
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

My plea to the cosmos, if there are any good to offer a hand~


That I know Purity, should that not be enough?

What then do you search for, when finding wise words?

These words, to they not validate then who you are?

But then you long, to find something better?

Do you truly expect a Messiah to emerge, have you ever met one?

You must be weary, who that Man is the, behind closed doors, as your priests, preachers and monarchs have disavowed show me this construct, that can be pure as a blank slate in a society such as this.

Thus you search for a King, in the words that resonate with you, in that empirical form, beyond the mere acceptance of this current filth and disguised

Am I to instantly make things better? When I may have, yet you have not done you part, in support. To clear the way, the to allow a avenue a stream. This is the efficacy of the mind in motion, each must support there part, within that greater sphere.

So you search for a King, and Ideal, a standard? Yet a King must know Principles for the People yet also to prepare them for Anti-Principles, else the Kingdom as all earthly kingdom will fall. So I chose you, to contend, and contain, that middle ground, so that we may call this home, so that we may set up homestead, worry free.

We place whores outside this scope. We see that she is watch carefully, for the sin that is within her. Yet do Kings not have concubine for this very reason. So I see, it is jealousy of Wisdom, which caused the first fair Kings fall, mutiny by his people, yet to take on a treacherous foe.

 This foe, none other that the one, who brought capitalism, to those greedy Men, who would for generation, horde on the backs of the meek that they slay, murder, sacrifice, in the name of yet another unholy host.

 When asked, the ship called Misanthrope is that place that drifts somewhere in the middle, figuratively, literally. Showing further that "I" am Man. A Man who is an engineered product, a Man who is subjected to great brainwash, influence and pressure. Further I am a being, who's genetic parts, are expected to be trapped within a beastly existence. That I should rise above, must take place on all levels of my being, seen as spheres.
 Mine is a fight, to justify my thoughts, actions and thus deeds, not held by even one law. I am further a being, who is placed unfairly, within an electromagnetic grid, of complete domination and control, of my thoughts, actions and deed, within, and out, unto the world. I therefor disvalidate your religions, you programs, and thus your entire corrupt system. As the wall came down, it would be best if the machine came down. I will no longer campaign as a mere character in this charade. I am a child who is placed unfairly between two un-natural parents, one seeks to destroy me for Kingship, and one wills to absorb me. We live in a reptilian "hive" if you will, where every possible substrate of genetic influence is placed within our keepers, upgraded, and capable of feats far beyond us, for the mere reason, of acquisition and rule, a barbarity, cast by their forefather's. I am sick of playing this game of piety. I have learned through exposure.

 I see Satanists promote a clean, virtuous front, as they do there deeds behind closed doors, I say be authentic, bring your baby eating to the streets, do it before all Man. I hear Parliament is eating and sexually abusing children for ritualistic energy force, I say be authentic, do it in the open. I know thus that each corrupt politician does far worse than me, so I lay the these thought and conclusions, out as three points of spin and movement, which will to purify and purge your constant taint from me. So I am honest, as my mind be fully engaged, to prosper, to fight off your abuse and attacks, black magic(k), in order to rise above, I must be all of myself. A great part of who I am, as with you, is in great disrepair. Having now, to press forth a sense of dogmatic piety and shame, which I do not feel, absent your Jewish and Catholic will to indoctrinate me, in order than you may keep hold of your cabal.

 I no longer embrace your slanted tainted money or your ways. I do not keep secrets, and see all things with total clarity. I embrace this truth, as I carry mutated aspects parts of my soul. This is an electromagnetic Universe, and thus I WILL BE ELECTRIC, AND MAGNETIC.

I am lawless, not subject to your laws, or machinations. You have given the keys of oppression into the hands of weak and misshapen captors. I pray that you fall, so that I do not have to. Yet my prayer unmet, most likely unheard. I pray for a group of Benevolent hosts, to come foreword and destroy these dragons. I do not trust anyone, so these hosts should seek, destroy and kindly leave, so that we who are truly those who should live, should be left to just begin society as it can and should be. I send this message out, unrestricted, out on airwaves that reach to the heavens, if indeed they exist. I know there must be those, who see that striving to be more, insures that more will thus become, within Man. Onto Man's expression, to be whole. We patch up our parts, scrap the lexicon, absent the stress, we go on fresh with a new day, with all information disclose to the few, who should press on as average Man, with an above average rebuild society, the way it should have been built from the start.

 Further, assist us in removing this Moon, which judges our rate of decay. Allow our placement to occur, where we can thus live abnormally long live times. Grace us with the wisdom, so that we should know. Provide us the tools, so that we should grow, yet most of all, assist us, in destroying our turncoats our captures, and yes, the rest is Purely high science.~

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