
Sunday, May 31, 2015


" Philosophe vs. The Self Proclaimed Master Artiste' "

 The Master Artist of any era, on any day spun (from), within. He, as only truly great Artist's can be (*more on this to follow), as these Men, are the Pure Men, ones of original strain. These, anomalies, as we may refer to them here, are of a string, a long curving string of Man.

 If you think that a penis incorporates the all of A MAN, then you are merely displaying all corporeal aspects, spun from within the machine. Further on the point, you also follow a certain "tempo" shall we say. So then as the Artist, may assume, that he indeed uncovers within his works, this certain truth. The Truth that the Artist sees; only the magnetic events, regulated; he has the revelation from within the machine. Yet, in Principle there is no relativism, but rather, a blossom. So those seeming, Blossom Based Artists, you know, the Landscape Artist, who captures the Seascape too, for this too be land, for which, many blemishes be covered over, by the mid-day tide, a wash.

 The Master Actor, acts out first Principle, then to see a mediocrity which occurs, when one is pure truly, that display of A Man, whilst truly homeostatically balanced. It is scary, shutter to the point, when we begin to assess IMAN, in this way, from the shared consciousness, for which we ALL blend, all within the contained Sphere that is. So the "Painted" Artist can thus excite the field, a haphazard discovery, by those lazy patrons, whom stay to long, in one spot, spinning within their own stew. Further "Percolating"in this substance of their own make, breathing it in and tasting, always their own; the synthetic mechanical leach, on society, more than ever now, wills to draw that greater one into their very bent and sorted psyche . The Artist, that one which considers himself Master, for self entitlement is what the Artist thrives toward, "secret player part", with his self awarded power to stew in himself, he goes off on his borderline sociopathic~psychopath's SEARCH FOR PURE CHAOS. For he does not snap a picture, of factual quality to share, as offering, an appreciation, he instead infuses the truth, with himself, a worm. So where he goes, as a demon who has already slipped a toe into that substance, into the abyss, the ego, to a fault.

''The self proclaimed master artist, only ever infects his surroundings in such a way, as to forebode his genius suspended above him, often showing signs of a self proclaimed halo, or dark emanations from their forms, for they live in the illusion, of their own concavity, a world of absolution. To bad for they? When they finally pay the price, living now under the Law, which these hypocrates deny always, as to have truly ever given any support (to the LAW, as final cause), these shifty figures only assumed as "neutral watchers", are first to run to it, even to enforce it, for it be their weapon, their shield...yet,  and on, into THE WASH, these Principleless sorts do go, for their kind be truly needed no where, for the yeild of a good one be so rare (these self inflated ONES, would each thus claim ''this one,  is me".

 The Master Musician can only see/feel/hear and sometimes smell, yet the Master Musician who learns to manipulate his own senses, alchemically speaking, as well as "on into that spiritual place". Yet his assertion, indeed to "do such a thing for fame alone", shows clearly an empty host, wishing, then willing to be a fully developed soul, an identity in the Universe, abroad. However not understanding, the true laws of causation, in an Electromagneticly Driven as well as SuperCharged Principle Based Universe, David Hume-Become what you are.

 I do recall Lovecraft, telling such a story, about an Old Man, Playing as a host, to that "thing" that willed to express itself, into form. Perhaps C.S Lewis displayed this notion well, within his "interesting" writings, of The ScrewTape Letters", However in many spheres, there are still the many common voices, which circulate in tune, Thus traveling about a frequency "tune" which shows within it's single "Tonal Solar System-", Within this single, yet massive band, there can be found, a re-creation of all probable frequencies. Frequencies always travel towards some fated Shift Color, and shift/change them both, forever. The sound is thus that frequency, on attack. The frequency field does this, by way of transmutation. So to convert those chime based sound wave patterns, on, into the digital, and become a flying Electron conversion driven Photon (now within light, so to bear light), when the sound accrued can manipulate the field, by way of such precision, in fact like second site. "AS TO BE AROUND THE SOLUTION AS TO BECOME IT, YOUR OWN MUSIC AND THUS TO BECOME  BY WAY ALSO YOUR GREATEST CRITIQUE", common Artist you do not see, that you are indeed being criticized, by an ever expanding mind, of something greater. Perhaps more Philosophe conversion, thus into as well as towards, left bent, though right proclaimed, "self flagellating Artiste', should occur more often"?

 Well this be my precise point, that this phenomenon is indeed taking place. Found there displayed, spinning within the fabric. As some deep esoteric fundamental understanding, of those Photon to Photon, Polar Opposing Hemispherical "likes", an image, projected, from the orchestrator. So to cast his own protruding dark nature upon that curtain we share, and all should know it full well.

 Rather, the philosopher, sees the Pure Truth, because, as the knower of such Anti-Principle, as a measure, sunk into the dregs of society, he can, and could so perspicuously place cause as to better oneself, by becoming "what is (The Painted Artist)" into the Titles advancemen; selfish foe, the self Proclaimed Master Artist, becomes, a Hitlerized Lawless Oblivious Thelemite, on his way to next imagined conquest.

 "Artist, do you not yet "SEE", that when your "entertainment" is gone, which is the only reason they seem to "buy your act", you are then dead. Found now existent, as zietgeist, discharged, and bounced around "the room" of such "antiquity"...a  sneeze of Elite nostril's flare, there, now pressed, a smudge, on the screen of life, you are but a specimen, of Man's futility. Cast upon the screen, a projection, your absence is cause for celebration, onto the Elite, who purchase your drivel, they use your name as a spiritual shit napkin, wipe their reptilian green oozy discharge all over your self proclaimed "hard work". Your canvas only shows what Men will to become in Man's full use of will as defiance, the full Thelemite shows it's mutated wormy head, obiquitous, like clay.

 The Philosopher, a Master at that, can see this probability prior to the event, thus he strings onto other, superior forms, of consciousness, as an expanding horizon, EVER EXPANDING IN FACT.
Simply, by knowing this margin purely and truly exists, and in fact, is more existent, which supports an entire field, this heightened consciousness brings to the entirety of "the Little Bubble People", which is what WE ARE.

 The Philosopher displays, this also naturally accruing "humility", for he knows Mercy, as well as Compassion on to it's higher degrees, only he may not have employed these over "a stretch", he thus stands ready, when he views the worthy.

 So in short This Mind of the Master Philosophe, is recognized upon his own merits, That Had To Be Earned. There was no stumbling method, as with the case of the psychosis based Self Proclaimed Master Artist contends in his ever "blossoming" success. He is "but a Sociopath!", he swears, yet the true path could not be clearer, always facing only himself. So the Artist takes up a space in the Universe, a Pleroma of thought Matrix, keeping able body open towards malicious possession, as is the case with the Master Actor. For you see, each Sphere, has an opposing; upside down, as well as inverted, version of a budding self. When the energy supply becomes one of will, it is ALWAYS ACTIVE PRINCIPLE, WHICH UNDERLIES, AS WELL AS OVERLAPS, consuming all lower causes, a case?

 There is no Law, yet to abuse Principle, is a breach onto the ALL. Principles and their Breach, is life, and is what life surmounts to. We must infuse these Principles, as a ruling force, even when; going about behavior, autogenicly embedded reactory impulse signals, IE physically recreating our past; we often times see cats and other Animal's displayed in this "lost in your own rhetoric of self endowment/fulfillment" as the drama again plays itself out. Nature?

 We are in a time of budding Philosopher's, I am it's Father? It does not matter if you have indeed read my works, yet they seem to be, shall we say, ahead of our times by shear concavity/convexity of will, in it's pure form? We are that collective mind, which in any, as well as all ways, WILL, through the ever "chasing game" of purity, in/a motion, which can not be disturbed. THIS IS THE EVER EXPANDING HIGHER MIND.

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