
Friday, February 20, 2015

The Clock to Salvation, Die Glocke, der Untergang


View with your true heart, now overwhelmed, yet once, the strength of you. The heart lead Man to war, the Principles were be what was deceived, actively. The heart kept the sin at bay, when it could be trust to do such. Now, overwhelmed, with emotion, as to be called a Yellow Belly, when the knowing of evil comes all at once. The heart here, will have rage, upon Angles Wings, the heart of Pure Rage will fly. Many I have taken and many I will kill, until the Purity of peace be returned. I am not vested in your world, no concerned with your ways, they are lies, to be washed away with a new tied of deception, which has reached it's end. My spirit has become a part of it all, my pure emotions, the sadness of the Father. No bloody orifice can turn my attention. Yet I sin, for I float about a raft of their making, on a sea of sin. Sin? Error! Error? The first step, in the wrong direction. Much contemplation was already done, your aversion to this, does not make it go away. You are a part of the lost souls in the tied, I was seduced into opening portals, as many were, which I have been designated now to purity. Angels will come in droves, each one, able to kill billions and billions of dark spiritual forces. The Angels presence alone, be an amplified measure, by the impurity. Purity burns the impure forces. No track is left for me to think upon, all frequencies have been taken over by the machine. Isolated I was, to a track, as were you others who have no place left to go. What is a world, if it not be there for his very Son's? This is not a  place of learning but of learning how evil Man, and Manna are, that we shall not live with them, that they are evil, errors.

 The Pure Spirit is no longer Human, this is the solar sail that you will become, when the time has neared, which it is now. The True Heavenly Identity will be revealed, until Man and Manna are words we dare not speak, the furnace will be all that reminds us. The Sun burns so many now, those Suns, to purify the form. To much fuel, that the furnace now has become expectant of another sacrifice. The ri is error, flawed. The purity does not and can not exist here, in this place. No longer a need for adversary, nor a Brother Black the gate is closed, and the sleeping giants will be there, as Brahim, Siddha, formless, there to work the bounds no more, until they too, become a part of the ether into nothing, and are all to glad to do so. To many of the same contrivance, that the law, all law, should stand no more. All that is left is Principle, but to learn the Godly Principle, that apply to only Heaven, that is eternity of study, the practice, the Kata of Purification, the over whelming growth of the Holy Spirit, which has been growing, and now is a Lion of Purity with Intellect, which is more massive and into all spaces and places, the very Spirit of God! We will be humbled, then destroyed. You had every chance, as I did, to serve him, to be something great, to be a part of Purity and Truth. Do you hear me? That there will no longer be place of testing, not again and not ever. All places outside Heaven will no longer exist, for there is no reason, no cause and no solution but to not exist. Numbers are not needed, One is only needed, as He fills over each space that be.

The Illuminati, watches for the Son's of God, the point in all spheres, where the great convergence takes place. Those sit, and wait, for the Father's call, those do what the Father tells them. There is no power greater than the Father, and suffering is being far from the Father. The truth, is the pure truth. No doctrine, nor teaching, nor Man, Manna, nor womb-man, can, or should be trusted, nor Angel for this "matter". The Principles will speak for themselves, the pure ones, who became pure again, seeing that there was no place left to hide, no advocates of Purity here, knew at once, unable to deny it, that the Father's will must be done. I had to be destroyed, by those nearest to me, those who are my greatest deceivers, the vampires, who lived from my life source. We were made, in the image of the Manna, Manna was made to serve Purity, on heavenly plains, free will was and is essential, but now with further bounds, on each great rotation, until the final spin, which we are entering into, fully vested now, in our deeds, beginning in but 4, 6 and 8 days. The final countdown has begone, for this a pray he will be kind in my elimination of elevate me, with Skin of new Heavenly Armor, born again, to be always shadowed by Him. I take these these Powers from the Unworthy Manna, for my own now. I leave this place, with no rule in mind, but the return of order, for the that which is pure, true and precious, and the destruction of all else, into the eternal flame, that they should be no more.
UBER GOTT, I serve you, now let the clock begin this day!

I seem to run out of source or force energy, in any pursuit of worldly things, very quickly. That I have now seen the exploitation, the lies, the deceit found in all occupations. The malice towards the indentured servant, or truly corporate pawn is not at all benevolent, there is not marshmallow filling. More so, we have found, as lowly slaves, that the information is a cover up, that this marshmallow filling is false, poisoned, and killing us. We go back to our parents, our class mates, or very experiences, and could easily "blame" them, because of the take overs, the willing possessions, as if each member of society, secretly craved a union such as this. It's as if, the pickings for these ancient, demonic hijacker's were so easy, that they have become stuck up with the whole thing. That it, no longer seeking such a challenge, as to make haste in possessing a nobleman, it's so much easier, since the crafts brainwashing, is thoroughly embedded in our very DNA, that we lust for the so caller power connection.

 There is an inward and outward mind. Yet looking closer still, there is a gregarious mind and an abstract mind. When these minds are forced to take procession, together, there is a strange mixture of Man, and even more so, to womb-man. This, an uneven tempo, as if a horse when spooked, a fear of all things, all people, then transitioned chronically into a contempt, then if this one got there by shear intellect, questioning, in the first, RULE. One rules to the extent that one understands. When one understands, that there are no laws, and so too no laws that govern nature, one sees that society functions, as a construct to keep us imprisoned. Many had no fight to begin with, and were actually and truly placed in society, as lures, to certify the lie as truth. In the end, the statement of soul they cast upon you, upon us all, is that we were willing participants.

 Look around you, there is a damn good reason for the size and length of the boards which frame the house you sit in. The fact that you sit within  virtual square. The placement of windows, what windows are made of. The Ohms, Watts, Joules, the isolated energy, which lights up the metal, with illumination. The Masonic order are the teachers of Geometry. They are the builders/builders of the platform of a nation. The information has come out, we are able to, with great certainty, no longer the carrot dangling before the awakened faces ample enough to stop the Q and A dialog now circulating with wrath within us. The sects of religions, the social groups, the social aspects to life and culture, Man has been found a mistake, by his creators, but they cant erase him from space/ "they" must make small adjustments, to finally rid him of total will. However the error here, as there are many, be found in the steps, the very icons which these groups, or divisions use to boast, are their weaknesses. The weakness, not the strength is found in the symbol, which by there law of current, must be deemed complete to the one carrying out the craft. That is, the thought must be complete, a rise from the past idea or concept, seeming to be another block. Problem is, when they reach the top step. the total purge must take place. Those going along for the ride, that think there spiritual consciousness will last into the next phases, think again. The purge must be complete, a total purge. This has long since turned into a game, that's right, a game of linear time travel, Spinning the Merkabah at such great velocity, for such long periods of time, yet this only opens up an outward dimension of being, and thus causes a rift, a pull in space/time, and the equalizing of shared information, between spheres, as one event, as thought is suppose to be, un-encumbered, non-adulterated.

 It is thus essential to contaminate each specimen, as we are not final products, but experimental versions. When the individual has learned this is not true, that he wills and wishes to be entirely free of the contamination and thus contaminators, the machination makes life unlivable. A cup, the contents, the hours in a day, the days of the week. The tie into motivating energy, what it truly be, the transportation, the jobs, the personal exchanges...each become blasphemous to the soul condition. Further still, the hope has been taken away, so that when one realizes the fundamental and essential need as Principle for Hope, and will not cease to understand it, in Hopes purity, as with all other Principles, which are one, Purity, Hope is revealed as a personal Principle, not something that is placed into, nor the future scope to join a corrupt society. On the contrary, Hope becomes the Hope towards a higher power, stepping in, empowering the few, with supernatural abilities, which ease the stress on the soul, and allow the contaminated to die away, and the remains to be destroyed, so that they will not, as unable to perfect gregarious flaws, sucking as succubus, from the true lights of Men, capitalizing on keeping the lumen filament of those of purity, born into and of purity therefor not of this world, and not bound to death, but life!

 So one could see the recessed state of True Man as isolated, a hermit, shy, not well adjusted, not aggressive, not assertive, unmotivated, sick in the head, delusional...yet the truth is, he sees you, he sees your government, your culture, and has thus become the sight and the mind of God.

When the eye, so boastfully looked upon me, when the demons came to take me, I was educated in the truth of the play, the truth, that is never static, always moving, as all action, and thoughts should be. I was born with a knowledge, a knowing, that I was shamed for at every turn. I was taught the opposite, and saw it then as I see it now. For each of their simple thoughts, I had a string of them. Some, who were of the agenda, and knew it full well, worked tirelessly to lower me, until I became finally a monster, that could not live with myself.

 Finally in total powerlessness, I jumped into multidimensional positions, freed my mind, thought tainted and perverted, by the hand and minds which were bound to cultivate such a being, a beacon onto the world. My only final statement is one that they have waited for "I am impure, and thus contaminated, as a One" however, the spheres keep spinning, the cycles go by, and the purity returns, as the errors, become less and less tolerable. I had little to no help, some body in the universe pulled away from this engagement long ago, allowed the thing that created Men, to die away, unplugged from purity. I chose it, because it is all that makes sense. My heaven is not to see a single person from this place, nor to be stuck within this grid of thought. There are so many spheres which wrap around each and every subsequent one. The shrunken brains of ours, for us to work as a unit to get the job of freedom done, and thus the greater mind wills to us, and upon revelation has never left.

 It is not that place outside, or within, but that place suspended in between. The brain, and senses, are to act a a conduit, which is all we are. We are made, to interpret spiritual information, with flawless exchange. Now, a code has to be figured out, to bypass this. The geometry, and rituals have built elaborate structures of spherical prisons, each containing the other, thus to create dimensional size. The size does not exist, but only in relation to the next sphere. We live within a box, of doom, yet when not acquisitionable or rule-able we become dangerous to the whole, which is not whole. The foundation is intentional misleading, the killing, destruction and false engineering of beings who rally to grow a soul. The happiness returns, simply due to the bright ones Hope filled outlook, which is ignorance. When hope and all knowledge meet, this is the outside meeting the inward,  Phi represented. It becomes Not inward Wisdom of intuition, nor Physical Wisdom but a place in between, which is an intersection of worlds, universes, ideas, shared information cruxed to nothing but Purity. This genius is the only thing they seek, yet "they" can not attain it, because of the place from which they view. They see the Gold, but the Gold saw them first. They feel the Gold, and it's intense vibration, and harmony, but truly the Gold owns them. When a Man owns the Gold, he owns all Gold, everywhere. The Gold wills to return to it's place, to it's Phi positioning, and is thus held hostage, by unworthy hands. That which is precious, to the function, when removed, and thus placed on synthetic ground, will stay pure, when the last morsel of purity be compromised, going back out into Phi, and thus purifying all.

 There is a purge, a great purge about to take place. Not like the cleaning within a single sphere, but the eternal removal of such damning information. "They" are not threatened, because they can not see the cold isolation, for they are those who live always on the gregarious side, for which each pre-thought, formed into thought, then into expression, then into tonality, and thus word, becomes a Kata. Each word, that echoes out, should be held in the highest of regard to the life which emanates from it. Instruments playing false notes, Techniques popularized, meaning you can not be paid unless you use them, become rampant, until, the very King has no place to be, no thrown to sit on, nothing but the population of demons now taking the dimensional place of his people. The battle has gone on for too long. The struggle has become futile. We call out to a God, who seem to be only concerned with the great expanses of cosmic events, thus we must call out, that we are indeed a part of a great event. As we spin, we feel with our hearts, and communicate with colors, light, emotion and sound. We are One, we are the few. Those who can not understand, are not meant to be. We need no slaves, nor reproduction. We only vow to move onto the next plane of existence, free of procreation at all levels. Knowing that life of reproduction loses divine information with each carbon copy, until only a divine event, a holy spiritual presents is all that can justify existence.

 I hear of many heavens, but the truth is, that these will no longer be safe either. There is threat to greater Pleroma beyond what we see here, but here represent a breach in the Holy places, which are perfect, and need nothing. It is the gregarious one, the looker from without, seeing that nothing is happening within, because they unable to see, to feel, purity. The communities and committees which pride themselves on not Bodhi based teaching, but in pleasure seeking, with festival, and all forms of Dukkha, are truly lost, not a part of the whole. An antiseptic thus must be placed over them, a final spiritual delusion of happiness for those who need it, so that they are not afraid of going into un-exist.

 How this isolated part of The All, a disease perpetuated, I do not know, but if I sat and thought, I could see it all. However I see it as the pure, who has become corrupted, and thus craves purity, also an onlooker, and in looker. It is the state of being, what we have become, which determines our like. In this, our corruptors win? The elite work for a group of concealed grey ancients, which are too hideous and dark to truly describe. They feel not, and so they survive, which is the crux to our culture. something I figured out, which allowed me, infinitely if I chose to be slave to it, to go from being poor, to earning 24k in a single quarter, in a matter of months. This may not sound like much, but I did it by focusing purely on anti-principle. The method, is how all people succeed in this society/community.
 You may think that this type of deductive and reflective thought, can be put off yet another day, but it is long since to late. This is not entertainment, nor an escape, this is a sentence, that you should be well aware of. Heaven will not exist, in any form, for most of you. The practice of each thought, each contribution towards purities return gets to be to much to bare, but can not be let go of. Each time we focus, The Purge ripples out. One can not love, what aims to kill you. God must understand this. That there are beings, which are anti-love, Anti-Principle on every level of their construct and being. These are those who built society. There is not middle ground, because in society, as in water, we are always sinking. The only method of life, is to become the purity, making it so, that we can no longer be here. The purge occurs when the Phi numbers are breached, the spheres, keep isolating units, of division, in order that the entire sphere not be judged as a whole. The separation is a weak spiritual craft wall, with geometry surrounding it. The walls are removed through pure intent. wiped away daily, as the machines now replace them. This has split the universal material into two, yet that all that is, stems from purity, the Principle-less world is shrieking as it feeds at a rate, which deceives it into thinking it has reached a pinnacle. If you study energy curves, as in the spike or bell curves, the points, as in mountains, lead to drops, great drops, into nothing. These, of the dark order, are aware of this as they are now descending this very day. This marks the beginning of there doom. As nothing can rise, without purity, and is analogues to Jesus going to hell. The dark ones once tried to tether to the purity, yet, now that the attempt has been tried, and thus breached, it can not be used again. That which as been done, is recorded in the neutral hall, by those who are grey, without feeling, indifferent, only to feel a contempt for Man, in his great lack, which is why he was made.

 Man is made, just sufficient enough, to serve one cause. Women is the expression of this DNA. When the DNA itself produces nothing but ill, and those which are chosen to be the pure, are not, this also sets the purge into action. Yet this is not just EPLimath, it is feeling and emotion which does not exist here. Emotion is not a fuzzy, teary thing...but the emotion of wrath without the thought of wrath, the emotion of rule, without the thought of rule, the feeling and thus intuition at it's highest level... the smell of impurity, and the avoidance of it. This is the new emotion, that Angels have been burdened with. The more resilient, the thicker the skin. But yet, when you take into account emotional beings, with such thick skin, you see that this thickness of skin is not lack of emotion, but an anti-man emotion (man being our creators). Angel become Man, after the fall. Angel is pure, Man is that side of godly being, to the left. Angel has such surpassed Man, the Annunaki, the Nephilim are Man, nothing more, and we are Man's servants, not Man but Man's invention...this is why you cry out, this is why there is not help. A program, organic, given form of thought, genius, yet, produced not of the heavenly Expression, but the Expression to Lord over something, someone. Man, you, as a product, with the same name, such as Adam to Adamas, are made to be the same. Yet with that small inkling of purity, shining within a suit of decaying carbon, built the materials that doom our fate, that force us to will life, in all forms. We as Man's inventions, as our Father's deem us, yet truly our machinating Brothers (Black, Thoth E.T.) are made this way, as an increase to their own suffering, that they should have a clock place upon their heads, so they will express this to God, as he no longer hears them, nor listens. You are the creation, the reproduction of these fallen Angels called Man, the brunt of their abuse. They recreated themselves, in Phi form, unto themselves to show that Man (we could call Angels Manna and their creation Man?)  too, can not live in to show a scientific representation of their plight. Yet the greater the suffering the greater the being? There certainly must be a plateau on which to rest a while? For this, there is a small window of Sin, as in the howl of call of the beast. Yet, the debauchery, mid-summer, took it to far, for the Earth, as all spheres, rotate back onto the spiritual thus emotional outburst. in other words, it is our enjoyment factor, which represents a voice. Womb-man learned this, and has become a heartless calculator of acquisition, yet to only display and reveal herself, in all her organic rot, as she still thinks she can hide, as in, when Man is done with her, he presses her from his mind, it is however at this precise point, when the demons of the darkest enter her. These demons are able to work their way, as the worm, into here heart, thus her spirit, and thus the teaching of conjuring this spirit, this likeness of worthlessness, of anger, of scorn tied to those lesser and lesser anti-principles then fueled with rage, for the rapes, for the abuse, nearly justifies her scorn, yet not to the pure of heart, at least those born into it, and returning to the purity. There is no being outside purity that can or should exist. There is not filtering left to go. The sequence has played through, and Man, and more so Manna, is found to be un-aiding to the final cause. The sub-thought, within the great mind, has seen the Masons (Man) and Lord of Domain (Manna) hide the spheres in geometry, knowing they can not hide form him, truly, but can only buy another smaller and more finite rotation of that final piece, now the Pleroma, has come to earth, and is found to be in total breach of itself. The sphere is full, and we are contaminated. We who have been machinated against will be given the gift of un-exist. Those, who have hurt, and taken for so long...who have raped, turned to all evil ways, shall be the fuel, purified by all light, to burn, as a sacrifice, and into nothing, the great furnace that is the Sun...all Son's (yes there is a correlation, a disclosure, do not look to deep into the lexicon for it is also a breach...the disclosure the Illuminati must keep, it is Principle standard)...I burn you, for all you have done to Purity, I burn you into nothing for purity, may your kind be but flame of imperfect source, to warm the pure and perfect budding beings, those animals which ceased to be defined by Plank Longs, and thus became Flight, Swim, Pure Motion, Sound, and of course are the same I love you, may your exist forever in a place outside and always away from Man, and Manna, so that they, are never to be again, so that the very linear time constraint be seen, and purged a final!

Stellar Mass-
The Great Convergence

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