
Monday, May 18, 2015

Building the Merkabah~


Shift Color Spin, is both shaped, thus cancelled out by frequency

The corresponding frequencies, to color code transfer of Shift Light follows a
algorythmic EPL pattern

The magnetic plastics, can work in this way, as to assist in building this frequency pattern
within a vacuum.

The momentive force would create a system of first Principle within the vacuum

The event within, would be nearly identical, concurrent, to the sphere without

once the field is excited, this would create a reactor, suspended within the vacuum sphere

To contain the energy, a draw into tether coupling, where an identical environment, absent living inhabitants, could absorb the unused energy. The energy could thus be stored, within the pleroma of that tethered "twin".

An alternating current time shift regulation, could thus be established. This shared energy, as force, can then generate unlimited energy, in both zones, where it be used. This is what is most likely happening on Mars at the moment, and what the true nature of CERN is. It seems that CERN is but that center point, of spherical phenomenon, now most likely housed underground, this would explain the strange noises etc...

The distances between the spheres, would follow in perfect Phi parallel sequencing order, much in the way of cubits and planck waves, plank longs.

The harmonics would resonate perpetuated life force, as shift light, as frequency reality creation taking place with thought projections, by those who resonate, by way of DNA, to the like code of the Merkabah, there would be in total 13. These 13, would be placed around the earth, in their specific regions and zones, There are 6 main, then 6 anti forms, which work very much like shift and frequency, in the way that harmonics can be slightly modified by mood. The 12 can be mechanized, however the 1 would need to be a master human based resonator, which could eventually become a cyborg human/machine, that does not object to his placement, and could very well have actual times for employment, by way of entangled clones, who can occomplish the same works. The super computer can thus accomplish the tasks of the 13, as well as transfer this energy with regularity, to it's tethered twin, wherever the tethered twin may be placed.

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