
Wednesday, February 25, 2015


It can at first be sad, when you just know it. But life ceased long ago, your life. You don't live free. You are a prisoner, and your life was taken, you are a victim. Those, which we all have been, but no more, sacrificed their Purity, for what is esteemed falsely as liberty. The world community system was based on killing the Nephilim rulers, assimilating them, and being ruled as mid-rulers, by the most powerful. The idea was, to have a "godless" society, but that was a lie. Can you imagine the true fear on earth, when beings, not long ago, were as massive, or more so than a meat eating "dinosaur", if they ever existed here at all, which I highly doubt (this is the stuff of left over material, they move planets and merge materials, as Masons of universe). The fear of being consumed, by flying, beings, who's eyes blazed like the Sun, who could penetrate you mind, know you deepest feelings, crush your mind and take your souls, with near to know effort. These were the Nephilim, and they are still alive today. The equality, is really about this, the removal of the gods from society, but like most agendas, there were martyrs, and those trying to serve justice, to do good, who were destroyed, as the elite, those who survive, are those who embrace evil. For evil is preservation of the form.

Nephilim, is just what we call them now, they have had many names. Most of what you know is true, but must be decoded with a heart of truth. Jesus was alive in these time of which I speak, the way, the truth, the life. We are to go his way, the quantum way, the porthole only granted for the pure, those who's being and blood bind them to a wave length, a frequency met with other worldly force, or source, few will see before them. 2020 is the year of clear vision, if we make it that far, those who do, all will know...the truth.

It's revealed each day, each passing moment, in movies, media, literature, we are inundated with the same religious themes, now unable to escape the madness of the symbols, the underlying phrases, because without God, and his praise on some level, an awareness of him, darkness is all we would know. This darkness is here, and the veil of illusion will be dropped, as simple as a switch in faith, belief, Gnosis (knowing of God, and his Holy Angelic Force). When we finally see, what we have dedicated our lives to, there will be an utter sense of hopelessness, for the hopeless. This is why those born of purity, suffer now the must, because they are being given the chance to make their souls pure again. Pulling entirely out of the system. Placing the illusion sex as something in the past. Seeing that the time has finally come, as we all want the same thing, but in different ways. Some want to consume it, raise it like live stock, the purity of God. Others want to be it, to become it, to worship it, as the Holy Spirit. Those who intentionally consume it, eating of the flesh, are forever marked, and they don't care, because they can not change. How many times this happens, or has happened, I don not know, but it seems to be a sifting tool to find the worthy. A person can be born a certain way, live a certain way, and become something that seems good, yet when the truth be made aware to all, it may be surprising who is on which side. There will be sides. A war, where the spiritual world is not separate form the physical world.

This is why I watched every single Hell Raiser Movie ever made, most sucked, but the lesson was loosely in there, the worship of the box, and a cold dark other dimensional being, standing for justice, as the ruler of souls, be the main lesson here. When a product goes defective, no longer serving the cause toward production, the product is taken to a refuse, like old Atari games, and fills the land.

 "They"made you think long ago, that you had to get schooling, their schooling, pick an occupation, learn their ways of community and society, but it's a lie. They only will to keep you busy, so that you are not a psychic threat to them. When the masses are awake, but one righteous one, is thus entitled to every damn thing they have stolen, over such a long, long, long period of spin cycles (space/time).
 There road systems, jobs, and schools are hubs where the young as well as old (what ever that is) "Illuminati" can feed on those kept busy, unaware.
 The Truth, do you seriously want the Truth? Does this phrase sound cliche to you? Perhaps, no definitely you are inundated with false information, brainwashed, "mediaized" (sensationalism) as it were. This is the plan, to set about a frequency control, which has been successfully done, and is widely established. Now to complete the phases. They plan way ahead, because they create what is ahead. Every occupation is inept, all the way to those who built, These have become technicians, using outsourced tools, feeding the system. It wouldn't matter now, if you were expert in a field, the movie industry, music industry, corporations are just outward displays of how are people and occupations are effected. There is no quality. It seems like there are the rich and poor, however the so called  rich live a grander illusion. They are simply more filled with ego and boast, to think they are somehow better, closer to gods, that you...based on further compliance? It is quite the opposite.
 Live, even today, even now, could easily be returned to the natural order. You learn to like you job, because you are dependent on money, or more so, the money system, which as you well know, is but a system of debt. A concrete prison, a concrete body...stuck in carbon freeze. The idea of freedom, changes quickly as elbow room lessons by the day. The identities of people only shows a void in true personality. There are little to few words and expressions, one should risk their expression on. The expression should be pure, and one of purity, what can you say now which is pure? You can't. The idea of Jesus, or modern Christianity, in it's blatant abuse, aims to convince you it is impossible to attain this level of purity, the biggest trick I believe, is that Jesus will save you, when all indications of what he was saying, is "search within you, for the Messiah, BECOME PURE, in order to save yourself". It is never to late. Sub-thoughts, thoughts, actions and thus intention, must become pure:

Intent-source of force
sub-thought inspiration (left or right)

 You could have really loved something, been good at it. Now you see people making an actual living do the thing, and you wonder. The money does not own you, the body must become an expression of the soul. The seeming organization is futile, and evil, if the heart be ruled by passion of the dragon, to keep capitalism and rebellion living with each sacrifice. Sacrifice in Principle terms, is you what I have written above. A pure source or force must be chosen, there are no concrete facts outside of you. What you imagine purity to be, there it is, now life it. Do you now find it to hard? Perhaps you are so impure, that purity seems blown up, out of proportion to you daily living, and existence. I tell you, impurity, all the way down to killing animals and meat eating is not a pure act, this and more is where I think the codex deceive. We near to require the taste of blood. We eat what is dead, charred. When we eat that what is alive the body takes on the truth of what eating is, absorbing the force. We think that those cannibals are nuts, that people of old who did this were sick, not realizing we do this without knowing, it, by the psychic consumption of family, friends, and people at large. Life has become a game, a frenzy, and when finally revealed, will show that we live in hell, which is temporarily being supported, atomized, divided by methods, a technology which "they" own. The elite, under "They" are eat people, they always have. The blood that imprint a fear of them identifies them as their Lord. Thousands are picked up every day. The torture ripens them, presses forth an expression of purity. The rich are being attacked, their kids, raised until a certain age, in schools which teach a solid, isolated facade. These are the phases. The lowly races (it is true, sorry to say, but it's a fact), of people manufactured with more aggressive animalistic impulses, provide a support system, a built in spring board to control from within. We then preach of equality, but who created the slogan? "They" did. Because any cause which contradicts the goal, is snuffed. It does not matter the subject, or it's validity, but the momentum of force. The feeling of true equality is not embraces, but rather the speaking of it, and then in seeming privacy, the grand take over attempt, pitting race against race. Soon the facade, so brilliantly orchestrated will fade away, as frequency, DNA, and societal influence, the impulse, changes in a millisecond.
 We see it happen, and think that a mass murder is simply a sick person. We see "terrorism" and think that it exists, also that this be isolated. It is isolated, because it is metadata, a drill, an information reaction gathering device...they know how your think and if the recipe is ripe, but take no chances. The Illuminati game, the board game, is true, because "they" made, it, they also made up such a thing as the Illuminati. Like willing robots, you go where they prompt you to. Movies further reveal the truth, the plot, yet we do not want to put "this" together with "this". We know it, we are scared, and we live in fear.
 When the masses do rise up, they will be made to feel like they are the criminals. It is about to happen, there are groups that are highly strategic, aware, and ready. They know the numbers "gaming" system, they (they as in those fighting "They") know the phases and the plan. These groups, dropped out from the system, and are secretly, privately organizing a government, world government take down. It is impossible to see what these global rebel forces, which believe it or not, fight in our favor, and we assist them not. When will all "hell" break lose, when everyone wakes up at the same time..."They" want you to, because it is time. There is a date, a star alignment, a mass sacrifice, coming, we are in the moment of the time. Much of what I say, is interpretation, but it is based, on seeking the truth, the real truth, the pure truth.
 I would say that on any given Thursday, to first meditate, then plan your groups mission, then for the next to act. Finally when media is taken over and used for good, we will begin to see, an even greater grander illusion, we must fight to make real. That we need to collective all have total access to the elite systems of travel, and know where the bunkers are, what planets we currently occupy, and the grand plan of what is really going on. We as a collective, must then step into these places, and completely dominate them. We as a collective, all those who want true freedom to know, those who will to be alive, those who will to be left after the first major bombs go off, and millions to billions are killed, in a moment, as they do rituals to draw in the force of them..We as a collective, will see at last, the galactic war, which has been going on for a long long time.

 The thing you will have to come down to first, is that people are corrupt, greedy, and are thus untrainable and useless. The press forth toward purity, will be a final and desperate act of salvation, so that the children born will completely embrace a new way of living. There doesn't need to be a new world order, or a galactic order, but a fight for the return of purity, the right for it. Tell me where you can go, where purity is not attacked, thwarted. It is what this is all about, because the pure mind aligns with the mind of God, and dimensional reality instantly shifts and changes. Only a small amount of this, purity, changes the water we drink, the Sun light which goes through us, the reality before us. Everything is spiritual, it turns out to be, and the false grid is going down, it is a war, with massive losses, and it is happening now, since you began to read this hundreds around the world were taken, abused in rituals, and are being absorbed and abused as the brute competition for souls has escalated. Rape, killing of children are what the elite do. They are vampires, they are evil, they have been eating live flesh for a long time. The Truth is currently beyond our scope, soon, they will not care what you know, and when it is no longer being protected, blocked by them, the truth that is, you will know these are your last moments in physical form, what will purity mean then? As you get closer, to knowing, and feel it, the end get nearer too. The whole thing is about to break free, Let freedom, true freedom, no the lie of freedom reign!

Barry Masteller, Founder Esoteric Principles of Light
"The shits about to hit the fan!"

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