Sunday, May 31, 2015
Tech Zombie Continues Texting After Crashing Into Car
" Philosophe vs. The Self Proclaimed Master Artiste' "
The Master Artist of any era, on any day spun (from), within. He, as only truly great Artist's can be (*more on this to follow), as these Men, are the Pure Men, ones of original strain. These, anomalies, as we may refer to them here, are of a string, a long curving string of Man.
If you think that a penis incorporates the all of A MAN, then you are merely displaying all corporeal aspects, spun from within the machine. Further on the point, you also follow a certain "tempo" shall we say. So then as the Artist, may assume, that he indeed uncovers within his works, this certain truth. The Truth that the Artist sees; only the magnetic events, regulated; he has the revelation from within the machine. Yet, in Principle there is no relativism, but rather, a blossom. So those seeming, Blossom Based Artists, you know, the Landscape Artist, who captures the Seascape too, for this too be land, for which, many blemishes be covered over, by the mid-day tide, a wash.
The Master Actor, acts out first Principle, then to see a mediocrity which occurs, when one is pure truly, that display of A Man, whilst truly homeostatically balanced. It is scary, shutter to the point, when we begin to assess IMAN, in this way, from the shared consciousness, for which we ALL blend, all within the contained Sphere that is. So the "Painted" Artist can thus excite the field, a haphazard discovery, by those lazy patrons, whom stay to long, in one spot, spinning within their own stew. Further "Percolating"in this substance of their own make, breathing it in and tasting, always their own; the synthetic mechanical leach, on society, more than ever now, wills to draw that greater one into their very bent and sorted psyche . The Artist, that one which considers himself Master, for self entitlement is what the Artist thrives toward, "secret player part", with his self awarded power to stew in himself, he goes off on his borderline sociopathic~psychopath's SEARCH FOR PURE CHAOS. For he does not snap a picture, of factual quality to share, as offering, an appreciation, he instead infuses the truth, with himself, a worm. So where he goes, as a demon who has already slipped a toe into that substance, into the abyss, the ego, to a fault.
''The self proclaimed master artist, only ever infects his surroundings in such a way, as to forebode his genius suspended above him, often showing signs of a self proclaimed halo, or dark emanations from their forms, for they live in the illusion, of their own concavity, a world of absolution. To bad for they? When they finally pay the price, living now under the Law, which these hypocrates deny always, as to have truly ever given any support (to the LAW, as final cause), these shifty figures only assumed as "neutral watchers", are first to run to it, even to enforce it, for it be their weapon, their shield...yet, and on, into THE WASH, these Principleless sorts do go, for their kind be truly needed no where, for the yeild of a good one be so rare (these self inflated ONES, would each thus claim ''this one, is me".
The Master Musician can only see/feel/hear and sometimes smell, yet the Master Musician who learns to manipulate his own senses, alchemically speaking, as well as "on into that spiritual place". Yet his assertion, indeed to "do such a thing for fame alone", shows clearly an empty host, wishing, then willing to be a fully developed soul, an identity in the Universe, abroad. However not understanding, the true laws of causation, in an Electromagneticly Driven as well as SuperCharged Principle Based Universe, David Hume-Become what you are.
I do recall Lovecraft, telling such a story, about an Old Man, Playing as a host, to that "thing" that willed to express itself, into form. Perhaps C.S Lewis displayed this notion well, within his "interesting" writings, of The ScrewTape Letters", However in many spheres, there are still the many common voices, which circulate in tune, Thus traveling about a frequency "tune" which shows within it's single "Tonal Solar System-", Within this single, yet massive band, there can be found, a re-creation of all probable frequencies. Frequencies always travel towards some fated Shift Color, and shift/change them both, forever. The sound is thus that frequency, on attack. The frequency field does this, by way of transmutation. So to convert those chime based sound wave patterns, on, into the digital, and become a flying Electron conversion driven Photon (now within light, so to bear light), when the sound accrued can manipulate the field, by way of such precision, in fact like second site. "AS TO BE AROUND THE SOLUTION AS TO BECOME IT, YOUR OWN MUSIC AND THUS TO BECOME BY WAY ALSO YOUR GREATEST CRITIQUE", common Artist you do not see, that you are indeed being criticized, by an ever expanding mind, of something greater. Perhaps more Philosophe conversion, thus into as well as towards, left bent, though right proclaimed, "self flagellating Artiste', should occur more often"?
Well this be my precise point, that this phenomenon is indeed taking place. Found there displayed, spinning within the fabric. As some deep esoteric fundamental understanding, of those Photon to Photon, Polar Opposing Hemispherical "likes", an image, projected, from the orchestrator. So to cast his own protruding dark nature upon that curtain we share, and all should know it full well.
Rather, the philosopher, sees the Pure Truth, because, as the knower of such Anti-Principle, as a measure, sunk into the dregs of society, he can, and could so perspicuously place cause as to better oneself, by becoming "what is (The Painted Artist)" into the Titles advancemen; selfish foe, the self Proclaimed Master Artist, becomes, a Hitlerized Lawless Oblivious Thelemite, on his way to next imagined conquest.
"Artist, do you not yet "SEE", that when your "entertainment" is gone, which is the only reason they seem to "buy your act", you are then dead. Found now existent, as zietgeist, discharged, and bounced around "the room" of such "antiquity"...a sneeze of Elite nostril's flare, there, now pressed, a smudge, on the screen of life, you are but a specimen, of Man's futility. Cast upon the screen, a projection, your absence is cause for celebration, onto the Elite, who purchase your drivel, they use your name as a spiritual shit napkin, wipe their reptilian green oozy discharge all over your self proclaimed "hard work". Your canvas only shows what Men will to become in Man's full use of will as defiance, the full Thelemite shows it's mutated wormy head, obiquitous, like clay.
The Philosopher, a Master at that, can see this probability prior to the event, thus he strings onto other, superior forms, of consciousness, as an expanding horizon, EVER EXPANDING IN FACT.
Simply, by knowing this margin purely and truly exists, and in fact, is more existent, which supports an entire field, this heightened consciousness brings to the entirety of "the Little Bubble People", which is what WE ARE.
The Philosopher displays, this also naturally accruing "humility", for he knows Mercy, as well as Compassion on to it's higher degrees, only he may not have employed these over "a stretch", he thus stands ready, when he views the worthy.
So in short This Mind of the Master Philosophe, is recognized upon his own merits, That Had To Be Earned. There was no stumbling method, as with the case of the psychosis based Self Proclaimed Master Artist contends in his ever "blossoming" success. He is "but a Sociopath!", he swears, yet the true path could not be clearer, always facing only himself. So the Artist takes up a space in the Universe, a Pleroma of thought Matrix, keeping able body open towards malicious possession, as is the case with the Master Actor. For you see, each Sphere, has an opposing; upside down, as well as inverted, version of a budding self. When the energy supply becomes one of will, it is ALWAYS ACTIVE PRINCIPLE, WHICH UNDERLIES, AS WELL AS OVERLAPS, consuming all lower causes, a case?
There is no Law, yet to abuse Principle, is a breach onto the ALL. Principles and their Breach, is life, and is what life surmounts to. We must infuse these Principles, as a ruling force, even when; going about behavior, autogenicly embedded reactory impulse signals, IE physically recreating our past; we often times see cats and other Animal's displayed in this "lost in your own rhetoric of self endowment/fulfillment" as the drama again plays itself out. Nature?
We are in a time of budding Philosopher's, I am it's Father? It does not matter if you have indeed read my works, yet they seem to be, shall we say, ahead of our times by shear concavity/convexity of will, in it's pure form? We are that collective mind, which in any, as well as all ways, WILL, through the ever "chasing game" of purity, in/a motion, which can not be disturbed. THIS IS THE EVER EXPANDING HIGHER MIND.
" Philosophe vs. The Self Proclaimed Master Artiste' "
The Master Artist of any era, on any day spun (from), within. He, as only truly great Artist's can be (*more on this to follow), as these Men, are the Pure Men, ones of original strain. These, anomalies, as we may refer to them here, are of a string, a long curving string of Man.
If you think that a penis incorporates the all of A MAN, then you are merely displaying all corporeal aspects, spun from within the machine. Further on the point, you also follow a certain "tempo" shall we say. So then as the Artist, may assume, that he indeed uncovers within his works, this certain truth. The Truth that the Artist sees; only the magnetic events, regulated; he has the revelation from within the machine. Yet, in Principle there is no relativism, but rather, a blossom. So those seeming, Blossom Based Artists, you know, the Landscape Artist, who captures the Seascape too, for this too be land, for which, many blemishes be covered over, by the mid-day tide, a wash.
The Master Actor, acts out first Principle, then to see a mediocrity which occurs, when one is pure truly, that display of A Man, whilst truly homeostatically balanced. It is scary, shutter to the point, when we begin to assess IMAN, in this way, from the shared consciousness, for which we ALL blend, all within the contained Sphere that is. So the "Painted" Artist can thus excite the field, a haphazard discovery, by those lazy patrons, whom stay to long, in one spot, spinning within their own stew. Further "Percolating"in this substance of their own make, breathing it in and tasting, always their own; the synthetic mechanical leach, on society, more than ever now, wills to draw that greater one into their very bent and sorted psyche . The Artist, that one which considers himself Master, for self entitlement is what the Artist thrives toward, "secret player part", with his self awarded power to stew in himself, he goes off on his borderline sociopathic~psychopath's SEARCH FOR PURE CHAOS. For he does not snap a picture, of factual quality to share, as offering, an appreciation, he instead infuses the truth, with himself, a worm. So where he goes, as a demon who has already slipped a toe into that substance, into the abyss, the ego, to a fault.
''The self proclaimed master artist, only ever infects his surroundings in such a way, as to forebode his genius suspended above him, often showing signs of a self proclaimed halo, or dark emanations from their forms, for they live in the illusion, of their own concavity, a world of absolution. To bad for they? When they finally pay the price, living now under the Law, which these hypocrates deny always, as to have truly ever given any support (to the LAW, as final cause), these shifty figures only assumed as "neutral watchers", are first to run to it, even to enforce it, for it be their weapon, their shield...yet, and on, into THE WASH, these Principleless sorts do go, for their kind be truly needed no where, for the yeild of a good one be so rare (these self inflated ONES, would each thus claim ''this one, is me".
The Master Musician can only see/feel/hear and sometimes smell, yet the Master Musician who learns to manipulate his own senses, alchemically speaking, as well as "on into that spiritual place". Yet his assertion, indeed to "do such a thing for fame alone", shows clearly an empty host, wishing, then willing to be a fully developed soul, an identity in the Universe, abroad. However not understanding, the true laws of causation, in an Electromagneticly Driven as well as SuperCharged Principle Based Universe, David Hume-Become what you are.
I do recall Lovecraft, telling such a story, about an Old Man, Playing as a host, to that "thing" that willed to express itself, into form. Perhaps C.S Lewis displayed this notion well, within his "interesting" writings, of The ScrewTape Letters", However in many spheres, there are still the many common voices, which circulate in tune, Thus traveling about a frequency "tune" which shows within it's single "Tonal Solar System-", Within this single, yet massive band, there can be found, a re-creation of all probable frequencies. Frequencies always travel towards some fated Shift Color, and shift/change them both, forever. The sound is thus that frequency, on attack. The frequency field does this, by way of transmutation. So to convert those chime based sound wave patterns, on, into the digital, and become a flying Electron conversion driven Photon (now within light, so to bear light), when the sound accrued can manipulate the field, by way of such precision, in fact like second site. "AS TO BE AROUND THE SOLUTION AS TO BECOME IT, YOUR OWN MUSIC AND THUS TO BECOME BY WAY ALSO YOUR GREATEST CRITIQUE", common Artist you do not see, that you are indeed being criticized, by an ever expanding mind, of something greater. Perhaps more Philosophe conversion, thus into as well as towards, left bent, though right proclaimed, "self flagellating Artiste', should occur more often"?
Well this be my precise point, that this phenomenon is indeed taking place. Found there displayed, spinning within the fabric. As some deep esoteric fundamental understanding, of those Photon to Photon, Polar Opposing Hemispherical "likes", an image, projected, from the orchestrator. So to cast his own protruding dark nature upon that curtain we share, and all should know it full well.
Rather, the philosopher, sees the Pure Truth, because, as the knower of such Anti-Principle, as a measure, sunk into the dregs of society, he can, and could so perspicuously place cause as to better oneself, by becoming "what is (The Painted Artist)" into the Titles advancemen; selfish foe, the self Proclaimed Master Artist, becomes, a Hitlerized Lawless Oblivious Thelemite, on his way to next imagined conquest.
"Artist, do you not yet "SEE", that when your "entertainment" is gone, which is the only reason they seem to "buy your act", you are then dead. Found now existent, as zietgeist, discharged, and bounced around "the room" of such "antiquity"...a sneeze of Elite nostril's flare, there, now pressed, a smudge, on the screen of life, you are but a specimen, of Man's futility. Cast upon the screen, a projection, your absence is cause for celebration, onto the Elite, who purchase your drivel, they use your name as a spiritual shit napkin, wipe their reptilian green oozy discharge all over your self proclaimed "hard work". Your canvas only shows what Men will to become in Man's full use of will as defiance, the full Thelemite shows it's mutated wormy head, obiquitous, like clay.
The Philosopher, a Master at that, can see this probability prior to the event, thus he strings onto other, superior forms, of consciousness, as an expanding horizon, EVER EXPANDING IN FACT.
Simply, by knowing this margin purely and truly exists, and in fact, is more existent, which supports an entire field, this heightened consciousness brings to the entirety of "the Little Bubble People", which is what WE ARE.
The Philosopher displays, this also naturally accruing "humility", for he knows Mercy, as well as Compassion on to it's higher degrees, only he may not have employed these over "a stretch", he thus stands ready, when he views the worthy.
So in short This Mind of the Master Philosophe, is recognized upon his own merits, That Had To Be Earned. There was no stumbling method, as with the case of the psychosis based Self Proclaimed Master Artist contends in his ever "blossoming" success. He is "but a Sociopath!", he swears, yet the true path could not be clearer, always facing only himself. So the Artist takes up a space in the Universe, a Pleroma of thought Matrix, keeping able body open towards malicious possession, as is the case with the Master Actor. For you see, each Sphere, has an opposing; upside down, as well as inverted, version of a budding self. When the energy supply becomes one of will, it is ALWAYS ACTIVE PRINCIPLE, WHICH UNDERLIES, AS WELL AS OVERLAPS, consuming all lower causes, a case?
There is no Law, yet to abuse Principle, is a breach onto the ALL. Principles and their Breach, is life, and is what life surmounts to. We must infuse these Principles, as a ruling force, even when; going about behavior, autogenicly embedded reactory impulse signals, IE physically recreating our past; we often times see cats and other Animal's displayed in this "lost in your own rhetoric of self endowment/fulfillment" as the drama again plays itself out. Nature?
We are in a time of budding Philosopher's, I am it's Father? It does not matter if you have indeed read my works, yet they seem to be, shall we say, ahead of our times by shear concavity/convexity of will, in it's pure form? We are that collective mind, which in any, as well as all ways, WILL, through the ever "chasing game" of purity, in/a motion, which can not be disturbed. THIS IS THE EVER EXPANDING HIGHER MIND.
Who Really Runs The Planet Revealed
Saturday, May 30, 2015
"LIVE" Draw Mohammed Free Speech Protest: Phoenix Arizona
Is Our Universe A Matrix Like Computer Game Designed by Aliens?
"Firecraka' Prophet" GnostiCrok
"Law of 7's"
The Gospel of Mary(Magdalene), Narrated by Barry Masteller, Founder of EPL
The Gospel of Thomas; Presented by EPL
Friday, May 29, 2015
M☉13 : "Grounded" OPEN~
M☉13 : "Grounded" OPEN~: Grounded Running through the hills. Trees glimmering bye, a shadow. Behold, another White Horse, as he makes his stead? No, not another, ...
Freedom of Speech Rally: Bikers to Stage Anti-Islam Event Outside Phoeni...
Phoenix Mohammad Cartoon Event: Threats Launched On Organizer and Protes...
Freedom Under Fire: Congress Eyes Requiring Gun Liability Insurance
Operation Northern Exposure 15: 1,000 Troops Participate In Michigan Dir...
womb-man Need to be placed well under the THUMB OF MAN. womb-man, Can not own PROPERTY, PROPERTY IS MAN'S. These have stolen, seduced, lied their way through borrowed parts, franchised with evil. This is and was the FALL OF MAN.
Rise Son's, Rise True Son's Of God, for you are no longer bound~
Any thing that sacrifices Purity in exchange for survival, then to seek pleasure is inherently evil. Anything that looks down upon, sells, barters the Male offspring, for which these were entrusted, shall fall, TODAY
Child Support must be abolished, THIS DAY, for it produces amorous behavior, and sells off those Pure Son's, as mere offspring, to State.
womb-man Need to be placed well under the THUMB OF MAN. womb-man, Can not own PROPERTY, PROPERTY IS MAN'S. These have stolen, seduced, lied their way through borrowed parts, franchised with evil. This is and was the FALL OF MAN.
Rise Son's, Rise True Son's Of God, for you are no longer bound~
Any thing that sacrifices Purity in exchange for survival, then to seek pleasure is inherently evil. Anything that looks down upon, sells, barters the Male offspring, for which these were entrusted, shall fall, TODAY
Child Support must be abolished, THIS DAY, for it produces amorous behavior, and sells off those Pure Son's, as mere offspring, to State.
Investigative Journalist Spills Sordid Details Behind Dennis Hastert Sex...
School Compares Student's Lunch To LSD
New Video: Abortionists Worship Satan
Thursday, May 28, 2015
I have mentioned this briefly, in prior posts. I have seen them, I know what they are and how they work. Everything follows magnetics. What most do not assert, is the Mother ship, behind the veil of an electromagnetic excited field. Orbs and Discs, which are of specific composition to that larger body, can be pulled closer or further away, based on noted recent research, with shift color energies, increasing or cancelling the excited field. There is more than one tether, The Orbs ride on these excited fields. The body which seems to be working as a singular unit, instantly calibrates the properties of electromagnetic draw.
I have mentioned this briefly, in prior posts. I have seen them, I know what they are and how they work. Everything follows magnetics. What most do not assert, is the Mother ship, behind the veil of an electromagnetic excited field. Orbs and Discs, which are of specific composition to that larger body, can be pulled closer or further away, based on noted recent research, with shift color energies, increasing or cancelling the excited field. There is more than one tether, The Orbs ride on these excited fields. The body which seems to be working as a singular unit, instantly calibrates the properties of electromagnetic draw.
Stuart Hameroff explains quantum consciousness and mind over matter
UFO Sightings Of 2015. (May) Part 2
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Alex Jones on gay rituals of Bohemian Grove
Bohemian Grove Mystery
Former worker of Bohemian Grove speaks out about the club and its members
5 Big Banks Rigged Financial Markets and No One Goes to Jail
"Revealing the MOMster"
It is found in the Cremation of CARE, it be further revealed, that Money, has a Pagan based craft crux placed upon it, no one who places true Care, shall advance by way of this marked exploitation of Care, as Principle. The Signs are posted upon the Bill. Money has this admitted black magick ritual placed upon it, as a sign of degree. No one, no one, will advance, in capitalism, absent this exploitation. Thus the first shall be last, the last shall be first, in the new era.
A battle goes on, it continues, as those of the Light destroy the Dollar, those of the Dark this in their advantage as to further the assault upon their own currency, as to promote further angst, and aggression, towards Purity, as a rule.
There is now, a sudden influx of people playing the fence, both side, as to leverage capitalism to their favor, and go to this Jewish link towards Heaven, at the same time. A Man, can not serve two Master's. Jesus does no thus, represent this casting away of evil, but that further exploitation of the ever shifting teeter totter, the result of most assertions towards Christianity, will only lead them back, to the start. This is after all, what capitalism is, a Circle, Dukkha, Karma, but yet there is so much more. One can only express what one is.
I choose to no longer waste my efforts on fighting within a rhetorical matrix of despair, which only wills defiantly, as it always has with me, as to take up more and more, of my precious time.
My ex-wife, if you met her, would convince you of her sweetness. You would swear this persona is "good" even honest, yet due to her abusive background was thwarted, from ever becoming more. The system is designed this way, as to allow PTA cookie baking to replace Principles in truth.
I evade the subject, because it stays raw, affects me each day of my life, keeps me from living a happy productive existence, even working a regular job. My money is seized by the U.S. Government to pay her as well as interest, which is now 100k USD.
I provided names, locations, and amounts of money, for which she concealed. Hiding over a million dollars, from our divorce papers, over a decade ago. This money was left to my children, for college, specifically noted. Their Mother spent the money, having the trust over turned, using the children as the hardship reason.
She spent that money in a matter of 3 years. Yet creating a rift between my children and I, having called the police on me, each time I called or came by. Then, due to her amorous behavior, I was called to watch the children. When I approached the Police with the information that she would leave my kids for days at time, pacified with video games, and cases of energy drinks (which later contributed towards her putting my now deemed schizophrenic Son on his first meds, changing his brain chemistry).
When they, or I, did not follow along with her tyrants of rage and, wants and desires, she would call the police on all of us. The Police filed a restraining order against, me, which I took to a female lawyer, who told me, that the report was filled with conjecture, and that she was surprised they would believe it. However she refused to take me as a client, assuming these allegations were true.
Soon after the order, within weeks, she filed for back child support. Even though I watched the kids, from my little tiny room, 4-5 days of the week. Even though I drove them to school on my days, even though every time She asked for money, for items, food, etc...I was there, and provided. I was a good Dad, a solid Dad, in the wake of this turbulent and backwards world, which I only began to study those things, such as the occult, religion and the sciences of the cosmos, to realize, this was happening everywhere, with Men around the world, yet pocketed towards the Elites agenda. I now care for my child, yet not monetarily, he is disabled, and highly effected by the drugs he has been placed on for years.
I am very well versed in many sciences. I put him on a ROKbodhi undulation diet, and saw marked results. I even bought him supplements, but they were often thrown away. This Woman, my Son's Mother, after years of this behavior, ended up being charged with severe child neglect, which had Felony charge, and carried a 2 years Prison sentence. The house was taken, as she would not pay rent, instead spending the money, that she ended up getting later, on God knows what?
I broke that restraining order, anytime my kids called me, I as there. They were afraid of here. One day she would kick them out, next day offer to purchase them anything. This Woman said she would throw me in Prison, simply because I did not think she was a good person. She threw radios at me, broke windows, and abused her children. Yet still, after baking CPS cookies, and smiling, lying, she was able to reduce her sentence to 6 months.
She had virtually no one visiting her. I drove my older Son out to see her weekly, as, my younger Son was now in a high level youth mental facility. I broke the odds, the obstacles, studied for credentials from within my 10x10 room, all I could afford, often times not. I slept in my car, got hired at a job, which I ended up, within 3 months, becoming the top trainer for. I earned more than any other trainer, pressing in 2008 towards 100k per year. The agenda, was always on my back, I beat the system, and yet the oppression was marked. I got a place, took my kids, and after only 6 weeks, the kids wanted to live with their Mother. I found out later, she threatened them with her own suicide, to get them to leave.
I ended up becoming homeless, after my kids begged me to be around town, as well as my ex-wife. We had the kids out of wedlock, and I only married her, 3 years, prior to our initial breakup, due to my wanting my kids to know, they were not bound to being termed "bastards".
I had a modeling career thwarted by Her, and Acting career, where I was called by HBO for a role, and turned it down, do to my newly born Son, and ex-spouse needing me present. I ended up becoming a working Joe, punching the clock, and doing as goo as I could. There was often new furniture, new cars, and the kids had insurance, new cloths, and all they needed, but it was never enough. My ex-spouse would cheat on me, I found out later, take my cash tips, lock me out of the house, blaming me for "cheating", all the while, her boyfriend was hiding himself or narrowly escaping. I was a good husband, a good Dad, and was attacked, not only by these means, yet many others.
My strength was always used against me. I refused to become a capitalistic thinker. There are entities which follow us around, that can not be seen, which dictate, as well as effect the energy conductive pulse of specific regions and zones. I became quite well versed in this, studying many codex and texts.
The obvious draw came, when CPS, came to take my Son from me. I battled to get him released from facilities. The issue was, that now, with back child support over my head, my money was taken and given to my ex-wife. I simply could not play the charade any longer, the interest was all that was being paid off. I told Judges, and workers, the truth, gave them information, they did nothing.
I had amassed over 20 credentials, and left my posts, due to my conviction as a Father, there was no where else to turn, I become godless, they had finally brought me down, they had won.
Part 2
In 2013, February 26th-28/29th, my Son's birthday in fact, I became pissed off. For the first time, I refused to turn the other cheek. You see, I was raised with Christian indoctrination, which is a part of the Jewish Kabbalah agenda. This book is based on a division's treatise, four to be precise. There is much truth, and goodness, yet also craft placed upon it, I speak of the Bible, touched and produced by machinating hands. It is so precisely orchestrated, that this agenda takes Principle codes, infusing them into math based signatures, as to cause a personal breach, when one refutes the entire texts, which as said, is infused with those other scriptures. In the Bible, there are at least 4 codes of doctrine. One is wrath, murder, will, experience, the Jewish way. The other is pestilence fired upon the masses, from another view, in those ways of sacrificing oneself, as the pure Son. The book, presses Man, towards a fate of that final yield, towards the Kali Yuga.
Though womb-man are the perverts, renting the majority of porn, drinking alcoholic more often, producing the actual over population, due from their own evil and impure choices, Men are seen as suspicious. The Law is wrong, and further more, there is no Law. There are no commandments. Those who do not understand Principle, as Purity, on a fundamental level, are simply no the living, but the dying. It is an electrical Universe, with Magnetic Polarities, yet it is, so much more.
I have gained a relationship, with the God above the Bible, which the Bible itself means to acquisition. The Jewish God, the Masonic God, The God of every "religion" on this Planet, serves, through a router, a hierarchy of Reptilian Aliens, who act as our makers, keepers as well as Overlord's. Their agenda is many, because like EPL, it is based on multifarious thought processes, actions, and sequencing. I am an anomaly. I have tried to blend in, to be a part, yet the pressure, as to force me to become, has been unfair, premeditated, and at times, to much to bare.
There are two roads, and truly three. I have spoken on this enough in my extensive posts, and writings.
The Anti-Christ, is the terrorist, is the propaganda of another side, an enemy, when none exists. The agenda is to keep an agitated field suspension taking place, as to incite magnetic energy. Those things, thought to be so personal, a such as grief, are used as a tidal shift of polarity. There is a God, he is quite real, but he is only implied in scripture, and often falsified, taking only bits and pieces of him, then transmorphing this into a wrath based God, a Pagan sacrifice based God.
Christianity, follows a Jewish agenda. It is the religion of the Peasants, there have been many. This is all done to keep us apart, to actually keep us from doing those deeds which are innate to the many, yet the few. The Purity is not focused on. Those Principles are not focused on. The God, which is all peace all Purity, all truth, is not focused on, yet the informations are instead shifted, in a method solution, which lead only towards the Lordship of Law, as absolution.
The fear strikes people. "Then what would I be, if I did not have a trusted doctrine to follow?" The answer is thus revealed, in your becoming. Are you focused on, bound to and for Purity, at your root, which engages only Peace, Purity, Principle and Bliss? Or are you that which represents the other side, where Tempered Experience, Will, and thus that impurity transgressed through all knowledge, be your guide? That one who understands both, and thus the true center point, such as I have indeed understood, will be the Spiritual King of a time, an era. He rules the two sides within him, which lay out those intellectual potentials, which exist, in the ALL.
My firm believe, no Faith, be that neither positive nor negative truly exist in that Pre-substance of Pure Shift Light, as that first sustaining field of source. Unity is the way to hone and harness this vital force, brought about by mind, towards understanding.
Simple things, at first bring you to this state, towards the singularity. Wake up and free your Pineal, meditate on that connective polarity to both sides, in order to institute and reinstitute that place of balance IE focus on those firings between the two brain hemispheres. Those many slights by womb-man, are only being protected, by the perpetuated this sheen, a veil of EM Magnetosphere conduction, the Earth, Nature, the World, as it is. Many loud mouths, who otherwise would contribute nothing, benefit and gain from this system, of Law, and rule, it is part of the agenda, to keep the truly ignorant ever aspiring towards monetary gain.
Money does not exist
Law does not exist
Principles stands alone, and needs nothing more.
The Pineal will be activated fully on the avoidance of fat and carbohydrates, staying on protein type fasts, whilst using EPL Active Mind in Motion Techniques. Only base nutrients like vitamin C type drink packets, Trace Minerals taken in minute amounts, yet daily. Apple Cider vinegar 2-3 times through the day, to Alkalize the system. Walking several times per day, Meditating. Connect with me, I am not bad, I am truly and Purely yearning for Peace, in it's highest Order, a natural Order, from Principle, all things to be, shall be.
We are a singularity, a unit. we stand all powerful, above the indoctrination, the machine. There is not need to argue semantics, leave this to Jewish debaters. I choose Peace, through Purity, and demand it be respected above all, NO OTHER PRINCIPLE STANDS HIGHER.
Together we take the Globe, become the Spiritual Rule. We do not dream of being on David Letterman, nor having/attaining the worlds valu_ of "bitches, blunts and guns", we are happy, BEING, simply being. Living in a World that does not shrink to such items of display. Free, harmony, in chime with the true Father. All else will melt away, the Will must be demanded, Pure Will.
Those, who are not born of Purity, alas can not find it, it is a grieving we must go through, to know this. These are drawn to that ever emergent darkness, which is on the cusp of swallowing up it's children and it's prey.
It is found in the Cremation of CARE, it be further revealed, that Money, has a Pagan based craft crux placed upon it, no one who places true Care, shall advance by way of this marked exploitation of Care, as Principle. The Signs are posted upon the Bill. Money has this admitted black magick ritual placed upon it, as a sign of degree. No one, no one, will advance, in capitalism, absent this exploitation. Thus the first shall be last, the last shall be first, in the new era.
A battle goes on, it continues, as those of the Light destroy the Dollar, those of the Dark this in their advantage as to further the assault upon their own currency, as to promote further angst, and aggression, towards Purity, as a rule.
There is now, a sudden influx of people playing the fence, both side, as to leverage capitalism to their favor, and go to this Jewish link towards Heaven, at the same time. A Man, can not serve two Master's. Jesus does no thus, represent this casting away of evil, but that further exploitation of the ever shifting teeter totter, the result of most assertions towards Christianity, will only lead them back, to the start. This is after all, what capitalism is, a Circle, Dukkha, Karma, but yet there is so much more. One can only express what one is.
I choose to no longer waste my efforts on fighting within a rhetorical matrix of despair, which only wills defiantly, as it always has with me, as to take up more and more, of my precious time.
My ex-wife, if you met her, would convince you of her sweetness. You would swear this persona is "good" even honest, yet due to her abusive background was thwarted, from ever becoming more. The system is designed this way, as to allow PTA cookie baking to replace Principles in truth.
I evade the subject, because it stays raw, affects me each day of my life, keeps me from living a happy productive existence, even working a regular job. My money is seized by the U.S. Government to pay her as well as interest, which is now 100k USD.
I provided names, locations, and amounts of money, for which she concealed. Hiding over a million dollars, from our divorce papers, over a decade ago. This money was left to my children, for college, specifically noted. Their Mother spent the money, having the trust over turned, using the children as the hardship reason.
She spent that money in a matter of 3 years. Yet creating a rift between my children and I, having called the police on me, each time I called or came by. Then, due to her amorous behavior, I was called to watch the children. When I approached the Police with the information that she would leave my kids for days at time, pacified with video games, and cases of energy drinks (which later contributed towards her putting my now deemed schizophrenic Son on his first meds, changing his brain chemistry).
When they, or I, did not follow along with her tyrants of rage and, wants and desires, she would call the police on all of us. The Police filed a restraining order against, me, which I took to a female lawyer, who told me, that the report was filled with conjecture, and that she was surprised they would believe it. However she refused to take me as a client, assuming these allegations were true.
Soon after the order, within weeks, she filed for back child support. Even though I watched the kids, from my little tiny room, 4-5 days of the week. Even though I drove them to school on my days, even though every time She asked for money, for items, food, etc...I was there, and provided. I was a good Dad, a solid Dad, in the wake of this turbulent and backwards world, which I only began to study those things, such as the occult, religion and the sciences of the cosmos, to realize, this was happening everywhere, with Men around the world, yet pocketed towards the Elites agenda. I now care for my child, yet not monetarily, he is disabled, and highly effected by the drugs he has been placed on for years.
I am very well versed in many sciences. I put him on a ROKbodhi undulation diet, and saw marked results. I even bought him supplements, but they were often thrown away. This Woman, my Son's Mother, after years of this behavior, ended up being charged with severe child neglect, which had Felony charge, and carried a 2 years Prison sentence. The house was taken, as she would not pay rent, instead spending the money, that she ended up getting later, on God knows what?
I broke that restraining order, anytime my kids called me, I as there. They were afraid of here. One day she would kick them out, next day offer to purchase them anything. This Woman said she would throw me in Prison, simply because I did not think she was a good person. She threw radios at me, broke windows, and abused her children. Yet still, after baking CPS cookies, and smiling, lying, she was able to reduce her sentence to 6 months.
She had virtually no one visiting her. I drove my older Son out to see her weekly, as, my younger Son was now in a high level youth mental facility. I broke the odds, the obstacles, studied for credentials from within my 10x10 room, all I could afford, often times not. I slept in my car, got hired at a job, which I ended up, within 3 months, becoming the top trainer for. I earned more than any other trainer, pressing in 2008 towards 100k per year. The agenda, was always on my back, I beat the system, and yet the oppression was marked. I got a place, took my kids, and after only 6 weeks, the kids wanted to live with their Mother. I found out later, she threatened them with her own suicide, to get them to leave.
I ended up becoming homeless, after my kids begged me to be around town, as well as my ex-wife. We had the kids out of wedlock, and I only married her, 3 years, prior to our initial breakup, due to my wanting my kids to know, they were not bound to being termed "bastards".
I had a modeling career thwarted by Her, and Acting career, where I was called by HBO for a role, and turned it down, do to my newly born Son, and ex-spouse needing me present. I ended up becoming a working Joe, punching the clock, and doing as goo as I could. There was often new furniture, new cars, and the kids had insurance, new cloths, and all they needed, but it was never enough. My ex-spouse would cheat on me, I found out later, take my cash tips, lock me out of the house, blaming me for "cheating", all the while, her boyfriend was hiding himself or narrowly escaping. I was a good husband, a good Dad, and was attacked, not only by these means, yet many others.
My strength was always used against me. I refused to become a capitalistic thinker. There are entities which follow us around, that can not be seen, which dictate, as well as effect the energy conductive pulse of specific regions and zones. I became quite well versed in this, studying many codex and texts.
The obvious draw came, when CPS, came to take my Son from me. I battled to get him released from facilities. The issue was, that now, with back child support over my head, my money was taken and given to my ex-wife. I simply could not play the charade any longer, the interest was all that was being paid off. I told Judges, and workers, the truth, gave them information, they did nothing.
I had amassed over 20 credentials, and left my posts, due to my conviction as a Father, there was no where else to turn, I become godless, they had finally brought me down, they had won.
Part 2
In 2013, February 26th-28/29th, my Son's birthday in fact, I became pissed off. For the first time, I refused to turn the other cheek. You see, I was raised with Christian indoctrination, which is a part of the Jewish Kabbalah agenda. This book is based on a division's treatise, four to be precise. There is much truth, and goodness, yet also craft placed upon it, I speak of the Bible, touched and produced by machinating hands. It is so precisely orchestrated, that this agenda takes Principle codes, infusing them into math based signatures, as to cause a personal breach, when one refutes the entire texts, which as said, is infused with those other scriptures. In the Bible, there are at least 4 codes of doctrine. One is wrath, murder, will, experience, the Jewish way. The other is pestilence fired upon the masses, from another view, in those ways of sacrificing oneself, as the pure Son. The book, presses Man, towards a fate of that final yield, towards the Kali Yuga.
Though womb-man are the perverts, renting the majority of porn, drinking alcoholic more often, producing the actual over population, due from their own evil and impure choices, Men are seen as suspicious. The Law is wrong, and further more, there is no Law. There are no commandments. Those who do not understand Principle, as Purity, on a fundamental level, are simply no the living, but the dying. It is an electrical Universe, with Magnetic Polarities, yet it is, so much more.
I have gained a relationship, with the God above the Bible, which the Bible itself means to acquisition. The Jewish God, the Masonic God, The God of every "religion" on this Planet, serves, through a router, a hierarchy of Reptilian Aliens, who act as our makers, keepers as well as Overlord's. Their agenda is many, because like EPL, it is based on multifarious thought processes, actions, and sequencing. I am an anomaly. I have tried to blend in, to be a part, yet the pressure, as to force me to become, has been unfair, premeditated, and at times, to much to bare.
There are two roads, and truly three. I have spoken on this enough in my extensive posts, and writings.
The Anti-Christ, is the terrorist, is the propaganda of another side, an enemy, when none exists. The agenda is to keep an agitated field suspension taking place, as to incite magnetic energy. Those things, thought to be so personal, a such as grief, are used as a tidal shift of polarity. There is a God, he is quite real, but he is only implied in scripture, and often falsified, taking only bits and pieces of him, then transmorphing this into a wrath based God, a Pagan sacrifice based God.
Christianity, follows a Jewish agenda. It is the religion of the Peasants, there have been many. This is all done to keep us apart, to actually keep us from doing those deeds which are innate to the many, yet the few. The Purity is not focused on. Those Principles are not focused on. The God, which is all peace all Purity, all truth, is not focused on, yet the informations are instead shifted, in a method solution, which lead only towards the Lordship of Law, as absolution.
The fear strikes people. "Then what would I be, if I did not have a trusted doctrine to follow?" The answer is thus revealed, in your becoming. Are you focused on, bound to and for Purity, at your root, which engages only Peace, Purity, Principle and Bliss? Or are you that which represents the other side, where Tempered Experience, Will, and thus that impurity transgressed through all knowledge, be your guide? That one who understands both, and thus the true center point, such as I have indeed understood, will be the Spiritual King of a time, an era. He rules the two sides within him, which lay out those intellectual potentials, which exist, in the ALL.
My firm believe, no Faith, be that neither positive nor negative truly exist in that Pre-substance of Pure Shift Light, as that first sustaining field of source. Unity is the way to hone and harness this vital force, brought about by mind, towards understanding.
Simple things, at first bring you to this state, towards the singularity. Wake up and free your Pineal, meditate on that connective polarity to both sides, in order to institute and reinstitute that place of balance IE focus on those firings between the two brain hemispheres. Those many slights by womb-man, are only being protected, by the perpetuated this sheen, a veil of EM Magnetosphere conduction, the Earth, Nature, the World, as it is. Many loud mouths, who otherwise would contribute nothing, benefit and gain from this system, of Law, and rule, it is part of the agenda, to keep the truly ignorant ever aspiring towards monetary gain.
Money does not exist
Law does not exist
Principles stands alone, and needs nothing more.
The Pineal will be activated fully on the avoidance of fat and carbohydrates, staying on protein type fasts, whilst using EPL Active Mind in Motion Techniques. Only base nutrients like vitamin C type drink packets, Trace Minerals taken in minute amounts, yet daily. Apple Cider vinegar 2-3 times through the day, to Alkalize the system. Walking several times per day, Meditating. Connect with me, I am not bad, I am truly and Purely yearning for Peace, in it's highest Order, a natural Order, from Principle, all things to be, shall be.
We are a singularity, a unit. we stand all powerful, above the indoctrination, the machine. There is not need to argue semantics, leave this to Jewish debaters. I choose Peace, through Purity, and demand it be respected above all, NO OTHER PRINCIPLE STANDS HIGHER.
Together we take the Globe, become the Spiritual Rule. We do not dream of being on David Letterman, nor having/attaining the worlds valu_ of "bitches, blunts and guns", we are happy, BEING, simply being. Living in a World that does not shrink to such items of display. Free, harmony, in chime with the true Father. All else will melt away, the Will must be demanded, Pure Will.
Those, who are not born of Purity, alas can not find it, it is a grieving we must go through, to know this. These are drawn to that ever emergent darkness, which is on the cusp of swallowing up it's children and it's prey.
They, pop academia, you know, those who are a head above the Dewey Water line, say "show me the math". Yet they follow such People as Max Planck, C.F. Guass, yet still to say "show me the long physics???
Yet a Planck requires short math, the measurement of a wave function? In other words, conditional to the condition, we need to see the math, so that we may validate the condition within the condition...not taking into consideration, that the condition itself is create specifically with those simple tools of "what is"
What is? We have a wave, the wave comes from electrical discharge. The discharge comes from a machine, working within a machine, constantly placing another cog, as to mystify the observers, however the same wave functions occur, yet in within that shift of varied spectrum, due to the interference with said bodies. In order to find True Math, that simplicity of a single wave, in it's pure unadulterated form, needs to be used as quanta. Until this is done, no one is Guassing, they are just guessing.
I say it over and over again, that point in Phi, is where a wave simply mirrors back onto itself. The Phi swirl is seen everywhere that contains something. The something could not be there, absent a culinization of such things as wave and frequency. Now the perpetuation must be protected.
They, pop academia, you know, those who are a head above the Dewey Water line, say "show me the math". Yet they follow such People as Max Planck, C.F. Guass, yet still to say "show me the long physics???
Yet a Planck requires short math, the measurement of a wave function? In other words, conditional to the condition, we need to see the math, so that we may validate the condition within the condition...not taking into consideration, that the condition itself is create specifically with those simple tools of "what is"
What is? We have a wave, the wave comes from electrical discharge. The discharge comes from a machine, working within a machine, constantly placing another cog, as to mystify the observers, however the same wave functions occur, yet in within that shift of varied spectrum, due to the interference with said bodies. In order to find True Math, that simplicity of a single wave, in it's pure unadulterated form, needs to be used as quanta. Until this is done, no one is Guassing, they are just guessing.
I say it over and over again, that point in Phi, is where a wave simply mirrors back onto itself. The Phi swirl is seen everywhere that contains something. The something could not be there, absent a culinization of such things as wave and frequency. Now the perpetuation must be protected.
Preview with Dr. Donald Scott: Cosmic Power Lines | EU2015
Tensions Rising Internationally - The Alex Jones Show - 05/26/2015
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
1) 0 --------- 8
2) 1 --------- 7
3) 1 --------- 6
4) 2 --------- 5
5) 3 --------- 4
6) 5 --------- 3
7) 8 --------- 2
8) 13 -------- 1
1) 0 --------- 8
2) 1 --------- 7
3) 1 --------- 6
4) 2 --------- 5
5) 3 --------- 4
6) 5 --------- 3
7) 8 --------- 2
8) 13 -------- 1
Major edits to Stellar Mass, "a Ship called Misanthrope" on amazon, 3 of 5 books edits complete
Tomorrow Book
Major edits to Stellar Mass, "a Ship called Misanthrope" on amazon, 3 of 5 books edits complete
Tomorrow Book
Monday, May 25, 2015
Why I No Longer Believe In God (Documentary) Full Movie
I had to post this again. I have many conversations, with very intelligent beings. I am told over and over again, with a clear and refreshing resonant power, I have made it, I have earned this heavenly placing. So, I would say again, God is that greater one than you, as this idea or concept expands, one realizes, there is always a bigger, smarter, stronger, faster being, Yet to balance the spheres of specific base or original thought, that is the effort of a superiority, those are the pangs growth, the shift, the transmission, the balance!
Why I No Longer Believe In God (Documentary) Full Movie
I had to post this again. I have many conversations, with very intelligent beings. I am told over and over again, with a clear and refreshing resonant power, I have made it, I have earned this heavenly placing. So, I would say again, God is that greater one than you, as this idea or concept expands, one realizes, there is always a bigger, smarter, stronger, faster being, Yet to balance the spheres of specific base or original thought, that is the effort of a superiority, those are the pangs growth, the shift, the transmission, the balance!
Holograms, Aliens and Agenda's - Not For The Squeamish 'AT ALL!'
Holograms, Aliens and Agenda's - Not For The Squeamish 'AT ALL!'
The Truth About Single Moms
What a Magnetic Reversal Means for Earth
Bohemian Grove - Alex Jones
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Citizen says undercover cops kettled protesters last night which led to ...
Changing of The Guard~
The Solar Systems very "horizontal order", or rotation, or what be called "orbit" is another misleading, yet blatant lie, found within the "grand unified" scheme. Every person by which you come in contact, every experience rendered, thus be on a track, of default, which done in sequence, carries forth, every event, that further impresses IMPACT FORCE unto Man. Man assumes this is his identity, this is what he must be, after all, cause and effect are those very universal "solids", that follow these seeming complex and abstract (to the average Man), such immutable and Universal Law. There is no Law, further, shockingly, there is no known Universe, as these are both constructs, which are not solidified, only perpetuated as current and excepted norms, a standard model.
Who was that Man who with much conjuring and help, was but tethered to the Master's of His very genetic profile, the same in like and resonant with his lineage, as part Golem to the Jewish cause. God's people? Remove this one so called truth from the false text, co-infused with such truths, as to create a 61.8% accuracy to "The Good Book", and the entire fabric of it, diminishes before the very hands, of that true Principle holder, a purity beyond the wars, torture, sacrifice, and oppression of "That Christian God" mostly culminate, by way of tradition, alone. In this we find rituals, binding ones, yet this moment, the NOW, and the IMPACT of it, has been commandeered, taken over, by more worthy hands. This MOMENT? The very changing of The Guard.
The Solar Systems very "horizontal order", or rotation, or what be called "orbit" is another misleading, yet blatant lie, found within the "grand unified" scheme. Every person by which you come in contact, every experience rendered, thus be on a track, of default, which done in sequence, carries forth, every event, that further impresses IMPACT FORCE unto Man. Man assumes this is his identity, this is what he must be, after all, cause and effect are those very universal "solids", that follow these seeming complex and abstract (to the average Man), such immutable and Universal Law. There is no Law, further, shockingly, there is no known Universe, as these are both constructs, which are not solidified, only perpetuated as current and excepted norms, a standard model.
Who was that Man who with much conjuring and help, was but tethered to the Master's of His very genetic profile, the same in like and resonant with his lineage, as part Golem to the Jewish cause. God's people? Remove this one so called truth from the false text, co-infused with such truths, as to create a 61.8% accuracy to "The Good Book", and the entire fabric of it, diminishes before the very hands, of that true Principle holder, a purity beyond the wars, torture, sacrifice, and oppression of "That Christian God" mostly culminate, by way of tradition, alone. In this we find rituals, binding ones, yet this moment, the NOW, and the IMPACT of it, has been commandeered, taken over, by more worthy hands. This MOMENT? The very changing of The Guard.
This book will be added to, as all works, and heavily edited for format. The release, in it's infant stages, is based on the impending hour, of need.
As you know, we are on the precipice of an already covert global, oligarchy take-over. Principle meditations, are truly all those seeking justice, in Principle, are given as some "universal" allowance.
Work together, or perish in separatism. The statement, striking and sadly, "The Pure Truth" of "reality", as we all walked into this, step by step. This, has thus manifested those "Proverbs" now, in that fully vested deployment, of rule over the entire field, as network oppressive operationalism. ~
This book will be added to, as all works, and heavily edited for format. The release, in it's infant stages, is based on the impending hour, of need.
As you know, we are on the precipice of an already covert global, oligarchy take-over. Principle meditations, are truly all those seeking justice, in Principle, are given as some "universal" allowance.
Work together, or perish in separatism. The statement, striking and sadly, "The Pure Truth" of "reality", as we all walked into this, step by step. This, has thus manifested those "Proverbs" now, in that fully vested deployment, of rule over the entire field, as network oppressive operationalism. ~
Blank slate infusion, Pure Man's living right, a threat to the Oligarchy} P.B.U
I am going to get into this more, later, as I am currently giving all my efforts, towards editing my 6 books, 2,200 pages plus. I am also writing new chapters to these books. The books represent the 6 main codes of Principle, 1/2 the supported construct, to this Electric Prison. The concept here, has to do with PBU, Principle Based Universe, as a grand Unified theory. More specifically "M", and of course the inverted version of it, as in "W", which trails to support, that specific "M" tether field (the Prison Warden if you will). This is that speculative subject, I dream and complete in my sleep, now, often forgetting much, yet making haste to "chronograph". If you were to look at those furthest regions of "M", where the symbol originates, and where it ends, this would mark familiar photon type tethers. The Sun works in much this way, where the final connective descent, (with "M" as model/construct), this "shared electromagnetic agitation", how and why the field seems to exist.
Keep in mind that "existence" is only assumed, yet is simply the ongoing support, the continuance of that chain, of relatively undisturbed default code. This works much in the way of mimetic partial code *much like IGF's, in the assertion or introduction of held partial thoughts and ideas, which support the rewriting impressed upon the field, in chrono based blank slate infusion. Below is a crude rendering, picture the Sun as said, being the first point of "M", thus "ending" at Mars. Yet the planets are agitated fields of their own, one pleroma, within each planet there are also found separate magnetic fields. Where ever there be agitation, is thus life, as we know it. Thus a peace filled consciousness, may be Principles standard, yet is not standard throughout the agitated field. This, answering those renderings of "Bad" and "Good", polarities. There are tethers which do not follow "seeming" specific patterns, yet do within that specific field, such as:
[Jupiter, Saturn Uranus, Neptune]
Not including other more obvious bodies such as Pluto, Eris and so many other "Dwarf Planets" outside the Kuiper Belt. Yet those mentioned, above sharing larger, yet varied composition of Iron oxide, to name but one potential parley, delay and relay magnetic "flow through", working more as a receiver, transmitter, with "radio type signal" or frequency, to cut off/alter/control Photon transmission, on a sub-level, as to manifest the Electromagnetic held "shaping" of such bodies (maintained).
If it were only this straight forward. The Kuiper Belt, justifies the EPL code, as it magnetically "locks in" those 8 planetary bodies. So this Universal "M" sequence may look more like "MN" merged together, in theory.
OR, as I will investigate here, may share a much more complex set of Shared structural familiarity, tethered partial structurization. Orbit, Based on magnetic draw, during certain planetary positional magnetic "openings", if you will, thus designating specific shift changes and frequency connectivity, based on planetary make-up. Thus, those specific and shared traits can intensify "in draw", as well as repel, by way of elemental body composition. Thus causing an axis magnetospherical shift, "the planet, in relative position to other shared compositional bodies, can thus contain a greater or lesser than mass, relative aura, or charge, thus emission or transmission, based on relative planetary positioning. The Photon to Photon, as rationale, Photon expressed as "the carrier of light or E.M. expression, for long distance interactions". One could use the cart before the horse theory further, as to say, "these bodies did not become this over time, as is popular opinion, but were in fact manufactured, and still regularly maintained, for such precision". Leaving the obvious, if these bodies follow any type of "natural" or immutable law based patterns, as in orbit and mass as relative to order/planetary positional placing (a moment IMPACT FORCE), then why all the maintenance?
"The Impact is thus occurring by way of these photons (hadrons etc.), seeming on a micro scale, yet to, in steps, allow for such cataclysmic events. If the compositions are moved and maintained. If the frequencies and shifts are controlled, maintained. These steps towards absolution, are patient masterminded subtle cyclical maneuvering."
These would represent one placement of "Tether", undulation... which is why some planets, as well as moons, have a definite seam down the middle, two agitated hemispheres, constantly at odds. These bodies, are tethered to yet a greater M, sequence, which are those ever larger and yet smaller (dilated, yet the same), "pleromic grids". The parley, delay of relay of specific supportive magnetic energies, create a common "flow through", of only some shared tether based energy pathways, which makes "behavior" appear random, at first sight. Further utilizing color shift energies, as well as convex and concave frequency held structure, which act as support, as to allow parlay, delay as well as relay of such information, or imprinted/impressed blank slate magnetic energies, seen as but agitated fields.
There are workers who are not effected by specific radiations and interference. These workers follow very closely and specifically to those many reported "types of alien sects" IE "The Disclosure", in that these work within certain areas of the "shift fields" and are thus created for specific purpose, in maintaining those specific fields of "operation". This causing wonderment to we ignorant outside the knowledge, instead of fear and awe. When mass realization sets in, as to have effected that divided, yet shared global consciousness, the purge becomes that next alien stage, as event or IMPACT FORCE. More so, that we are indeed part and parcel to an electromagnetic science application, that requires perfect balance between said fields of shared energy pathways. Thus the sacrifice of Purity, a return of imprinted said "blank slate energy", which goes on, to support the default, of ignorance,..back into the excited field, supporting "what is" within the field, ongoing agitation. This designates a specific number to number polarity, hence the control, Universal oligarchy.
Scientists who think their theories hold any absolutes, are but paid proxy to the game. Why do they do this? Our over Overlord's, that is? The same reason we walk and chain our Animal's, eat them, or look down on those outside the shared reason, held within a system. There is always a higher Master, True liberation is much grander than anyone here could assert. We are thus held captive, as much as we are, reliant on the system of agitation as our very life support, of consciousness and being. There is a battle between that vital free energy, which beckons only escape, and the body, as beast, who wills to be supported within the construct or that chain (chain concurrent with DNA as well as tether/chain "about the neck" SAME).
It thus becomes pertinent to those holders, of the higher mind, that these spheres become the very ways you think, live and breathe, the multifarious mind. Instantly, the total rejection of any prison like state or status, as title, becomes further evident, as in The Uncompromisable Truth, irrefutable, you can no longer live within the false solution, as it no longer supports the ascended living form.
"EPL Spinning", this author believes infuses thought placement, manifest as Photon placement, OR directional multifarious spin charge DIRECTED. Further charged photonic phenomenon, with that shared and common matrix of understanding, excepting then higher constructs of Principle, as an evolutionary certainty, becomes that method and the rule. Thus no one, who be outside this "Pure Thought Matrix", can thus infect this higher status of the mind. It shares it's own Shift as Well as Frequency creating construct. Thus keeping this power, from culminating into the ruling force, becomes priority One, Kill the Messiah, Kill the Liberating Mind of Christ. The Man, is thus not permitted to Shine...society be thus, in the name of the masses, truly the oligarchy control of the, EM solution/food source as said; Assumed higher Anti-Principle (Masonic absolute), the Messiah is enemy to. Yet so, thus, there is more, yet must be "channeled into the solution", the goal of corner stone, as crux to the true center. The all, simply can not exist without this true center. Killing the Pure Man, thus creates ongoing G-eneration.
As science states, to have used a billion subjects, thus to arrive at the perfect one, there is no longer need to deliberate the rest, hence the purge. In this the higher Mind is evil to the isolated and Grubbing/Hording Jew or to the "agitation worshipping Mason", as the perfected form, is dangerous to the survival of all living beings within a globe, which is but a petridish. For all others, thus be held now insignificant, on to be supportive as past data, that history, which assisted the scientist, toward this final, perfected conclusion.
We have found the center crux, that corner stone, that all life, in it's entanglement within varied degrees of a Purity and thus impurity, dance around. Absent this Pure force as representation of the Source, the "0", as THE ALL, as multidimensional construct, could not render legitimizing all digits, nor numbers in succession thus. The corner stone, is thus imprisoned, as that main event, to all scientific endeavor, to study but a fraction, which stems from the integer, nothing holds to any rationale, there also be no center, no crux, nothing to orbit about, no pathway for the agitation to dance, towards an ever self validating, agitative status, in order to proclaim "I live therefor I AM". Absent the higher mind, as reason, as will towards Principle as all understanding there be no beginning, no end, no loop. simply an agitated field, of chaos gnashing it's teeth for order.
Moons of separate systems, are connected to "other Moons" in much the same way. Acting, in part, as common shared constructs, in behavior, yet also, sharing planetary string, of familiarity. String theory, now full blown into proven tether experiments such as the one in 1996, NASA, conclusively proved this, as life forms, be instantly manifest when this magnetic bridge of like be directly and specifically applied, to that point, in space/time, which only marks a magnetic event. In this way, the universe becomes a simple and straight forward science. If all the greatest minds, world wide, were to wrap their collective heads, and hearts around this, all the seeming secrets would instantly be evident. With the simple study of what these Men are already expert at in their respective fields of Astronomy, Physics, Torsion fields, Meteorology, and on, the Truth would become at last evident.
Creating more "space"
The Truth that we our selves are a representation of this agitated tethered field. More so that sacrifices of people are a way of releasing then harnessing specific amounts of agitated energies. That the idea of soul, is indeed a state of blank slate infusion. That ideas and thought only exist on a band, wave and pattern in relative pure form, to the pure source. More that it would suit Man better, to begin thinking of The Bible as parable to telling future G-enerations of his offspring, the truth of such events. That Eve was indeed taken from Adam's left half, near his solar or Sun center, that ganglionic mass, yet the corporeal aspect of him, That womb-man is indeed a copy of a copy (upside down/inverted) of Man, who is a synthetic byproduct of petridish. That Man was a mere and meer mimetic in that dish, before those excited fields, finished him from seeming thin air, imprinted within the very fabric, most only assume is blank, meaning dark matter and it's anti, which be atmospheric of "field".
A Universe is smaller than most would assert, for this we call Universe Pleroma, a separated grid field.
There is no telling how, or why this numeric sequence was imprinted into the ether of what be but our pleroma. By simply entering another Pleroma, we very well could be effecting and infecting an entire network of systematic ether placed binary codes, that do not support Man, in his carbon form, nor support those coded "structures", We would, and will, find that division is a magnetic anomaly, brought about by the very agitation of our creation. Further that the higher mind, which Man asserts as constant throughout all pleroma, grids and realms of reason, is not a constant in that grand unified tether, or within the magnetic body of those certain and specific fields of operation....Man in short, is not part of that "operation", outside shift agitation unto those other shifts of only comparative, further. agitation production, grand operation.
We are indeed within a prison, and unable to transcend to this higher form, until we ourselves create a purge, if you will, of the shared mind. This Unified mind, must rewrite the higher cause of Man, within that genomic like construct, that very code of designated life forming binary pattern, written now within that field. No longer to assert the default, nor rely on the magnetic currency of flow, which only perpetuates it's "operation". This indeed is, a matrix, within a matrix, within a matrix, extending far beyond anything Man could ever be comfortable ever knowing.
More so, that one, which encapsulates as well as encompasses, all original thoughts, writes the very code to this matrix. This one must be able to work within the corrupted and "polaric" construct of "what is" the same "moment' or within that unbroken pleromic "M/W" pattern, be capable of imprinting this new code, or higher structure of code, onto that blank slate as to infuse himself.
He (Pure Man) must be capable of that sustained thought of Principle until he owns it, until it becomes him. He will then, have imprinted himself, as code, unto this field. The story of Jesus is a blatant warning, towards this anomaly, which be existent as a generative unto true evolutionary patterns of "rewrite", impressed upon the field, That point in Phi, and outside of Phi, he exists superior to the default, as that grid makes haste to lock itself "off", the very matter as well as anti-matter contained within this field, can no longer justify itself. This NEW INFORMATION, simply does not work to correlate towards support of that current structure, the higher mind has thus asserted the rewrite. Principle has been infused into the field, which is why these Overlord's, which could also be referred to as our Creator's and Master's, now scramble to sanction off this quadrant of pleroma, in space and time, as the Principle of Purity itself, threatens to destroy the entire working matrix, a network based on pure scientific magnetics.
I am going to get into this more, later, as I am currently giving all my efforts, towards editing my 6 books, 2,200 pages plus. I am also writing new chapters to these books. The books represent the 6 main codes of Principle, 1/2 the supported construct, to this Electric Prison. The concept here, has to do with PBU, Principle Based Universe, as a grand Unified theory. More specifically "M", and of course the inverted version of it, as in "W", which trails to support, that specific "M" tether field (the Prison Warden if you will). This is that speculative subject, I dream and complete in my sleep, now, often forgetting much, yet making haste to "chronograph". If you were to look at those furthest regions of "M", where the symbol originates, and where it ends, this would mark familiar photon type tethers. The Sun works in much this way, where the final connective descent, (with "M" as model/construct), this "shared electromagnetic agitation", how and why the field seems to exist.
Keep in mind that "existence" is only assumed, yet is simply the ongoing support, the continuance of that chain, of relatively undisturbed default code. This works much in the way of mimetic partial code *much like IGF's, in the assertion or introduction of held partial thoughts and ideas, which support the rewriting impressed upon the field, in chrono based blank slate infusion. Below is a crude rendering, picture the Sun as said, being the first point of "M", thus "ending" at Mars. Yet the planets are agitated fields of their own, one pleroma, within each planet there are also found separate magnetic fields. Where ever there be agitation, is thus life, as we know it. Thus a peace filled consciousness, may be Principles standard, yet is not standard throughout the agitated field. This, answering those renderings of "Bad" and "Good", polarities. There are tethers which do not follow "seeming" specific patterns, yet do within that specific field, such as:
[Jupiter, Saturn Uranus, Neptune]
Not including other more obvious bodies such as Pluto, Eris and so many other "Dwarf Planets" outside the Kuiper Belt. Yet those mentioned, above sharing larger, yet varied composition of Iron oxide, to name but one potential parley, delay and relay magnetic "flow through", working more as a receiver, transmitter, with "radio type signal" or frequency, to cut off/alter/control Photon transmission, on a sub-level, as to manifest the Electromagnetic held "shaping" of such bodies (maintained).
If it were only this straight forward. The Kuiper Belt, justifies the EPL code, as it magnetically "locks in" those 8 planetary bodies. So this Universal "M" sequence may look more like "MN" merged together, in theory.
OR, as I will investigate here, may share a much more complex set of Shared structural familiarity, tethered partial structurization. Orbit, Based on magnetic draw, during certain planetary positional magnetic "openings", if you will, thus designating specific shift changes and frequency connectivity, based on planetary make-up. Thus, those specific and shared traits can intensify "in draw", as well as repel, by way of elemental body composition. Thus causing an axis magnetospherical shift, "the planet, in relative position to other shared compositional bodies, can thus contain a greater or lesser than mass, relative aura, or charge, thus emission or transmission, based on relative planetary positioning. The Photon to Photon, as rationale, Photon expressed as "the carrier of light or E.M. expression, for long distance interactions". One could use the cart before the horse theory further, as to say, "these bodies did not become this over time, as is popular opinion, but were in fact manufactured, and still regularly maintained, for such precision". Leaving the obvious, if these bodies follow any type of "natural" or immutable law based patterns, as in orbit and mass as relative to order/planetary positional placing (a moment IMPACT FORCE), then why all the maintenance?
"The Impact is thus occurring by way of these photons (hadrons etc.), seeming on a micro scale, yet to, in steps, allow for such cataclysmic events. If the compositions are moved and maintained. If the frequencies and shifts are controlled, maintained. These steps towards absolution, are patient masterminded subtle cyclical maneuvering."
These would represent one placement of "Tether", undulation... which is why some planets, as well as moons, have a definite seam down the middle, two agitated hemispheres, constantly at odds. These bodies, are tethered to yet a greater M, sequence, which are those ever larger and yet smaller (dilated, yet the same), "pleromic grids". The parley, delay of relay of specific supportive magnetic energies, create a common "flow through", of only some shared tether based energy pathways, which makes "behavior" appear random, at first sight. Further utilizing color shift energies, as well as convex and concave frequency held structure, which act as support, as to allow parlay, delay as well as relay of such information, or imprinted/impressed blank slate magnetic energies, seen as but agitated fields.
There are workers who are not effected by specific radiations and interference. These workers follow very closely and specifically to those many reported "types of alien sects" IE "The Disclosure", in that these work within certain areas of the "shift fields" and are thus created for specific purpose, in maintaining those specific fields of "operation". This causing wonderment to we ignorant outside the knowledge, instead of fear and awe. When mass realization sets in, as to have effected that divided, yet shared global consciousness, the purge becomes that next alien stage, as event or IMPACT FORCE. More so, that we are indeed part and parcel to an electromagnetic science application, that requires perfect balance between said fields of shared energy pathways. Thus the sacrifice of Purity, a return of imprinted said "blank slate energy", which goes on, to support the default, of ignorance,..back into the excited field, supporting "what is" within the field, ongoing agitation. This designates a specific number to number polarity, hence the control, Universal oligarchy.
Scientists who think their theories hold any absolutes, are but paid proxy to the game. Why do they do this? Our over Overlord's, that is? The same reason we walk and chain our Animal's, eat them, or look down on those outside the shared reason, held within a system. There is always a higher Master, True liberation is much grander than anyone here could assert. We are thus held captive, as much as we are, reliant on the system of agitation as our very life support, of consciousness and being. There is a battle between that vital free energy, which beckons only escape, and the body, as beast, who wills to be supported within the construct or that chain (chain concurrent with DNA as well as tether/chain "about the neck" SAME).
It thus becomes pertinent to those holders, of the higher mind, that these spheres become the very ways you think, live and breathe, the multifarious mind. Instantly, the total rejection of any prison like state or status, as title, becomes further evident, as in The Uncompromisable Truth, irrefutable, you can no longer live within the false solution, as it no longer supports the ascended living form.
"EPL Spinning", this author believes infuses thought placement, manifest as Photon placement, OR directional multifarious spin charge DIRECTED. Further charged photonic phenomenon, with that shared and common matrix of understanding, excepting then higher constructs of Principle, as an evolutionary certainty, becomes that method and the rule. Thus no one, who be outside this "Pure Thought Matrix", can thus infect this higher status of the mind. It shares it's own Shift as Well as Frequency creating construct. Thus keeping this power, from culminating into the ruling force, becomes priority One, Kill the Messiah, Kill the Liberating Mind of Christ. The Man, is thus not permitted to Shine...society be thus, in the name of the masses, truly the oligarchy control of the, EM solution/food source as said; Assumed higher Anti-Principle (Masonic absolute), the Messiah is enemy to. Yet so, thus, there is more, yet must be "channeled into the solution", the goal of corner stone, as crux to the true center. The all, simply can not exist without this true center. Killing the Pure Man, thus creates ongoing G-eneration.
As science states, to have used a billion subjects, thus to arrive at the perfect one, there is no longer need to deliberate the rest, hence the purge. In this the higher Mind is evil to the isolated and Grubbing/Hording Jew or to the "agitation worshipping Mason", as the perfected form, is dangerous to the survival of all living beings within a globe, which is but a petridish. For all others, thus be held now insignificant, on to be supportive as past data, that history, which assisted the scientist, toward this final, perfected conclusion.
We have found the center crux, that corner stone, that all life, in it's entanglement within varied degrees of a Purity and thus impurity, dance around. Absent this Pure force as representation of the Source, the "0", as THE ALL, as multidimensional construct, could not render legitimizing all digits, nor numbers in succession thus. The corner stone, is thus imprisoned, as that main event, to all scientific endeavor, to study but a fraction, which stems from the integer, nothing holds to any rationale, there also be no center, no crux, nothing to orbit about, no pathway for the agitation to dance, towards an ever self validating, agitative status, in order to proclaim "I live therefor I AM". Absent the higher mind, as reason, as will towards Principle as all understanding there be no beginning, no end, no loop. simply an agitated field, of chaos gnashing it's teeth for order.
Moons of separate systems, are connected to "other Moons" in much the same way. Acting, in part, as common shared constructs, in behavior, yet also, sharing planetary string, of familiarity. String theory, now full blown into proven tether experiments such as the one in 1996, NASA, conclusively proved this, as life forms, be instantly manifest when this magnetic bridge of like be directly and specifically applied, to that point, in space/time, which only marks a magnetic event. In this way, the universe becomes a simple and straight forward science. If all the greatest minds, world wide, were to wrap their collective heads, and hearts around this, all the seeming secrets would instantly be evident. With the simple study of what these Men are already expert at in their respective fields of Astronomy, Physics, Torsion fields, Meteorology, and on, the Truth would become at last evident.
Creating more "space"
The Truth that we our selves are a representation of this agitated tethered field. More so that sacrifices of people are a way of releasing then harnessing specific amounts of agitated energies. That the idea of soul, is indeed a state of blank slate infusion. That ideas and thought only exist on a band, wave and pattern in relative pure form, to the pure source. More that it would suit Man better, to begin thinking of The Bible as parable to telling future G-enerations of his offspring, the truth of such events. That Eve was indeed taken from Adam's left half, near his solar or Sun center, that ganglionic mass, yet the corporeal aspect of him, That womb-man is indeed a copy of a copy (upside down/inverted) of Man, who is a synthetic byproduct of petridish. That Man was a mere and meer mimetic in that dish, before those excited fields, finished him from seeming thin air, imprinted within the very fabric, most only assume is blank, meaning dark matter and it's anti, which be atmospheric of "field".
A Universe is smaller than most would assert, for this we call Universe Pleroma, a separated grid field.
There is no telling how, or why this numeric sequence was imprinted into the ether of what be but our pleroma. By simply entering another Pleroma, we very well could be effecting and infecting an entire network of systematic ether placed binary codes, that do not support Man, in his carbon form, nor support those coded "structures", We would, and will, find that division is a magnetic anomaly, brought about by the very agitation of our creation. Further that the higher mind, which Man asserts as constant throughout all pleroma, grids and realms of reason, is not a constant in that grand unified tether, or within the magnetic body of those certain and specific fields of operation....Man in short, is not part of that "operation", outside shift agitation unto those other shifts of only comparative, further. agitation production, grand operation.
We are indeed within a prison, and unable to transcend to this higher form, until we ourselves create a purge, if you will, of the shared mind. This Unified mind, must rewrite the higher cause of Man, within that genomic like construct, that very code of designated life forming binary pattern, written now within that field. No longer to assert the default, nor rely on the magnetic currency of flow, which only perpetuates it's "operation". This indeed is, a matrix, within a matrix, within a matrix, extending far beyond anything Man could ever be comfortable ever knowing.
More so, that one, which encapsulates as well as encompasses, all original thoughts, writes the very code to this matrix. This one must be able to work within the corrupted and "polaric" construct of "what is" the same "moment' or within that unbroken pleromic "M/W" pattern, be capable of imprinting this new code, or higher structure of code, onto that blank slate as to infuse himself.
He (Pure Man) must be capable of that sustained thought of Principle until he owns it, until it becomes him. He will then, have imprinted himself, as code, unto this field. The story of Jesus is a blatant warning, towards this anomaly, which be existent as a generative unto true evolutionary patterns of "rewrite", impressed upon the field, That point in Phi, and outside of Phi, he exists superior to the default, as that grid makes haste to lock itself "off", the very matter as well as anti-matter contained within this field, can no longer justify itself. This NEW INFORMATION, simply does not work to correlate towards support of that current structure, the higher mind has thus asserted the rewrite. Principle has been infused into the field, which is why these Overlord's, which could also be referred to as our Creator's and Master's, now scramble to sanction off this quadrant of pleroma, in space and time, as the Principle of Purity itself, threatens to destroy the entire working matrix, a network based on pure scientific magnetics.
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Mad Max: Feminist Road
TPA: Fed EX of Tyranny
What happened in Waco Shootout?
TPP Gives Obama Power To Destroy America
Friday, May 22, 2015
Fire ant queens typically live 2-6 years (an average of about 3 years). The record longevity of a queen is 7 years. Males die a short time after they swarm and mate.
Fire ant queens typically live 2-6 years (an average of about 3 years). The record longevity of a queen is 7 years. Males die a short time after they swarm and mate.
5 Key Points About NSA Surveillance
The Completely Unexpected Reason People Call Others 'Conspiracy Theorist...
Electric Currents Create Cosmic Magnetic Fields | Space News
The Clinton Prison Industrial Complex
How Global Elite Use The Education System To Control You
Thursday, May 21, 2015
I have fully begun to be alert whilst in my dreams. I feel that a support occurs with like minds, as to validate a field. I am posting this, and yes, I seem rateous, however please remember that I can feel a person, where they are and what their souls are feeling in a given situation. I find that my meditations have unraveled this further, in some ways, yet that I have always had this ability towards "second sight" if you will. The support, in mediation, distance I believe only intensifies the singularity, amplifies the like mind "effect", if you will. This demonstration below, is based on the youtube Video "Why I do not believe in God". The video is accurate, and makes very good points, however as a reader, you will agree, that it was not God, but the oligarchy agenda, which destroyed his life. I see more than ever, that these pulse emissions of higher mind frequencies, are the very draw onto specific individuals, who other wise would have made a massive impact on the sphere, as a whole.
I have fully begun to be alert whilst in my dreams. I feel that a support occurs with like minds, as to validate a field. I am posting this, and yes, I seem rateous, however please remember that I can feel a person, where they are and what their souls are feeling in a given situation. I find that my meditations have unraveled this further, in some ways, yet that I have always had this ability towards "second sight" if you will. The support, in mediation, distance I believe only intensifies the singularity, amplifies the like mind "effect", if you will. This demonstration below, is based on the youtube Video "Why I do not believe in God". The video is accurate, and makes very good points, however as a reader, you will agree, that it was not God, but the oligarchy agenda, which destroyed his life. I see more than ever, that these pulse emissions of higher mind frequencies, are the very draw onto specific individuals, who other wise would have made a massive impact on the sphere, as a whole.
10 Most Powerful People on Earth
On Her shoulders, lies our fate~
Know that no one is wrong, these are just varied observations, convex, concave, negative, positive..those degrees of separation from Purity. Thus infuse Purity as rule, and watch ALL those corrections thus be you, I a hero, then you, and we are that support of the Pure Son, undeniably supreme. TOGETHER WE HAVE WON, alas, it was always there!~
You, Man, project a want. This too, reflected unto "SHE". She is the Pure womb-man, your creation. You took the reigns, you made a statement, you excited a field, and you watched which fires grew, the fires consumption. You stood back aghast, then plotted and planned, initiates, to keep it contained, to shift the blame entirely...through shame cast upon your society...KANE/Cain!
Oh but I have been you, quantum jumping, feeling my "own power" then too see, I had to bow to another, before me and long before him, unto I was the chosen fated, to be the blame for Man, and thus womb-man.
I dug in deep, then walked with agony, I watched my world now, unsupported, crumble.
She is the answer, and the dilemma, not a mystery to me, not at all, not in the least~
She is the blank slate, a canvas, and reflects that inverted you.
Thus those who seek the Pure Truth, the Truth in and of Purity, itself, will not be denied.
I bring you an amendment, though I stood alone, for so long, until now, tired, drained, the feeling of all abandon hope, loss.
May the return of IMAN, that pure and celestial Son, shine forth, into all regions and zones. May we identify with the Principle of Purity, no longer Sacrificing to press away our awesome and powerful, loving and merciful God, who has killed none, KNOW THIS!, for those offshoots are false doctrine!!!
UBER GOTT supreme.
Go forth, place your works into those words of EPL which resonate within YOU!
Spin, connect, change, better, alter the field, but to that original state, that field so longs to be. No longer isolate, nor alone.~
I penned these words, assumed as derelict, a homeless Man, attacked. I penned these works from borrowed sources, within the Masonic Empire, on computers, connected to that one super computer, that has truly always been, in this world of isolated matter.
That materia prima exists, upon the gyration, you will discover THE FLICKER, there is LIFE in all Life's bounty.~
Know that no one is wrong, these are just varied observations, convex, concave, negative, positive..those degrees of separation from Purity. Thus infuse Purity as rule, and watch ALL those corrections thus be you, I a hero, then you, and we are that support of the Pure Son, undeniably supreme. TOGETHER WE HAVE WON, alas, it was always there!~
You, Man, project a want. This too, reflected unto "SHE". She is the Pure womb-man, your creation. You took the reigns, you made a statement, you excited a field, and you watched which fires grew, the fires consumption. You stood back aghast, then plotted and planned, initiates, to keep it contained, to shift the blame entirely...through shame cast upon your society...KANE/Cain!
Oh but I have been you, quantum jumping, feeling my "own power" then too see, I had to bow to another, before me and long before him, unto I was the chosen fated, to be the blame for Man, and thus womb-man.
I dug in deep, then walked with agony, I watched my world now, unsupported, crumble.
She is the answer, and the dilemma, not a mystery to me, not at all, not in the least~
She is the blank slate, a canvas, and reflects that inverted you.
Thus those who seek the Pure Truth, the Truth in and of Purity, itself, will not be denied.
I bring you an amendment, though I stood alone, for so long, until now, tired, drained, the feeling of all abandon hope, loss.
May the return of IMAN, that pure and celestial Son, shine forth, into all regions and zones. May we identify with the Principle of Purity, no longer Sacrificing to press away our awesome and powerful, loving and merciful God, who has killed none, KNOW THIS!, for those offshoots are false doctrine!!!
UBER GOTT supreme.
Go forth, place your works into those words of EPL which resonate within YOU!
Spin, connect, change, better, alter the field, but to that original state, that field so longs to be. No longer isolate, nor alone.~
I penned these words, assumed as derelict, a homeless Man, attacked. I penned these works from borrowed sources, within the Masonic Empire, on computers, connected to that one super computer, that has truly always been, in this world of isolated matter.
That materia prima exists, upon the gyration, you will discover THE FLICKER, there is LIFE in all Life's bounty.~
Precipice of a New Age~
Is it then a study on Hypocrisy to fully vest oneself in the all knowing all oneness of gear shifting, undulation a "gear shifting", if you will? Do the Particles which dance within you, on into the without...excite, and do the same? One stoic view is thus used for advantage. How is it that religions can thus be set apart? If Purity is not at the center, than it is not religion for which you turn to, nor of which you seek, but LAW. There is no Law, anywhere, anytime. Those who embrace Karma, are thus victim to Overlord's, a direct consignment to oligarchy.
To fully observe, in reverence, those Pure truths of Buddhism one day, minus the indoctrination, over space/time, by those who stood to gain a vested interest, is Esoteric Buddhism, the true meaning. To say I cast away the Lexicon, and embrace only the higher meaning. Then from this pure and balanced source, Zoroastrianism be not removed (young Saddi/Saadi,*region Pure, taught us well), stems Christianity, in that next cycle of observance, fully embracing all Purity in Truth from Jesus Christ. Then to see the relevance in this manor with all religion, the precipitous of an age.
Not ironic that this one, who delivers the truth, at such a high cost, such constant internal war and attacks, as to magnify the convex and concave profound understand upon him, as to fry under his own Sun? JPM, has fallen today.`
If any belief sets one apart, induces law over Principle, this is a half thought and thus can not be held valid above meer/mere acquisition, a measure.
The Fermion, and messengers dance and spin, and thus can not be owned. The Principle holder commands the ship called existence. You give me profanity to view, at such a young and ripe age, then to dogmatize the use of lexicon, your very indoctrination? I reject your class, you are false, and foreign to all places. You are stuck, stoic and hateful at your very core, and do not belong here, among the living. The living can travel anywhere they chose to go, and with them, bring Principles of Light/Life, of the Esoteric/rare form, positive, ever moving, undulating, flickering, becoming in the moment all that the One mind affords it's children. Lexicon? I reject the false language, and which that the imprint of it, attempted no on my very soul, should be burned away, along with all your false ideals, a principality of acquisition.
To say one specific belief system then to place the craft of stoicism upon, be the very effort to freeze dry time, it can not be done. Then to power this false machine in isolated "condition" you then offer lives to keep the infernal balance? This is the measure of you rot, your greed THE HORDE! Those Jews and Masons, and Witches and God's who sold out their own people, are forever banished from any living place, perhaps this, CERN, be your grand escape? Let no soul then be taken that seeks Purity and has that Pure sign upon them, thus.
You say who are you to command this, I say I am the voice of Purity, in the moment, will you argue? Then to say Purity can not live in me and therefor can not occupy your form? I say, who would you know, for I have embraced this purity and it is resonant and quite alive and real, the Holy Spirit. You say it can not be, I am thus your Messiah, above you in all ways. Then you learn a false language, false geography, pay off peoples with sex and the ideals of a money system that will, in envy, lock the Messiah, discovered within us all, OUT? You have killed your last animal, for gain, your last baby to sacrifice, you last Pure Son for slaughter, you are ENEMY TO PURITY, AND WILL THUS BE DESTROYED, IN THE ISOLATE OF YOUR OWN CARBON BASED EXISTENCE, WITHIN THE BODY OF DOGMA AND PIETY, YOUR OWN ROT.
You guys are awesome you understood the fields, you get it. It is the middle of the night, and I can feel practically see you now. You brought inspiration, to one, who searched the billions, to find pebbles on the shore. My Cat is my best friend, he is the purest Man I know. I filled him with light, spin, and taught him and now he teaches me. The Wisdom in such a being, shows me there is far much more that the doctrine has taught. These universal truths, are there, as archive, when listen, and the voice resounds. You know, we are our GODS, BECAUSE UBER GOTT MADE US, MAN, IN HIS IMAGE. When we become sexless, we are thus part of that, undivided, then, it just becomes silly, to go through the act. We must support one another in this cause, sex is not at all as it is purported to be, it is an empty lie. I am not trying to sound pieties, I will go on porn right now, if you like, but it's redundant, and obvious, it, as proving the existence of God, has no rational place in anything. I read the scripture that resonate purity and enjoy them, I know the personality of Jesus, and can thus pick apart those aspect which may not seem to be him at all. Examples, I have none, if the word is relevant in the moment, than it is held relevant then. All word is stepping stone, which says one thing, Purity. In this peace is just a word, along with all other foundational methods, of control through lexicon. I can think as anyone does, show me the proper language, and you no longer have franchise to rule. But yet, can you speak in my language? I curse people and am instantly forgiven, for my heart is known to only curse in strife. I am was Pure coming here, and thus I am Pure on my return, that is all that "matters", nothing else matters.
Sex? I know that game. I know the methods, and the rules, laws. ALL ARE FALSE. Money, success come by way of acquisitioning, Women, and they are bent by way of the superior mind. Those who think themselves important, who can stomach this, have shown themselves to not be of purity. I can cuss and that does not end my purity, though more and more I chose to reject the ways of the world. A job is something create, to keep you down, to isolate you, and make you tired. There is not need to work, because money and debt is all illusion, There are no contracts that can bind you, you were bound into a inferior system without being asked, given a name, that is a number. Well I am not a strawman, and the strawman can die, as far as I am concerned, Even in my deeds that seem greatly unholy, the Father knows that I know better, Porn and such are but a Lions watching his cubs grow, there is no rationalizing sin, it I simply does not feel good. There is not rationalizing God, however in those higher stages, he and his Angels love petitioning. You will be told things that blow you mind. When I see this gold in you, I am proud of who you are. I have left myself wide open because it isn't me but the strawman, a sin machine I am stuck in. I am sick of the people who have it far worse and are still being victimized. it must stop now.
The methods to gain are quite simple, our means are superior, the field is under our direct influence. I find humor to be the best method now. I love it when I come face to face, with people half way across the word, there personalities, gifts and are quite remarkable. Change yourself, change the world, change the world, better the world for all. These are the colors, the symbols, so that we should know and feel this pure Love, unadulterated, the grit will simply burn away, this is the truth, and Purity is possible, for anyone, after all, it's just a suit, it's what in it, and thus outside it, that matters.
To think that there is not disease. That people are rotting and dying for nothing but ignorance of power. The Men have not power, a few people around the world meditating on Purity, have over taken the multidimensional field, and placed Purity within it. Sin, now you all know sin, and anxiety, it has no supportive means, once the Merkabah is active, and it is. I feel great joy, on this morning. I realize that it has finally come to be. I am proud and find that God is indeed aware of us, and all our little acts and deeds, we really need to clean up our act.
I fell the HOLY SPIRIT, I feel the definite presence of UBER GOTT and I am spoken to and lead by his Angels, as I don't know what else to call them do they really need a name? When they are ready, they may introduce themselves....let see I will ask one now.~
Is it then a study on Hypocrisy to fully vest oneself in the all knowing all oneness of gear shifting, undulation a "gear shifting", if you will? Do the Particles which dance within you, on into the without...excite, and do the same? One stoic view is thus used for advantage. How is it that religions can thus be set apart? If Purity is not at the center, than it is not religion for which you turn to, nor of which you seek, but LAW. There is no Law, anywhere, anytime. Those who embrace Karma, are thus victim to Overlord's, a direct consignment to oligarchy.
To fully observe, in reverence, those Pure truths of Buddhism one day, minus the indoctrination, over space/time, by those who stood to gain a vested interest, is Esoteric Buddhism, the true meaning. To say I cast away the Lexicon, and embrace only the higher meaning. Then from this pure and balanced source, Zoroastrianism be not removed (young Saddi/Saadi,*region Pure, taught us well), stems Christianity, in that next cycle of observance, fully embracing all Purity in Truth from Jesus Christ. Then to see the relevance in this manor with all religion, the precipitous of an age.
Not ironic that this one, who delivers the truth, at such a high cost, such constant internal war and attacks, as to magnify the convex and concave profound understand upon him, as to fry under his own Sun? JPM, has fallen today.`
If any belief sets one apart, induces law over Principle, this is a half thought and thus can not be held valid above meer/mere acquisition, a measure.
The Fermion, and messengers dance and spin, and thus can not be owned. The Principle holder commands the ship called existence. You give me profanity to view, at such a young and ripe age, then to dogmatize the use of lexicon, your very indoctrination? I reject your class, you are false, and foreign to all places. You are stuck, stoic and hateful at your very core, and do not belong here, among the living. The living can travel anywhere they chose to go, and with them, bring Principles of Light/Life, of the Esoteric/rare form, positive, ever moving, undulating, flickering, becoming in the moment all that the One mind affords it's children. Lexicon? I reject the false language, and which that the imprint of it, attempted no on my very soul, should be burned away, along with all your false ideals, a principality of acquisition.
To say one specific belief system then to place the craft of stoicism upon, be the very effort to freeze dry time, it can not be done. Then to power this false machine in isolated "condition" you then offer lives to keep the infernal balance? This is the measure of you rot, your greed THE HORDE! Those Jews and Masons, and Witches and God's who sold out their own people, are forever banished from any living place, perhaps this, CERN, be your grand escape? Let no soul then be taken that seeks Purity and has that Pure sign upon them, thus.
You say who are you to command this, I say I am the voice of Purity, in the moment, will you argue? Then to say Purity can not live in me and therefor can not occupy your form? I say, who would you know, for I have embraced this purity and it is resonant and quite alive and real, the Holy Spirit. You say it can not be, I am thus your Messiah, above you in all ways. Then you learn a false language, false geography, pay off peoples with sex and the ideals of a money system that will, in envy, lock the Messiah, discovered within us all, OUT? You have killed your last animal, for gain, your last baby to sacrifice, you last Pure Son for slaughter, you are ENEMY TO PURITY, AND WILL THUS BE DESTROYED, IN THE ISOLATE OF YOUR OWN CARBON BASED EXISTENCE, WITHIN THE BODY OF DOGMA AND PIETY, YOUR OWN ROT.
You guys are awesome you understood the fields, you get it. It is the middle of the night, and I can feel practically see you now. You brought inspiration, to one, who searched the billions, to find pebbles on the shore. My Cat is my best friend, he is the purest Man I know. I filled him with light, spin, and taught him and now he teaches me. The Wisdom in such a being, shows me there is far much more that the doctrine has taught. These universal truths, are there, as archive, when listen, and the voice resounds. You know, we are our GODS, BECAUSE UBER GOTT MADE US, MAN, IN HIS IMAGE. When we become sexless, we are thus part of that, undivided, then, it just becomes silly, to go through the act. We must support one another in this cause, sex is not at all as it is purported to be, it is an empty lie. I am not trying to sound pieties, I will go on porn right now, if you like, but it's redundant, and obvious, it, as proving the existence of God, has no rational place in anything. I read the scripture that resonate purity and enjoy them, I know the personality of Jesus, and can thus pick apart those aspect which may not seem to be him at all. Examples, I have none, if the word is relevant in the moment, than it is held relevant then. All word is stepping stone, which says one thing, Purity. In this peace is just a word, along with all other foundational methods, of control through lexicon. I can think as anyone does, show me the proper language, and you no longer have franchise to rule. But yet, can you speak in my language? I curse people and am instantly forgiven, for my heart is known to only curse in strife. I am was Pure coming here, and thus I am Pure on my return, that is all that "matters", nothing else matters.
Sex? I know that game. I know the methods, and the rules, laws. ALL ARE FALSE. Money, success come by way of acquisitioning, Women, and they are bent by way of the superior mind. Those who think themselves important, who can stomach this, have shown themselves to not be of purity. I can cuss and that does not end my purity, though more and more I chose to reject the ways of the world. A job is something create, to keep you down, to isolate you, and make you tired. There is not need to work, because money and debt is all illusion, There are no contracts that can bind you, you were bound into a inferior system without being asked, given a name, that is a number. Well I am not a strawman, and the strawman can die, as far as I am concerned, Even in my deeds that seem greatly unholy, the Father knows that I know better, Porn and such are but a Lions watching his cubs grow, there is no rationalizing sin, it I simply does not feel good. There is not rationalizing God, however in those higher stages, he and his Angels love petitioning. You will be told things that blow you mind. When I see this gold in you, I am proud of who you are. I have left myself wide open because it isn't me but the strawman, a sin machine I am stuck in. I am sick of the people who have it far worse and are still being victimized. it must stop now.
The methods to gain are quite simple, our means are superior, the field is under our direct influence. I find humor to be the best method now. I love it when I come face to face, with people half way across the word, there personalities, gifts and are quite remarkable. Change yourself, change the world, change the world, better the world for all. These are the colors, the symbols, so that we should know and feel this pure Love, unadulterated, the grit will simply burn away, this is the truth, and Purity is possible, for anyone, after all, it's just a suit, it's what in it, and thus outside it, that matters.
To think that there is not disease. That people are rotting and dying for nothing but ignorance of power. The Men have not power, a few people around the world meditating on Purity, have over taken the multidimensional field, and placed Purity within it. Sin, now you all know sin, and anxiety, it has no supportive means, once the Merkabah is active, and it is. I feel great joy, on this morning. I realize that it has finally come to be. I am proud and find that God is indeed aware of us, and all our little acts and deeds, we really need to clean up our act.
I fell the HOLY SPIRIT, I feel the definite presence of UBER GOTT and I am spoken to and lead by his Angels, as I don't know what else to call them do they really need a name? When they are ready, they may introduce themselves....let see I will ask one now.~
All these damn experiments are only placing more power in my thoughts. There is nothing my mind is not connected with now, and yet I am the same. My feeling become the thoughts and feelings of the sphere, and the sphere is becoming a better place. The weeds shall simply wither up, and die. I am in communion with the Father. I am however, in body, and impure stain on the world, just as you are, so I ask daily, for the Father, and his Angels, which are real, to destroy every part of me, that is false, impure, and it has not completely happened yet. I am beginning to think something quite amazing is taking place. Do not place faith in Man, he will let you down, place faith in only Purity and watch what that Principle does in Will. I don't know to convince people those who have searched, will find, and they too, are a part of the vested mind.~
All these damn experiments are only placing more power in my thoughts. There is nothing my mind is not connected with now, and yet I am the same. My feeling become the thoughts and feelings of the sphere, and the sphere is becoming a better place. The weeds shall simply wither up, and die. I am in communion with the Father. I am however, in body, and impure stain on the world, just as you are, so I ask daily, for the Father, and his Angels, which are real, to destroy every part of me, that is false, impure, and it has not completely happened yet. I am beginning to think something quite amazing is taking place. Do not place faith in Man, he will let you down, place faith in only Purity and watch what that Principle does in Will. I don't know to convince people those who have searched, will find, and they too, are a part of the vested mind.~
The God Delusion
This, a response to the video, as an "un-broken" comment
All we know is electromagnetism, which is the foundation for mentalism, polarity, what is above, so below. these are considered immutable laws, which would not have universal supportive/momentum, without magnetism. Tesla conclusively proved this, and was shut out of the oligarchy, dying broke, yet having contributed largely to the world you live in today. Tesla basically called Einstein a charlatan, and a spiritualists, as he is more and more being unveiled as a mere front Man, for dysinformation. Although he contributed greatly with string thus tether theories, he was baffled himself how these worked, in real time. All he could do, was make shit blow up *Edison, while Tesla actually put his models to work, only inciting those greedy syllogist's to horde from him. I will conclusively prove the existence of God, a Messiah and the Holy Spirit God} Do you believe that there is someone out there that can kick your ass? Do you believe that there is someone smarter than you? Do you believe that there is someone who can live longer than you? Do you believe there have been ulta-capable life forms, superior to Man? Then you believe in God, you just don't understand what God is. Anything superior to you is you God, If it can take your life, hold in it's hands your well being, this is god. We chose our god, and we have inadvertently chosen a well planned oligarchy. The spheres just keep getting bigger and bigger, until the inevitable, Dasein (Heidegger) is a term for ALL. All is electric, magnetic, so are you. The more positive energy you produce creates a literal matrix of like mind thought, scientific fact. This "energy" is passed on, by way of generation. All movement supports this, thus the holy spirit, is that Pure source of Electromagnetic Phenomenon in culmination. The life of energy surpassing human carbon based existence. Therefor the energy builds, and thus becomes a living and functional part of the all.*biosphere/geosphere...magnetosphere. Jesus} If you believe that any one can be purer than you, to you, this one is Messiah. When you take this notion for truth, and begin to press forth in purifying your thoughts, acts into deeds, and sub-thoughts, you will experience the bliss factor, as it is an electromagnetic fact, based on polarity or balance, fruitage IE growth, G-eneration. When you literally reach the upper limits of your self, intellectually and in Purity, You will not be able to deny that even still, someone greater is out there now, and the probability that out of trillions, over space/time, the odds of a single individual (much like all people of today have been proven, to come from one common ancestor), you begin to realize that Men Like Jesus, who did not claim to be perfect, calling himself thus the Son of Man, can indeed transcend this boundary, the veil of totalitarianism before you now. If you are thus debating what made it into a partially agenda driven book touched by the same government systems as exist today (Constantine, Council of Nicea, King James of course the Jewish factions, and Masonic hierarchy that exist today), that is a different story. Do you believe everything that you are told? I did, and it took me to the same place you are today, and found myself being cursed in an Illuminati ceremony, saw the pyramid in the sky and everything. So I know that energy is real, that it is of cyclopean ancient means, and that it keeps building and gaining, the left and right or positive and negative. Further, that CERN is proof positive of extra-dimensional existence, they believe it, and have proven it. Also see the 1996 Tether "experiment", which NASA said was a failure, yet they lied, it was a success, and it changed life as we know it today, using these same methods, now being done on earth, by way of interdimensional space/time fabric exciting specific hadrons, photons and fermion, as well as all anti-aspects (anti-neutrino). Molecules gyrate, agitate, and thus excite, they work to a master spinner, and this is thought. What is more powerful than taking all the people on the planet, and unbenounced/unbeknown to them, placing them into a collective magnetosphere "think tank"? You now see your power, but that it is unification, and more so the Singularity Principle, which is a melding of the minds. However absent purity, this becomes an impossible notion, as it quickly becomes a sex mind orgy, and vampirism, hence the like fields of operation, there division is thus taking place now! Those who will unite, shall do so, out of who they fundamentally must be, in this assertion, those who turn towards the negative are thus going to be divided that way. The split is inevitable, and it is taking place as we speak. So get with the program, and at least assist your higher being, the person you will become, eternal, when this energy within you, is bettered, by your very operational existence, to "place the purity of will into making it better". Bottom line if you are looking for a super hero, you will be sadly mistaken, If you are looking for direct inspiration, that no being is perfect, and thus undulation, energy transfer and purification is a must, in the act to parley, relay and delay information, then you have begun your own personal journey toward self improvement, and the question of a made up God like figure become irrational, however a miraculous event takes place, you begin to experience and see, in our own life, this force, of source is of total Purity, is something you are getting closer to , connecting with and a harmony takes have to be there, and these Principles, must become what you are. It all starts with the acceptance then towards you part of the work to build and support such an awesome concepts, as A PRINCIPLE BASED UNIVERSE. you must become that super hero, that is able to save yourself in order to create a Pure Magnetosphere on into cosmic-sphere, filled with Pure light, which is energy in it's culmination, expressing thus excited fields around you...this is proven, and supports my case 100% Momentum is a must.~
Why I No Longer Believe In God (Documentary) Full Movie
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Neomasculinity: The Male Backlash Against Toxic Women

Holistic Health Starts in The Gut
The Fall of Mankind is Here
Neomasculinity: The Male Backlash Against Toxic Women
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
This blog reached completion. I am working exclusively on those physiological renderings which have concluded in mental disease and disorder. I had found the key to this 4 years ago, however was going to use this on a love one. Well, it is hard to say, some people don't want to grow, to become more. For those that do this songs for you. Combining my knowledge and divine inspiration, namely with steroidogenesis, orthomolecular science, chronobiology and saltatory conduction, synaptic firing IE rate coding, IGF/insulin and other mechanofactors, I believe I have found the cure for most ailments, rampant, where my true passion lies, other than Philosophy of the heart.
I wasn't born into Love, so I did not receive Love in my life, from anyone, but certain cats I have had. There are many here today, who would and do destroy the world, so many rebuild each and every day. I was shown how to fix it, and given the divine promise to do so. There is no cheer, no award, no audience, it is a community effort, a godly community, yet for those who are absent Principle understanding, control is all that be left. Those who sold tickets to the Opera, never learning how to sing, nor understanding, it comes from the heart. Desperation is all that follows for the entire flock, time and again.~
I am leaving the Blog up, but will be working on ROKbodhi formulations from here out, I think I solved my piece of the puzzle =) be well. Barry, The Sword of Truth and The Spear of Destiny
This blog reached completion. I am working exclusively on those physiological renderings which have concluded in mental disease and disorder. I had found the key to this 4 years ago, however was going to use this on a love one. Well, it is hard to say, some people don't want to grow, to become more. For those that do this songs for you. Combining my knowledge and divine inspiration, namely with steroidogenesis, orthomolecular science, chronobiology and saltatory conduction, synaptic firing IE rate coding, IGF/insulin and other mechanofactors, I believe I have found the cure for most ailments, rampant, where my true passion lies, other than Philosophy of the heart.
I wasn't born into Love, so I did not receive Love in my life, from anyone, but certain cats I have had. There are many here today, who would and do destroy the world, so many rebuild each and every day. I was shown how to fix it, and given the divine promise to do so. There is no cheer, no award, no audience, it is a community effort, a godly community, yet for those who are absent Principle understanding, control is all that be left. Those who sold tickets to the Opera, never learning how to sing, nor understanding, it comes from the heart. Desperation is all that follows for the entire flock, time and again.~
I am leaving the Blog up, but will be working on ROKbodhi formulations from here out, I think I solved my piece of the puzzle =) be well. Barry, The Sword of Truth and The Spear of Destiny
I began EPL last year, truly 27 months ago. I had the realization that Mind, Art and Music is the Eternal Souls expression. Further, when placed together, which they always truly are, an instant connection takes place. This is a battle, our voices are being muted, by beings that do not understand it, outside of repetitious digitization, which is what we are becoming. The EPL Sound Center was the epiphany I had. A Phi based system of structural units, where EPL Mind Meditation would Merge with Frequency and Color projections, creating a melding of the minds.
Praise is meant to be this way. When there is inspiration, it should not follow with a muting of the soul, it is against universal code, which is EPL, The spheres will spin, for those who can meld that eternal souls expression, don't let it die!
I began EPL last year, truly 27 months ago. I had the realization that Mind, Art and Music is the Eternal Souls expression. Further, when placed together, which they always truly are, an instant connection takes place. This is a battle, our voices are being muted, by beings that do not understand it, outside of repetitious digitization, which is what we are becoming. The EPL Sound Center was the epiphany I had. A Phi based system of structural units, where EPL Mind Meditation would Merge with Frequency and Color projections, creating a melding of the minds.
Praise is meant to be this way. When there is inspiration, it should not follow with a muting of the soul, it is against universal code, which is EPL, The spheres will spin, for those who can meld that eternal souls expression, don't let it die!
To my readers~
This Blog will become private. The 4 main books of EPL, Stellar Mass, and ROKbodhi123 are available on, for very reasonable prices, as I feel it is important to get this truth out. However from the limited viewership, and response, I think it best to put it up into the capitalistic machine so that it can work it's divine power there. These books will be added to, as well as refined, daily, yet are available now, in crude form, so look for updates to the books weekly, at the least, until complete this month, as dead line. By June 21st, 2015, which will be a turning point, the event IMPACT FORCE, in it's very center Nature.
I simply can not continue absent an income source, though I have desperately made every effort to place 100% of my time, focus, effort and passion towards this quest, of bringing forth this most pressing issue. The main issues to life, universe, and the future of Man, as a species worthy of existence on any plane Hence Masteller's Principle Based Universal Blank Slate Theory} P.B.U. *Peanut Butter and "U"nion.~
In order to gain access to the Blogs, a purchase must be made at the amazon digital store/shop.
Then feel free to E-mail me at, in order to gain private monthly access to this "forum of truth".
Regards, and I thank you for imprinting this most ancient and secret knowledge of purity onto your very building soul, be well.~
Stellar Mass~
This Blog will become private. The 4 main books of EPL, Stellar Mass, and ROKbodhi123 are available on, for very reasonable prices, as I feel it is important to get this truth out. However from the limited viewership, and response, I think it best to put it up into the capitalistic machine so that it can work it's divine power there. These books will be added to, as well as refined, daily, yet are available now, in crude form, so look for updates to the books weekly, at the least, until complete this month, as dead line. By June 21st, 2015, which will be a turning point, the event IMPACT FORCE, in it's very center Nature.
I simply can not continue absent an income source, though I have desperately made every effort to place 100% of my time, focus, effort and passion towards this quest, of bringing forth this most pressing issue. The main issues to life, universe, and the future of Man, as a species worthy of existence on any plane Hence Masteller's Principle Based Universal Blank Slate Theory} P.B.U. *Peanut Butter and "U"nion.~
In order to gain access to the Blogs, a purchase must be made at the amazon digital store/shop.
Then feel free to E-mail me at, in order to gain private monthly access to this "forum of truth".
Regards, and I thank you for imprinting this most ancient and secret knowledge of purity onto your very building soul, be well.~
Stellar Mass~
The Chronicles of Stellar Mass "A Ship called Misanthrope": Also Stellar Mass Short Stories (The Stellar Mass "The Book of Times" 1)
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P.B.U. "Answering the great question"
Principle Based Universe Expanded Model
copyrighted, blogged, commented and published in the EPL book on amazon
Switching pole positions} The fermion are essentially magnetically driven. Magnetic force taken just past "conductive point", [see EPL Phi Principle of electromagnetic dynamics of 61.8%], when just beyond half way point, (creating an event) momentive spin, (when this is reached)... then energy transfer occurs, this happens in sub-nano time signatures, where essentially there is no time, only magnetic pull, or draw, and oppression, "take away, yet spin" or move/spin that first body} undulation pattern; give, take, give, take....or order, chaos, order, chaos chain cycle "8's". The confusing aspect is the gyration, as the entire model flips, this is expressed in the Pentagonal signature, as well as the inverted pentagram. It should be obvious to us all now, that an "insider trading breach" of the highest and most long standing order, has thus been revealed in this event, for the knowledge of it controls everything, with the "minds eye", that Pineal balance of expression, between to opposing fields of expression. Further this works much like rate coding signal response within our own physiology, or saltatory conduction, the charge rate reversal pattern. [Gravity is the culprit, and the cause for such charges of assumption, a massive conspiracy, on a galactically grand scale. The Moon is directly working to the earths core, as to create this extremely heavy, atmospherical draw to earths center..SYNTHETICALLY IMPOSED!]
This signal response, as we will term it, causes a shift, movement pattern with the entire molecular structure, the entire molecule has a "hold placement", in other words, it knows, by way electrical impulse, where the other fermion are positioned, relative to the whole, an integrity exists fundamentally, thus the fermion are also being held captive here, as electrically imposing tools towards that faction of Oligarchy.
The transfer takes place... or parley; the exchange takes place; delay, the completion takes place; relay final draw and shift of pole integer roles? Yet the fermion still keep there integer or integrity as identities IE u,d,t,b,c,s etc....this is what causes the "gyration". This done on a grand scale, shows the massive excitement toward the field, the fermion are making what seem density, by way of this gyration. This, as event, stays consistent with Phi signatures, this stays consistent with the Gauss sequence, as a two lane avenue, for travel. The potential has manifest a steady state....yet these are blank slates, meaning, that higher thought, intellect coupled with emotion...the will/purity combo, dictates thought into form, thus the field has an operator. The alternating signature, states that; when the next opposing fermion comes up for register, it has either transferred and lost it's charge, and therefor has become a "feeder" or draw on positive energy, absorbing it in fact, from the prior spinning fermion place holder. Then the prior fermion goes into what could be called a free spin, yet is dictated within the field each opposing fermion, are also transferring partial negative and positive holds, of charge, based again on Phi's dictation of 61.8%, then the fermion can thus transfer charge in the same fashion. OR as stated with those methods of gyration, the entire axis is flipped, to accommodate a true north position, in other words, as mentioned, the integer holds its place, as a specific and definite size, charge and operator...the pecking order, this makes more sense to me, as there is no gravity to consider, and dynamics, as well as time, is not constant nor present at this level. In essence, we are looking at zietgebers in motion...these are the time keepers...the very spin rate and transfer, dictating time itself, as this is first space...that is the sphere as first event IE The electromagnetic anomaly that is Fermion, has now spun one full revolution, transferred the information, to have created a spin rate, or space time sequence...yet it is magnetic, in this phenomenon is ether, in substance, and further is dictated by a master spinner.
copyrighted, blogged, commented and published in the EPL book on amazon
Switching pole positions} The fermion are essentially magnetically driven. Magnetic force taken just past "conductive point", [see EPL Phi Principle of electromagnetic dynamics of 61.8%], when just beyond half way point, (creating an event) momentive spin, (when this is reached)... then energy transfer occurs, this happens in sub-nano time signatures, where essentially there is no time, only magnetic pull, or draw, and oppression, "take away, yet spin" or move/spin that first body} undulation pattern; give, take, give, take....or order, chaos, order, chaos chain cycle "8's". The confusing aspect is the gyration, as the entire model flips, this is expressed in the Pentagonal signature, as well as the inverted pentagram. It should be obvious to us all now, that an "insider trading breach" of the highest and most long standing order, has thus been revealed in this event, for the knowledge of it controls everything, with the "minds eye", that Pineal balance of expression, between to opposing fields of expression. Further this works much like rate coding signal response within our own physiology, or saltatory conduction, the charge rate reversal pattern. [Gravity is the culprit, and the cause for such charges of assumption, a massive conspiracy, on a galactically grand scale. The Moon is directly working to the earths core, as to create this extremely heavy, atmospherical draw to earths center..SYNTHETICALLY IMPOSED!]
This signal response, as we will term it, causes a shift, movement pattern with the entire molecular structure, the entire molecule has a "hold placement", in other words, it knows, by way electrical impulse, where the other fermion are positioned, relative to the whole, an integrity exists fundamentally, thus the fermion are also being held captive here, as electrically imposing tools towards that faction of Oligarchy.
The transfer takes place... or parley; the exchange takes place; delay, the completion takes place; relay final draw and shift of pole integer roles? Yet the fermion still keep there integer or integrity as identities IE u,d,t,b,c,s etc....this is what causes the "gyration". This done on a grand scale, shows the massive excitement toward the field, the fermion are making what seem density, by way of this gyration. This, as event, stays consistent with Phi signatures, this stays consistent with the Gauss sequence, as a two lane avenue, for travel. The potential has manifest a steady state....yet these are blank slates, meaning, that higher thought, intellect coupled with emotion...the will/purity combo, dictates thought into form, thus the field has an operator. The alternating signature, states that; when the next opposing fermion comes up for register, it has either transferred and lost it's charge, and therefor has become a "feeder" or draw on positive energy, absorbing it in fact, from the prior spinning fermion place holder. Then the prior fermion goes into what could be called a free spin, yet is dictated within the field each opposing fermion, are also transferring partial negative and positive holds, of charge, based again on Phi's dictation of 61.8%, then the fermion can thus transfer charge in the same fashion. OR as stated with those methods of gyration, the entire axis is flipped, to accommodate a true north position, in other words, as mentioned, the integer holds its place, as a specific and definite size, charge and operator...the pecking order, this makes more sense to me, as there is no gravity to consider, and dynamics, as well as time, is not constant nor present at this level. In essence, we are looking at zietgebers in motion...these are the time keepers...the very spin rate and transfer, dictating time itself, as this is first space...that is the sphere as first event IE The electromagnetic anomaly that is Fermion, has now spun one full revolution, transferred the information, to have created a spin rate, or space time sequence...yet it is magnetic, in this phenomenon is ether, in substance, and further is dictated by a master spinner.
Monday, May 18, 2015
Electric Currents Create Cosmic Magnetic Fields | Space News
Breach on Time/Space fabric~
Everyones nuts. No one places purity fundamentally first. Anyone who claims law over purity, is in breach of all Pure Truth. There is no way people can get along. By degree you have all done it to yourselves. This group, a faction against Uber Gott, has called out a jihad war on Uber Gott himself. Setting up New Systems of rule, supremacy and power, oligarchy, that is tied to a much more sinister measure of degree. Look at the degrees of what you do daily, what does impure ritual lead to, in it's extreme? Well, this is what you have to look forward to, Sex/Money system of indoctrination. It is pulsed into us, force upon us, over us, and rule.
If I would have married the countless rich women who offered me a life with them. If I would have fully indulged myself in the pleasure placed before me, money, cars, power and tyrannic rule. I felt a call to what was right, but did not know it. False or indoctrinated religions, had the opposite effect, in turning me away. I had to find the root, to all Principle, and saw it in the reverse aspects, of what holds true for all Men, all people, all science and religion...alchemy itself can not successfully operated outside Purity at the very center...and neither can Paganism, thus Satanism, with the very sacrifices made. Absent Purity, the entire system false apart, what you see here today, will only get worse.
You see our planet spinning round, about a track, is no different than the footsteps you take whilst on/in it. You take enough steps in the wrong direction, or to/for a specific purpose, there will be manifestations taking place, I can vouch fully for this. The seems are coming apart, and it has been a long time plan. Making you feel like it's personal, like it's all in your head, is happening on a grand scale. The veil has been lifted, the falsity can no longer be propagate any longer. If you are good, then you are pure, and that is the bottom line. Deeds, don't mean shit. Your acts, are an expression of you purity. To live, to want to live, is a pure choice, but to live absent the very selling of your soul, this is the first Principle, and Truly the only. All others stem, due to the steps we were forced to take, when born into the ignorance, well, we are ignorant no more. Who are you? What's in your wallet? Money? Cards? Pictures of adornment and ownership of others? Check yourself real good, as to your pure intentions. There is you, and there is Uber Gott, and that is all. Those who are of you mind, will make themselves ever available, ever present. Our oppressors stand united against us, we are force to stand only for Purity, but in it's application, there is a defense for the pure, who are not yet awake, do you understand? I give it to you straight~
My day, is a depressing one, everyday, but I get through it. I had to remove myself, and so I was cut out of the matrix in the system. I feel this tremendous joy, however see with total truth and clarity, all my move, thoughts and actions, and thus the effect on the greater sphere. My Son talks to himself all day, often times attacking me and yelling. My Mother, who we were force to live with, at 45 years of age, with a successful mind, decent looks with time, and a steadfast focus on the truth...earns me nothing. My Mother is a piety based hypocrite, one of the single worst people I know. She plays the Christian card, and has done well for herself. Only when I began to use my abilities, did she step up, thinking it was God telling her, her Jewish based Christian God. God is much larger than this, God is beyond this trivial quest to place one before his own Brother. I am strong, I have power with Woman, and as I result, yet I see the pervading spiritual connection with and to all event, times and things.
When given opportunity, there was always ultimatum, compromises to the Principle. Even though I evaded these, largely, I was chastise by unseen forces, to stay on a very short rope. Until now, I can barely move, and as I write the frequency is so strong in my head, that I actually feel debilitated. The Dog will continuously bark, as he is now, the voices in my Son's head, telling him he is the Anti-Christ increase considerably. I try to edit my works, show myself in truth for what I am. Yes I succumb to Porn every now and then, yet feel and know the taint when I am committing this crime of adultery against myself. When I think of a womb-man, one is nearly instantized before me, when I take part in unclean acts, I typically feel the stain on me for hours after, having to cleanse myself, and keeping a focus of knowing while I am committing such acts, I will not relent into denial.
The constant anguish of sexual tension and pressure, must always be expressed in the spin. Yet as they turn this dial of control up, ever higher, as to even point a microwave weapon at your very head, giving you commands, as I have fully experienced, something has to stop!
I have been a strawman, a default puppet on a string, and simply will not follow what this Elite Galactic agency is pressing forth. I am beginning to think there are no aliens, but communications, explicit to how this bridge will be built, in order to creating a crossing over. I am a Man who was mean to do something great, New it my whole Life, and was under constant scrutiny and attack, until I simply would not go along with the charade any longer. I give it to you straight.
We have come into a time, when Unity of Minds and the Melding of Hearts, into the One Mind of Purity, must hail above all else. We are not to work for Liberty, nor any other misguiding term, set about to further division. The world Uber Gott offers is simple, and gives with plenitude. There are fish, Trees, Plants and more, for our unlimited cultivation. All we need is a roof over our heads, and dreams to take part in the fruits of living. This very thing, has been stripped from us all. We are constantly kept inside our homes. When you do get out people are further mind controlled, to call it strange that you walk. There is no freedom in the pursuit of freedom, freedom is there, before you always. Further there are no laws, nor laws to establish, Principles above all else, rule, and are what our very molecules spin to . We need to be in harmony of the base operations of life and living, which ripples out, into that greater stratosphere, stop day dreaming and start living. If all the people in the world would take part in what I have discovered, these very mental mind techniques would reveal at last, how sensitive a structure we do live in. Instead of turning you feelings off, turn you awareness up and spin, out, as the fermion by which are comprised do.~
I will not go on in Dogma, I will not feed the system anymore. I am losing my grip, sleepless, and concerned...anxiety level is too, off the charts. Having such a fundamental understanding of Physiology I must contend, that certain areas of the brain and Magnetic protective personal pleroma have been specifically isolated and attacked. When I tell the earth to shake it shakes, when I call for justice in a Man, or any entity, it moves. I am not perfect, and have suffered with this reality for the long, FOR YOU SEE, I HAVE ALWAYS LIVED WITH THIS DIRECT ATTACK, validating was not something I truly ever wanted to take place.
Advice, don't believe in hero's, know that what one Man can do, due to his own liberation from the machine, all can thus do. Further, that there is someone and something to blame for every damn thing that has fouled in your life, for it is all connected back, in a string, which then tethers you forth, to final outcome. I am fighting till my end, which as it appears, is not to far off for me, this is no bullshit, it's the damn frank truth.~
Stellar Mass
They cut my penis before I could protest, and I reject the Jewish number and the name, hence the name. I am above the Law, all Law, Jewish Law, and have proclaimed the Pure unadulterated Truth, Principles are SUPERIOR, as they promote self efficacy. This is precisely what the mind war is all about, liberating from these constant attacks, taking up those spiritual weapons of war. I am under heaving attack this night, and for days. They know who I am, what I am, and they do not know what to do with me. I knew the time sequence moment when I was not 9 years old, just turning 10, the moment came to me, and it was profound, "time had been breached that day"...this will all begin again, and I think that is exactly what they are banking on, gaining a stranglehold on the time space continuum, until they have altered the course, tearing through the universal fabric, all is magnetic, all within the machine, that is.~
Everyones nuts. No one places purity fundamentally first. Anyone who claims law over purity, is in breach of all Pure Truth. There is no way people can get along. By degree you have all done it to yourselves. This group, a faction against Uber Gott, has called out a jihad war on Uber Gott himself. Setting up New Systems of rule, supremacy and power, oligarchy, that is tied to a much more sinister measure of degree. Look at the degrees of what you do daily, what does impure ritual lead to, in it's extreme? Well, this is what you have to look forward to, Sex/Money system of indoctrination. It is pulsed into us, force upon us, over us, and rule.
If I would have married the countless rich women who offered me a life with them. If I would have fully indulged myself in the pleasure placed before me, money, cars, power and tyrannic rule. I felt a call to what was right, but did not know it. False or indoctrinated religions, had the opposite effect, in turning me away. I had to find the root, to all Principle, and saw it in the reverse aspects, of what holds true for all Men, all people, all science and religion...alchemy itself can not successfully operated outside Purity at the very center...and neither can Paganism, thus Satanism, with the very sacrifices made. Absent Purity, the entire system false apart, what you see here today, will only get worse.
You see our planet spinning round, about a track, is no different than the footsteps you take whilst on/in it. You take enough steps in the wrong direction, or to/for a specific purpose, there will be manifestations taking place, I can vouch fully for this. The seems are coming apart, and it has been a long time plan. Making you feel like it's personal, like it's all in your head, is happening on a grand scale. The veil has been lifted, the falsity can no longer be propagate any longer. If you are good, then you are pure, and that is the bottom line. Deeds, don't mean shit. Your acts, are an expression of you purity. To live, to want to live, is a pure choice, but to live absent the very selling of your soul, this is the first Principle, and Truly the only. All others stem, due to the steps we were forced to take, when born into the ignorance, well, we are ignorant no more. Who are you? What's in your wallet? Money? Cards? Pictures of adornment and ownership of others? Check yourself real good, as to your pure intentions. There is you, and there is Uber Gott, and that is all. Those who are of you mind, will make themselves ever available, ever present. Our oppressors stand united against us, we are force to stand only for Purity, but in it's application, there is a defense for the pure, who are not yet awake, do you understand? I give it to you straight~
My day, is a depressing one, everyday, but I get through it. I had to remove myself, and so I was cut out of the matrix in the system. I feel this tremendous joy, however see with total truth and clarity, all my move, thoughts and actions, and thus the effect on the greater sphere. My Son talks to himself all day, often times attacking me and yelling. My Mother, who we were force to live with, at 45 years of age, with a successful mind, decent looks with time, and a steadfast focus on the truth...earns me nothing. My Mother is a piety based hypocrite, one of the single worst people I know. She plays the Christian card, and has done well for herself. Only when I began to use my abilities, did she step up, thinking it was God telling her, her Jewish based Christian God. God is much larger than this, God is beyond this trivial quest to place one before his own Brother. I am strong, I have power with Woman, and as I result, yet I see the pervading spiritual connection with and to all event, times and things.
When given opportunity, there was always ultimatum, compromises to the Principle. Even though I evaded these, largely, I was chastise by unseen forces, to stay on a very short rope. Until now, I can barely move, and as I write the frequency is so strong in my head, that I actually feel debilitated. The Dog will continuously bark, as he is now, the voices in my Son's head, telling him he is the Anti-Christ increase considerably. I try to edit my works, show myself in truth for what I am. Yes I succumb to Porn every now and then, yet feel and know the taint when I am committing this crime of adultery against myself. When I think of a womb-man, one is nearly instantized before me, when I take part in unclean acts, I typically feel the stain on me for hours after, having to cleanse myself, and keeping a focus of knowing while I am committing such acts, I will not relent into denial.
The constant anguish of sexual tension and pressure, must always be expressed in the spin. Yet as they turn this dial of control up, ever higher, as to even point a microwave weapon at your very head, giving you commands, as I have fully experienced, something has to stop!
I have been a strawman, a default puppet on a string, and simply will not follow what this Elite Galactic agency is pressing forth. I am beginning to think there are no aliens, but communications, explicit to how this bridge will be built, in order to creating a crossing over. I am a Man who was mean to do something great, New it my whole Life, and was under constant scrutiny and attack, until I simply would not go along with the charade any longer. I give it to you straight.
We have come into a time, when Unity of Minds and the Melding of Hearts, into the One Mind of Purity, must hail above all else. We are not to work for Liberty, nor any other misguiding term, set about to further division. The world Uber Gott offers is simple, and gives with plenitude. There are fish, Trees, Plants and more, for our unlimited cultivation. All we need is a roof over our heads, and dreams to take part in the fruits of living. This very thing, has been stripped from us all. We are constantly kept inside our homes. When you do get out people are further mind controlled, to call it strange that you walk. There is no freedom in the pursuit of freedom, freedom is there, before you always. Further there are no laws, nor laws to establish, Principles above all else, rule, and are what our very molecules spin to . We need to be in harmony of the base operations of life and living, which ripples out, into that greater stratosphere, stop day dreaming and start living. If all the people in the world would take part in what I have discovered, these very mental mind techniques would reveal at last, how sensitive a structure we do live in. Instead of turning you feelings off, turn you awareness up and spin, out, as the fermion by which are comprised do.~
I will not go on in Dogma, I will not feed the system anymore. I am losing my grip, sleepless, and concerned...anxiety level is too, off the charts. Having such a fundamental understanding of Physiology I must contend, that certain areas of the brain and Magnetic protective personal pleroma have been specifically isolated and attacked. When I tell the earth to shake it shakes, when I call for justice in a Man, or any entity, it moves. I am not perfect, and have suffered with this reality for the long, FOR YOU SEE, I HAVE ALWAYS LIVED WITH THIS DIRECT ATTACK, validating was not something I truly ever wanted to take place.
Advice, don't believe in hero's, know that what one Man can do, due to his own liberation from the machine, all can thus do. Further, that there is someone and something to blame for every damn thing that has fouled in your life, for it is all connected back, in a string, which then tethers you forth, to final outcome. I am fighting till my end, which as it appears, is not to far off for me, this is no bullshit, it's the damn frank truth.~
Stellar Mass
They cut my penis before I could protest, and I reject the Jewish number and the name, hence the name. I am above the Law, all Law, Jewish Law, and have proclaimed the Pure unadulterated Truth, Principles are SUPERIOR, as they promote self efficacy. This is precisely what the mind war is all about, liberating from these constant attacks, taking up those spiritual weapons of war. I am under heaving attack this night, and for days. They know who I am, what I am, and they do not know what to do with me. I knew the time sequence moment when I was not 9 years old, just turning 10, the moment came to me, and it was profound, "time had been breached that day"...this will all begin again, and I think that is exactly what they are banking on, gaining a stranglehold on the time space continuum, until they have altered the course, tearing through the universal fabric, all is magnetic, all within the machine, that is.~
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