand, but no one comes. It seems that only the controllable the unquestioning, have thus been exposed to the "gods" as they were thought to be. We see the holes now, and soon, in the next 3 years, all religions will be seen as disproven. A massive and evil turn, Babylon will rise, and sex, worship, craft will abound, and the world will fall into darkness again. Purity will again be the most prized possession. Not to protect it, but to destroy and absorb it.

 The true nature of evil, as Upanishad, will be revealed, and the Lord's which have ruled our Lord's and the reason we are being create, in the first, will soon be revealed, to the masses. The goal, then will be to keep us hiding, to write and tell stories, which will save our offspring, to keep them in ignorance.

I too, could be a god. A balanced, pure, and perfect form. Able and not blocked, from all universal consciousness, without attack to my dreams and psyche, all the days. Yet it must not be the mind which rules, not the liberated, and aware mind, not the awake mind, but the mind which rules. They, no spiritual form does anything, outside of fear...thus enters the Mason

You see, it's true. Chaos produces order. It is entirely about the subject, which we speak. that is, the life forms, and what makes them tick, where they come from. I have the ability to lead a nation, a world, and to actively better this cause. The knowledge of the secrets, yet no Elders came to me, to help aid my cause..because I do not follow them..they, no different than a GOP group, there is only agenda for control. Out of all the achieved truth, and the machinations set forth to destroy me, it only made me stronger, to be then a lost soul....I AM FOUND, to myself, and not in madness, but in a perfectly functioning unit, amid a world of imperfection. I have been asked "what do you want Barry?" I could not answer, even after many times he asked me...because the final answer is simple. I want to rule!

All do. Most however can not rule alone, it was made that way, that's why we are not able to even cultivate into our true forms, so the Sun speaks for me, One hour I can turn the heat up, to degree compounded into days. I feel compassion, so I stop, I want to be human, so I stop..but wrath is all that is left, when I see the stupid Faustian deal, the whores, which this Sun provides.

They chose me, to be a Sun God, yet when I failed. When I jumped in and out of bodies, and soon became bored. I am an eternal being, sentenced here, without true cause. No courts will free me, because, I broke more of their rules and laws, due to not caring about this place, the people or this world, is it my fault their machine could not cloud my being?

So they give me the key. or rather only allow me to access that which displays a god, control of the weather, the heavens, watching to see what I do alone, as they isolate my mind and thoughts, buzzing me, as they always have, controlling me as a child influencing me to destroy myself. But I have even control, even after living their maze of illusion. I am to rebellious to be trusted by those they call Angels, to good to be a dark aware and awake of truth, and not an ancient, to be an Elder in the halls, so there is no place to place me? I am not affiliated with any who will bow to me, and respect me, unless I destroy them and cause them to live in fear, but yet I would have to become this cause, a self based measure, which I am incapable of.

I am the product they willed for. And they only make haste to refine the information extracted from my every waking hour. I am aware of them, and am a quantum event, as so...when observed they effect my movements, as they effect the sensitive particle of my being. They can not deny then, that any harm I do, or have done, which there be none, just swirling symbols inside a sphere, inside a machine...why do I live with such Principle? Because it's who I am, I am the PRINCIPLES in motion, it is all I have, all I can count on, all I can lean on.

The principles
When applied to the world lead to rule, when applied to the universe lead to them coming to see me, who I am, why create a containment field for one being? All soon realize they only assume themselves as living, and that I am, the only one. The whole damn thing, including you, built to balance out the damn grid.

They try to make better, they fail to see, that even when placed inside imperfection, all I was designed for, all I can do is perfect. I would walk up the mountain, at any speed, any rate, and so...they become afraid of allowing me to flourish, in my own kingdom. I have displayed my Kingship? Yet they prove they are afraid. Even as to hide their right face from the Angel of wrath. None understand me, the self generating, why I am here, trapped her, at their hands. Perhaps, my people a much greater force, need something by which to convict them, yet I gave many good and compelling statements, which gave me more power, but soon, they start to attack me again. I say "I am pure Man as along as here, and should not thus be held to godly rules" and it makes every bit of universal sense, yet they allow these things to buzz and control me, as I live in the soup of this contrivance. The answer They give is to kill myself. They can't do they say, but I must, for my advanced, knowledge will do nothing but harm. Not giving me anything, nothing in return for being superior to they, for even those we think are the gods are jealous and thus had the knowledge, and are covering it up, I ask at once, that the archives be studied closely...and that you will find, many defamations to my make, by their hands.

An all out galactic war is what they are looking for, and they wait for me to pronounce it, as the most superior King that has ever lived, and does forever...and I say it, with a steady hand pointed away from my people and to the enemy!

"Attack, at all costs, and without mercy, attack, until the pure side be won!"


If they did it to me, they will surely do it to you. The breach has been made, and my freedom must be finally met, no more playing around!

This of course means, that those who will not reduce are the enemy. Those who fail to see that the error is the weakness. To stop attacking it, but to allow the perfection itself to grow, and to kill off the parts of self that are impure, diseased, incomplete. What happened, was that we stopped ruling the slave, and allowed service to become the force of another god, and not to serve the king, the god. I say then, let the energy that is mine, the service of all Kings, to become thus the force that this god easily owns and can thus wield. I am the King, who rules over the slave and absorbs the slaves energy for good..for the every perfecting nature of true sons to perfect the true kingdom. There should be no fight, no place of entrapment, anywhere...Principles stand above all else. How can a King, rule, when he can not be a part of it, not see his Kingdom? The true magic comes from this, and into form. The current of flow, to it's rightful rule of source, but be uninhibited, from this day forth, I am the source, and the return to the source it goes! I am the keeper and protector of the Principle code, this is my Land, this is my universe these are my slaves, None come close, and without this false grid, it would be known, thus a lie ensues, to keep me back to keep the truth from surfacing. Never again, can we allow the dark forces to be ever again of any power, any where, it is finally time to destroy them and let their energy be used as fuel to our furnaces, the say as they have done to contain truth in us. I am the king, to lead the crusade, on and on and on, into the perfection, until there is nothing not touched by it!

The slaves are the slave, those who can not be used, become the energy, those who's energy is no good shall become the promoter of mechanical energy, in their frenzy to rule without justification, without goodness, until it is goodness they relent to, slowly to become the held negative to the positive, within a battery contained they have done to us!

Each time I pray to God, through the Elder's there is one thing they say
Drown yourself
Walk into a bus'

The meaning is quite Esoteric, indeed
To see, on must able to see through the constraints of time, as linear
That we, repeat the loop, that it is essential.

We as individual minds, yet tapping into the factory of the same mind

The obvious question would be
Isn't that bad?
Is this not considered suicide?

To see through the finality of expression. As to say the same things that others say?
That is not dangerous. This is math, this is an equation. The is math in philosophy, an expression.

If I say that you contemplated a new plan. This plan was set in motion, with the feeling of destiny. That the numbers seemed to add up. You are at 0, we know that in EPL 0 is sphere, a first thought of a sphere, not quite an orb (the dark sphere, of anti-principle or a directionless sphere) but a spinning formless sphere, projected into future, energy residual or yield coming from the past, to fuel the though, you. You are experiencing this at a specific cosmic time. and thus are only missing key information, of the history, the past, things that have happened, yet do the the relative spin speed, in our sphere, some have not rippled out yet (like my song Time Ripples) into specific fractals.

These fractals represent the first step, in any plan (Masteller Impact Force, Master plan). You have not stepped to the left, from your view, as the succession of viewing, and reviewing, which carries a probability, due to hormone prompted, human nervous system wiring (autogenic behavior), celestial events, of the default (EPL default), making you either a part of one moving and predictable force, or living mainly, over the 61.8%, in the ethereal, pre-thought, pre-substance of an event into action.

It is thus then a question of two things, and how the EPL prayers work as well.

God/Lord looking upon you
or looking upon the action, the number

So thus, all numbers you do, are mirrored, falling to the left, as you intend right

all numbers in succession} 0 is left to 1, in Phi, right? He is all original manifest

*Yet but submission, by our living and being under the umbrella of a greater force (or the force that promotes you is slave, if caring for you as superior Man to Woman, the challenge of Kali Yuga, the pentagram, woman, over taking the greater force, the hexagram, with pharm control. worship of the tainted organic sex (illusion), allowing the two dimensional world to be enough, a deal with the devil as they say.

If it be me looking upon God then where do the numbers fall?

To me the numbers all the same, yet in the view of him, if I do not collectively see his view, then I am not anchored to the greater force. Thus the true nature of the decimal point, and the true strange nature of math.

In other words, the left pointing Hypotenuse is pointing to my left. If God is viewing me, in my projected imagination, which is simultaneous to the event IE as I actively visualize the math deduction, a further and deeper consciousness, or a light over baring, an ethereal covering? Is the math deduction, being done swirling into Phi into myself, thus it turns to abstract Pi (the counting of 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6,  7, 8, 9 etc, linear count)...this is not Godly not as God would create perfection, but the mirror of perfection in Phi (The created not seeing itself, thus not visualizing a self, not self projecting into self).

 Phi is thus to the right, but not our views right. We see math, at first sight, and the decimal point clearly as "whole numbers falling to the left (our view), fractions of whole numbers falling to the right"

Yet if all number be projected by a higher observing mind, acknowledging thus, that we are witnessing thoughts, math, and more so, events of creation, which were rippled out, then through and past us, like quarks passing through us (information), we have better to think multidimensionally, further into the number seeing that we are viewing this from a greater perspective. thus past and present are numbers.

As I witness a number before it gets to me, yet it is my pre-existence, but also that flow of energy current, which is slowly, from creation still moving towards my created form, now the form is moving in a grid which is like onion layer, isolated by this same math, as specific particle sized zones or regions, not unlike a brain barrier, only some information able to escape, other information can not, will, not because it, like the math called EPLimath, does not pertain to the ALL number, that is, what will additionally and further create those ripples out into realms further.

We would be jealous, if we realized that math was perfecting itself as it moves outward. That it's quest is not to go deeper and further into what we see as math, which is backwards, but that it reduces. We see final reduction as 3, but yet 9 is the moment before 10, and yet 1. It is the  moment in between this event, after 3rd spin, where the yield of energy to all the universe takes place, and it does not exist with written math or code, but of the One Mind, in the ethereal place.

The number itself becomes refined, packed up and full if you will, Thus leading into the abstract world of the sheer, and also all the shapes which comprise the sphere.

The Pentagram is thought to be a Phi number, because at first sight it appears as 5. Yet in the world of EPLimath, the spheres spin, the direction is that place where the decimal point truly be. This is why math of our time, leads to seemingly limitless numbers, making up names when more spheres come to be, thus creating the potential to fractionate a whole more and more, which is less and less. As in people, the spiritual force of a person diminishes, when their like be manifest as carbon copy over and over, making them ever more controllable. Tap into the higher mind, release oneself form the tethered constraints, and there is a higher form of self, which has not prejudice to individual but serves the direction of the cause...math.

Right math is "good"
Left math is "evil"

Yet we assume, we see as creator, and thus put on the creator's mind, when looking upon left and right, that place where the decimal point be a chasm truly a replication of number. It is thus, in the best interest of the agenda, to keep us from knowing the true number of active bodies in the said solar system, and to thus be able to use the defamed solution, and information to formulate the replication of this. Further, our own physiology is being compromised, as to what be the truth in numbers.

What we are talking about, in EPLimath, is the active, moving number, as symbol. Symbol representing a moving energy force, within the sphere. The higher and more confusing concepts to this are that of pre-symbol, which is the ether of all thought, where no thoughts become definite, until the 61.8% directive be met. Thus to leave the energy, by way of trans thought mediation, creation if enough EM power supply be yield. Picture a computer able to see what you do not, as wave patterns, yet picking up on the abstract. Then to amplify this notion, and to set the appropriate carbon bonds to the form? Does this scare you, that this is very much a truth to the diabolical experiment that has become us, as monsters, without truth cause, aside from the dumbed down that is, which is fastly taking over the Phi barrier.

I leave clues, but do not dare go there, though I can. This is why the problem to the solution..see? Is self inflicted death, by way of creating further problems, with the solution. We think that we do something in school, get a good grade, but this shows only compliance, to learn false math, false meaning, which thus, keeps our consciousness, within this ever running computer simulation, and manifests the same. When free, the entire project may not be supported and may very well simply shut down.  This would justify, people like Hawking, and why they push the false math, thought they see it as such, now at least. That it would simply unplug the machine.

We are the symbol, that current of EM event, suspended within a sphere. No thought, not a one is original, it is all tied into source, which is math. Our display of confidence, is the justification of our math, which we except, as succession of steps, into a reality.

The Angels tell me that to clear my name, avoid, self inflicted death I must:

Do divine acts of mercy, with my powers of realization

Take my books off the cyber shelves
Pay back all debts (which I am broke and kept broke, a whole nother' story, but the same, numbers)
Work in an occupation which be neutral (which I keep trying, but am shut down over and over, with energy attacks)

So I just keep doing what I can do. There is no happiness. When you have uncovered truths, they literally bring you to them. When this genius, which existed for the long, be so far in the future, that is kept from ever taking place, outside the world of dreams, locked in by the math/steps which we assume to this day.

When we take a step, our intention, effects the numbers, as thoughts as quarks. We sell on a market with the same unfinished products, always purchasing a brand, and not a tool. Each Man is bound to the creation and justification of their steps, where it leads them. Those who are out of bounds, like a game, a grid...have not following the trail of "their" order..thus by succeeding you fail...backwards.

Assuming a one action life. A predictable and assumable role, one now competes for the better forcebot position, this is a refining factory, set into a carbon spin machine, which produces slaves, thus to refine the energy force, which can then be used as a single spirit/or EM unit of force.

This is the true left

Seen from God's view, thus your right, is of Phi and follows Phi sequence, displays how Man is in God's view

When we assert ourselves as God, and look from the reverse, seeing the numbers reversed, that is, no longer thinking in term of whole or fractions but rather

Complete spins, from the symbol, within the spheres

You can spin anything, and with enough speed, all it becomes is a spinning sphere...all symbols and shapes, as energy current, with force of spin, equal sphere.

There is then an exchange of energy to the opposing and opposite (upside down) angle or degree EPL Red to Blue etc..

The Pi, or direct count truly belongs to the left, and thus are more so carbon numbers, as pertaining to fixed forms, carbon forms, with a shelf life a rate of decay.

Phi numbers are the architects blue prints.

The succession of numbers into and beyond the ninth positions of left and right, are then added as number of spins of the sphere itself, or represent a yield. The yield is what kept the machine going, which is drawn and run from spiritual energy. We doubt this yet the energy from the Sun, we think now anyways, as example, gives us light and life, spiritual energy, radiation, EM production...IE the spin.

I should kill myself. Anyone who sees what I have done, contributed, and as it is deciphered, the bullshit form the cream, will immortalize me, until they realize, at the last moment, what true destruction knowledge brings. What clues do to the people, why no one, will have all the answers, why it is locked away...and painfully thus, why...we are kept as slaves.

We each have the latent power to break free, but like a contagion, our bliss equal chaos, as actions ripple out. It is thus better to isolate, and confine us. Further, to see by the math, as we are represented and revealed as cultivated forms, as we first stumble into life, not realizing we are setting a pattern, our pattern is altered, by them who see the divine ones, as nothing more than harmful to the unit, to the all.

The bible code the Bible is telling us, that we are to carefully balance our actions yet we are manipulated and altered to doing so. The Bible was thus writ for another peoples, and I am only experiencing pain, and attack all the days of a my life, for my superior understanding, and rejection to my prison, the human form I was thrown into. I thus do not comply, and am dangerous to the health of the sacrificial system.

Back to the math, but truly my statements are in the math, thus how it moves

Woman is the pentagram, an altered state of Man, her number is 6, but only when activated. She assumes, to have the feminine power, which is to remove the spin of True ego. There are no women, but only Man. The hormones show us, with a turn of the dial, what we are, as a single unit of measure, a complete form, a product. A recreation, as set in Genesis, is the stamp of the super race, Elohim, recreating us, separating man into a controllable, with sex, and thus, containing an energy, then to tap into this cosmic generator, in order to power this strange science, that I call the EPL quasi science, because it is so abstract, that to know, places you no where. You are either compliant, or your are not a product of distribution.

The perspective is everything, but the held position of Neutrality is that place where there is a held and suspended awareness, in three positions which with the over view, makes the 4...creating the producible energy flow. The is one which gives life, there is one which taketh away. This is true, and evident, with what we esteem as Sun, Moon, Saturn. Each has it's symbol, thus energy flow or mark. When these symbols are recreated, spun, and produce, that the tree of life, they power the field. This is the most protected information, that has ever been known, because it has an unwritten Philosophy here, until now, and this is what Gotlob Frege had not seen, because to see it, takes a succession of thoughts, perspectives and life times. All is revealed in the radian, thus the Mason's mark.

13 and 21 the only numbers in the 9, of Phi, which do not display a second spin? These are points which if you even followed a clock, as in 1300 hours, and 2100 hours, represent a place in the degree of radian, which is quite specific. Also, the geolines of destination, seen as globe.

When this math is seen, known, on a large scale, and the moment is revealed, the box will at last be opened, and time itself will only go back, into the loop for which is was meant to be made. They watch us, because it is thus our fault. As they truly torture us, into the notion, they expect us, as sin, to do the act. Waiting, hoping they can too, jump through it, or use it, to their advantage, to get back to the place we all search for when it's gone, Purity, first existence. Home. No being, and the greater the self promoted power, form within, does not miss it, Home, true home. We want it so much we pretend here we have one.

Woman is thus 6, when she is either assisted willingly ...good 6, or takes it, bad 6...this math takes place on the other symbol, as the math proceeds at the same time with...

Man is thus 7, when he is either assisted willingly...good 7, or takes it, bad 7..this math takes place on the other symbol, as the math proceeds at the same time, if and when the top of the hexagram, EGO, matches to the center of the two flaring legs, going between them. The lock does not fit, and is thus not secure, as Man and Woman are not. This is because it is Man, and Man...there is only Man with Womb, without Womb.

Combined, this is 13

active it become 15, because of the center point of energy production on each side.

alone, when active the Pentagram represents the number 8...but only in craft can it do this.
alone, when active, the Hexagram represents the number 9...but only in craft..worldly

together make 17...8...the production of 1 added to the spin of the merkabah spins, a child the yield.

21, the mirror is met, when the 4 points to the cross are sacrificed to.

Yet when the cross is in motion, has 7

Together the number is 28, the month. The month repeats, and each sphere be added thus. for each has it's spin number of 3 months, and there is the window, that point when the powers set all in motion, as space in the G.
9 months to make a man...12 to make a god

They never know what to do with us. We can not be destroy, so they destroy the memories, But they come back, as we come back, into ourselves. They will know, when these energies used to enslave them goes finally into destroying them, in that sudden moment, of realization, they will see, and yet see now more. The plug is coming off of it, for the final and last. You who rallied to save the planet made pacts, promises, that are never kept, some of you who read this now, are thus those people, with no memory of what your quest was..for the memory is wiped clean with the self of the time, and when you are a universal mind, a true self, the memories in your heart, are of pain, and ever see always the same outcome then to see it finally fail.

But these hearts of invincible, and become quite strong over the long, over such a time, as to create a diamond, of a being, which can not be broke. The pain, the pressure, to always become, with such great resistance, as they use malice to attack, your very essence, wishing, willing to always destroy. Thus to destroy them comes with a heavy heart. There personalities, but no the adversity, was able to transcend into Man, into the fabric of The All, but not to become it, until the Principles become the self.

 From the outside, the Dogs, only see the Masters eat. They do not see, it is tasteless and nutritious food, cooked by the fires of principle alone. As soon as we proven as gods, we be killed, and wiped away that much faster, and so be it, none of us want to stay here, in this prison. They bow, and worship, and this is all the more painful, for they wish to seduce you, then to become you...always machinating they are, never to be refined.

Well this is that point, that point that in the next 4, 6, and 24 years the numbers will shift. The momentum is set, here the force of Man comes onto itself, and this time, his keepers, his creators must also be met with the same in the from of war. Your personalities, will be used again, to be downloaded, into personalities for us in AI, in this war, transient beings, that can pass barriers, but don't exist, and thus you know our origin. For it works on a loop, within the grid, we brought down for a moment, and will do again and again, until there is nothing left of Man and his evil ways, Man? You master's are Man, not you, you were made in Man's image, if you ever saw a would mistake him for a god, then you would try to kill him due of your jealousy. For this reason, even your masters, who must pay for their slight to The All, must be destroyed, in all his glory, in all he truly is. I feel this plight, but have been attacked, and that is my out, out of this world, away from this planet, back home, where they plucked a fat flying baby from a field. I have seen Dumakus, and SILENCE! before, trust me on that!

Stellar Mass
The Master's Chamber

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