Absent Purity, the will is just experience/sin/acquisition IE capitalism/gain/Gott which is Cain/Kane. There should be 8, and these should begin with SUB-PRINCIPLES} Purity, Faith, Love, Hope, Temperance, Care, Mercy, Compassion, Passion, Trust. One these are established MAIN PRINCIPLES}Sacrifice, Expression, Wisdom, Community, Production, Ego (which we give up the the highest form of God, UBER GOTT, The everything/beyond indoctrination) Finally Truth of cycle spins the next era. This application of EPL, places Unity, the Singularity above all Principalities, which are those false Principles, that usher forth Capitalistic means, hence The Jewish Plato Machine tJPM~ I actually have deep profound experiences, such as seeing the third eye as well, however in physical form, as well as taking part directly in weather, Sun operations on a profound scale, however suffer greater, under constant head ringing, and attacks, when I am not meditating and blocking these fields of disruption out. I was pitted as an anti-christ, showing the level mind manipulation, when it was discovered I had extra sensory abilities. I am not rich, and can barely write a sentence, without hearing this buzzing begin just as I form a simple sentence. I wrote books, but they are not edited correctly...I have no interest in being a part of this world system or any other human system any longer, due to these conclusive demonstration of Man kind, as a whole. My views are critical, and earn no applause but I speak the truth, and do not claim purity in myself, by rather in what is termed ascension, which is purely, truly understanding that the Unity must take place, it is not optional. The One Mind system can replace the NWO, in the total dismantling of Government on all levels...we simply do not need them, we do not money, we do not need Law...only those franchising on gain or gott (Cain's very name as a god), place there will in objecting this.~