
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

"Revealing the MOMster"


It is found in the Cremation of CARE, it be further revealed, that Money, has a Pagan based craft crux placed upon it, no one who places true Care, shall advance by way of this marked exploitation of Care, as Principle. The Signs are posted upon the Bill. Money has this admitted black magick ritual placed upon it, as a sign of degree. No one, no one, will advance, in capitalism, absent this exploitation. Thus the first shall be last, the last shall be first, in the new era.

 A battle goes on, it continues, as those of the Light destroy the Dollar, those of the Dark this in their advantage as to further the assault upon their own currency, as to promote further angst, and aggression, towards Purity, as a rule.

 There is now, a sudden influx of people playing the fence, both side, as to leverage capitalism to their favor, and go to this Jewish link towards Heaven, at the same time. A Man, can not serve two Master's. Jesus does no thus, represent this casting away of evil, but that further exploitation of the ever shifting teeter totter, the result of most assertions towards Christianity, will only lead them back, to the start. This is after all, what capitalism is, a Circle, Dukkha, Karma, but yet there is so much more. One can only express what one is.

 I choose to no longer waste my efforts on fighting within a rhetorical matrix of despair, which only wills defiantly, as it always has with me, as to take up more and more, of my precious time.

 My ex-wife, if you met her, would convince you of her sweetness. You would swear this persona is "good" even honest, yet due to her abusive background was thwarted, from ever becoming more. The system is designed this way, as to allow PTA cookie baking to replace Principles in truth.

 I evade the subject, because it stays raw, affects me each day of my life, keeps me from living a happy productive existence, even working a regular job. My money is seized by the U.S. Government to pay her as well as interest, which is now 100k USD.

 I provided names, locations, and amounts of money, for which she concealed. Hiding over a million dollars, from our divorce papers, over a decade ago. This money was left to my children, for college, specifically noted. Their Mother spent the money, having the trust over turned, using the children as the hardship reason.

 She spent that money in a matter of 3 years. Yet creating a rift between my children and I, having called the police on me, each time I called or came by. Then, due to her amorous behavior, I was called to watch the children. When I approached the Police with the information that she would leave my kids for days at time, pacified with video games, and cases of energy drinks (which later contributed towards her putting my now deemed schizophrenic Son on his first meds, changing his brain chemistry).

 When they, or I, did not follow along with her tyrants of rage and, wants and desires, she would call the police on all of us. The Police filed a restraining order against, me, which I took to a female lawyer, who told me, that the report was filled with conjecture, and that she was surprised they would believe it. However she refused to take me as a client, assuming these allegations were true.

Soon after the order, within weeks, she filed for back child support. Even though I watched the kids, from my little tiny room, 4-5 days of the week. Even though I drove them to school on my days, even though every time She asked for money, for items, food, etc...I was there, and provided. I was a good Dad, a solid Dad, in the wake of this turbulent and backwards world, which I only began to study those things, such as the occult, religion and the sciences of the cosmos, to realize, this was happening everywhere, with Men around the world, yet pocketed towards the Elites agenda. I now care for my child, yet not monetarily, he is disabled, and highly effected by the drugs he has been placed on for years.

 I am very well versed in many sciences. I put him on a ROKbodhi undulation diet, and saw marked results. I even bought him supplements, but they were often thrown away. This Woman, my Son's Mother, after years of this behavior, ended up being charged with severe child neglect, which had Felony charge, and carried a 2 years Prison sentence. The house was taken, as she would not pay rent, instead spending the money, that she ended up getting later, on God knows what?

 I broke that restraining order, anytime my kids called me, I as there. They were afraid of here. One day she would kick them out, next day offer to purchase them anything. This Woman said she would throw me in Prison, simply because I did not think she was a good person. She threw radios at me, broke windows, and abused her children. Yet still, after baking CPS cookies, and smiling, lying, she was able to reduce her sentence to 6 months.

 She had virtually no one visiting her. I drove my older Son out to see her weekly, as, my younger Son was now in a high level youth mental facility. I broke the odds, the obstacles, studied for credentials from within my 10x10 room, all I could afford, often times not. I slept in my car, got hired at a job, which I ended up, within 3 months, becoming the top trainer for. I earned more than any other trainer, pressing in 2008 towards 100k per year. The agenda, was always on my back, I beat the system, and yet the oppression was marked. I got a place, took my kids, and after only 6 weeks, the kids wanted to live with their Mother. I found out later, she threatened them with her own suicide, to get them to leave.

  I ended up becoming homeless, after my kids begged me to be around town, as well as my ex-wife. We had the kids out of wedlock, and I only married her, 3 years, prior to our initial breakup, due to my wanting my kids to know, they were not bound to being termed "bastards".

 I had a modeling career thwarted by Her, and Acting career, where I was called by HBO for a role, and turned it down, do to my newly born Son, and ex-spouse needing me present. I ended up becoming a working Joe, punching the clock, and doing as goo as I could. There was often new furniture, new cars, and the kids had insurance, new cloths, and all they needed, but it was never enough. My ex-spouse would cheat on me, I found out later, take my cash tips, lock me out of the house, blaming me for "cheating", all the while, her boyfriend was hiding himself or narrowly escaping. I was a good husband, a good Dad, and was attacked, not only by these means, yet many others.

 My strength was always used against me. I refused to become a capitalistic thinker. There are entities which follow us around, that can not be seen, which dictate, as well as effect the energy conductive pulse of specific regions and zones. I became quite well versed in this, studying many codex and texts.

 The obvious draw came, when CPS, came to take my Son from me. I battled to get him released from facilities. The issue was, that now, with back child support over my head, my money was taken and given to my ex-wife. I simply could not play the charade any longer, the interest was all that was being paid off. I told Judges, and workers, the truth, gave them information, they did nothing.

 I had amassed over 20 credentials, and left my posts, due to my conviction as a Father, there was no where else to turn, I become godless, they had finally brought me down, they had won.

Part 2

 In 2013, February 26th-28/29th, my Son's birthday in fact, I became pissed off. For the first time, I refused to turn the other cheek. You see, I was raised with Christian indoctrination, which is a part of the Jewish Kabbalah agenda. This book is based on a division's treatise, four to be precise. There is much truth, and goodness, yet also craft placed upon it, I speak of the Bible, touched and produced by machinating hands. It is so precisely orchestrated, that this agenda takes Principle codes, infusing them into math based signatures, as to cause a personal breach, when one refutes the entire texts, which as said, is infused with those other scriptures. In the Bible, there are at least 4 codes of doctrine. One is wrath, murder, will, experience, the Jewish way. The other is pestilence fired upon the masses, from another view, in those ways of sacrificing oneself, as the pure Son. The book, presses Man, towards a fate of that final yield, towards the Kali Yuga.

 Though womb-man are the perverts, renting the majority of porn, drinking alcoholic more often, producing the actual over population, due from their own evil and impure choices, Men are seen as suspicious. The Law is wrong, and further more, there is no Law. There are no commandments. Those who do not understand Principle, as Purity, on a fundamental level, are simply no the living, but the dying. It is an electrical Universe, with Magnetic Polarities, yet it is, so much more.

 I have gained a relationship, with the God above the Bible, which the Bible itself means to acquisition. The Jewish God, the Masonic God, The God of every "religion" on this Planet, serves, through a router, a hierarchy of Reptilian Aliens, who act as our makers, keepers as well as Overlord's. Their agenda is many, because like EPL, it is based on multifarious thought processes, actions, and sequencing. I am an anomaly. I have tried to blend in, to be a part, yet the pressure, as to force me to become, has been unfair, premeditated, and at times, to much to bare.

 There are two roads, and truly three. I have spoken on this enough in my extensive posts, and writings.

 The Anti-Christ, is the terrorist, is the propaganda of another side, an enemy, when none exists. The agenda is to keep an agitated field suspension taking place, as to incite magnetic energy. Those things, thought to be so personal, a such as grief, are used as a tidal shift of polarity. There is a God, he is quite real, but he is only implied in scripture, and often falsified, taking only bits and pieces of him, then transmorphing this into a wrath based God, a Pagan sacrifice based God.

 Christianity, follows a Jewish agenda. It is the religion of the Peasants, there have been many. This is all done to keep us apart, to actually keep us from doing those deeds which are innate to the many, yet the few. The Purity is not focused on. Those Principles are not focused on. The God, which is all peace all Purity, all truth, is not focused on, yet the informations are instead shifted, in a method solution, which lead only towards the Lordship of Law, as absolution.

 The fear strikes people. "Then what would I be, if I did not have a trusted doctrine to follow?" The answer is thus revealed, in your becoming. Are you focused on, bound to and for Purity, at your root, which engages only Peace, Purity, Principle and Bliss? Or are you that which represents the other side, where Tempered Experience, Will, and thus that impurity transgressed through all knowledge, be your guide? That one who understands both, and thus the true center point, such as I have indeed understood, will be the Spiritual King of a time, an era. He rules the two sides within him, which lay out those intellectual potentials, which exist, in the ALL.

 My firm believe, no Faith, be that neither positive nor negative truly exist in that Pre-substance of Pure Shift Light, as that first sustaining field of source. Unity is the way to hone and harness this vital force, brought about by mind, towards understanding.

 Simple things, at first bring you to this state, towards the singularity. Wake up and free your Pineal, meditate on that connective polarity to both sides, in order to institute and reinstitute that place of balance IE focus on those firings between the two brain hemispheres. Those many slights by womb-man, are only being protected, by the perpetuated this sheen, a veil of EM Magnetosphere conduction, the Earth, Nature, the World, as it is. Many loud mouths, who otherwise would contribute nothing, benefit and gain from this system, of Law, and rule, it is part of the agenda, to keep the truly ignorant ever aspiring towards monetary gain.

Money does not exist
Law does not exist

Principles stands alone, and needs nothing more.

The Pineal will be activated fully on the avoidance of fat and carbohydrates, staying on protein type fasts, whilst using EPL Active Mind in Motion Techniques. Only base nutrients like vitamin C type drink packets, Trace Minerals taken in minute amounts, yet daily. Apple Cider vinegar 2-3 times through the day, to Alkalize the system. Walking several times per day, Meditating. Connect with me, I am not bad, I am truly and Purely yearning for Peace, in it's highest Order, a natural Order, from Principle, all things to be, shall be.

 We are a singularity, a unit. we stand all powerful, above the indoctrination, the machine. There is not need to argue semantics, leave this to Jewish debaters. I choose Peace, through Purity, and demand it be respected above all, NO OTHER PRINCIPLE STANDS HIGHER.

Together we take the Globe, become the Spiritual Rule. We do not dream of being on David Letterman, nor having/attaining the worlds valu_ of  "bitches, blunts and guns", we are happy, BEING, simply being. Living in a World that does not shrink to such items of display. Free, harmony, in chime with the true Father. All else will melt away, the Will must be demanded, Pure Will.

 Those, who are not born of Purity, alas can not find it, it is a grieving we must go through, to know this. These are drawn to that ever emergent darkness, which is on the cusp of swallowing up it's children and it's prey.

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