
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

STELLAR MASS, DATA LOG, First awareness of Principles as force, set in Orions very breast


This I pen prior to my first shaping of the EPL code, as clarified by the future, yet never to have been

AscenTion Beings, ascension into God's realm

 The fabricated default, as it were, becomes laughable, but I do not go insane, and further, there are more over lapping, underlying as well as undulating layers. I thought for a while, as I traced the steps, that tie a towns reoccurring theme, of loop, the library to the theatre, the road in, leading to the Masonic temple, and the churches so placed along the way, looping, to the road out.  But there is no road out, just a sphere, ring after ring, as if a circus mortorcyle rider in within an iron ball. There is a system, a way that the concrete be laid out, leaving the demon faces imprinted on every square.

 I met people on the path, that said they were the devil, that the devil was in pieces, and these pieces needed to become once again as a whole? But what indeed could be whole, which never was?
I did not completely believe it. I was called out, as I began to rebel against the voices, when only one year prior I was perfectly at peace with being miserable. I have always been aware of the rape upon me by spiritual forces, in the current life of angst since childhood, how we are shaped in this Nietzschean time loop. and this same conclusion drove Nietzshe to catatonic stages, for the final
 remaining 11 years of his life, as he watched his sister destroy his works, as did Fraud, and others.

 He was on the cusp of total revilement of the truth, Nietzsche that is, and it had been blocked out
form his very form, as if to pull the plug on what made him run. The frequency changes are cycles, phases, they are undeniable. They are ardently and maddeningly, however in this precisely charted,
by such men of Principled thinking, and thus, show that the cycles are displayed in a way, that can be timed!
 Our own clocks, chemistry and hormone balance have become a predictable working as such, aspects of precisely this. However we are sadly aware that females have no principles, and this Nietzshe and the division of witches, had to be somehow "squared" on, as in the true shape of the
compass and the square, and by which direction we point, when we mean to point to the North,
where Nietzshe's Hyperborean's kept themselves, distant from the rest? That holy doctrine warns us of this, yet Nietzshe seemed to put the sirens on, within the Catholic, Jewish and Christian control cult sects as well, and was obviously willed away, on some base craft legal contrivance, that would have it's Ubermensch day in the Sun?
I write this for myself, thus those who are of my frequency. I am in a sad state, and only wish this incarnation wont be long, as I can recall little of the happy times. As for the Zoroastrian charts to work, and for this division of 12 stages of light to take place, there must be a source, that be directing the light, which be in the form of wave lengths, reoccurring which I call planks (not to be confused with planck theory). This system of my own, takes into account the literal form of how a cubit be referred, biblically speaking. That the measure of the forearm has a greater force power, in that, billions upon billions of years it has and could be used, as a way to measure even great distances, does this not draw on and create a certain perspective, one that does not respect the volume of distant at all? Is this not a reality, unto itself, and thus to draw on a current, of like energy? Is this not the most powerful form and source, for ignorance still lives and thrives, does this not make more sense to you reader now? That you ignorant and ill gotten confusion and thus gain, is drawn of the same source? Does this ring a bell, as in the liberty bell, and it's show of a crack down the middle, how great a sense of humor Black Jack does have, only he is the few that would laugh, before burning.

To then think in an exo fashion, and that this power is the greater force power, simplicity, or simple  city. I would love to believe that principle be the ruling factor, that we, which are of truth, are the greater force, but history tells, and warns that those who go into enterprise as to reveal this master control, will be hung on a cross, and be made as martyr, to show the outcome of defiance. Defiance against deviance, how odd this seems, only, the majority is the craft by which we speak, in the seeming know, until they hopefully one day are not, are the four divisions.

I hide nothing, I did not server in the US military, because I hate the US, and all of it's inhabitants. I am noble, and have more than once risked my life, without hesitation to save another's. I would then witness how worthless their lives turned out to be, that I received no boons, no rewards for my heroism, that there was no higher power, which would notice me. I lost my faith in any sort, of God, I was set up! I say, over and over again, watching and laughing as the people switched on and off as if robots, crossing streets, changing attitudes in an instant, I mean to say, tested this many times. Finally I tested the source, as a deductive mind. I realized the constant subconscious algorithm of anti-principle, and the reward I saw others receive, upon principles breach. Yet as for me, in my advance, I began to test it, with a logical as well as analytical mind, drawing on an even narrower source of finite energy means, if there truly be a mean, as in the axis point, I mean, to infer, the Golden Mean.

As if atop a look out, whilst deep in my induction, I noticed, that from a small town vantage point, how much easier it was to calibrate, the pawns, the shuffle of the homeless, those normal craft producing inhabitants (those lower realms of the four divisions so easily bought off and swayed), the shop owners, the retired, the smiling mothers, and flower shop merchant's as well as nail salon and pastry shop owners and there apprentice's.
Yet in this small town, and it's calculated populous, the homeless population accounted for but one man, the obviousness of craft, within a small town, this witchcraft little town. The characters remain the same, and only the build up, and thus directive of energy yield, be all to through one off from this sent, of the repeat, for it all is just that.

 The obviousness, of the set up, a current, a flow of energy fields, something after all had to support and sustain these seemingly worthless people and objects? I DID A series on this, called impact force, and released it to public view, that is when the "people" would come and go, in systematic phases, right to my front door in fact, this is when I first noticed the default, like a ravenous shark, ran on emotion, the taste of blood, a reaction. There was, a noticeable lull in the machine, that it took time to process, the information, this was shown in the over reaction, by those division bots, which I admit to have again laughed at, as if I were completely mad at times, to call this nature, it was I assure you just the opposite my readers.

Thought becomes things! Especially reactive in it's "nature", and thus higher thoughts cause adverse reactions, headaches, frequency buzzing, heart palpitations, vision problems. One of piteous "means" would think God angry with them? How the Shakespearean theme must be Bully in Hell, as well as a fine Cognac and hard wooden Chess bored, in the wait of the a pawn En passant.

I then studied more, and nothing of today assisted me in my quest, or rather this awful truth, that I could not leave alone. I was always stronger, always superior, always forced to and expected to uplift others, as they went about their crying, and complaining, then into their new cars, houses, and luxury without doing anything but following along. I tried, trust me, but the pain of it, my stomach would turn, there was something greater in me, that made me a target, that others would fear. Until I simply just had it, I could read something, and see the total and absolute truth. When in school, I would look around, wondering if anyone else saw this, that this is based on bullshit, it has no flow of continuity, no true form. I watched my guardians think, communicate and act by way of purely evil means, and the sirens, as in now, as if I let someone down, by being honest, here way up in the mountains, it never fails, a warning? Over and over, a predictive default, that drives men of truth insane.
 I am not out of this, my closest friends and family have been attacked, and the robots just do what ever the prompts tell them to, they are rats, everywhere, who work for an excitatory reaction, so that they will not become board, as if a rats maze, of cocaine addictions.
 I searched deeper, into chronobiology, fermion, physiology, nutrition, its all the same things, spheres, radius and axis points, closer by way of degree, or further away. Spin a little faster, or slower, and a seemingly different outcome, life form, wave length....this couldn't be it?

The pentagram
One can not expect any certain gain, without a certain relaxed, calm and leisurely demeanor. Thus forces stir and agitation, and this is all that this stupid sign means, a loss of flow through power, yet as for me, it could not slow the likes of an ornery fighting type, only to awaken the god within, in their very miscalculation's and assumption, that they might walk right up, and snatch it away, oh how they tried, and made a good study of me in the process, another laughable gesture by the bubbling divisions of this day, form which I write, which may seen quite parallel to your own? Then you may want to give a quick poke at your arm, for your may already vaporized without your recollection of the event in the least (I smile with great fun, as I realize, after watching your faced disappear before me, you are a figment and not a principle in your moment of exist).
Godless, then, in early 2013, I gave it all up, I could not handle the boring and mundane reality before me, always the same person, the same place, the same foods, everyone seemed to take pleasure in the illusion, but I could not, I wanted to, but I could not. I spun, and experimented, and that's when they called me out. I jumped into peoples bodies, did sexual things to them, they would come up to my parked car window and try and get in, come to my hotel room doors when I summoned them, no other forces could enter me, they tried, and then I began to be watched, more closely. They would measure my actions with machines, right in front of me. They would call me out, in McDonalds, trying to do Zulu spells on me. I had the natural craft, without the need to learn, and could change of the flow for the multitudes. Bizarre, that little old me, who only thought myself unique, would be of this sort of control, then it dawned on me, that we are being separated for a reason. I never bought it, never went along with it, I missed what other would call opportunities, for big offerings, which I saw as just a facade, and I still do.
 The warnings are to keep us apart, to keep us from realizing the power that we have, that if we can trust on the intent, that can only come from the eternal pain, which I feel, the pain is always there, the genius, the answer, we are a part of this amazing existence, and yet trapped within our own Faustian deal, an ignorance. Men who were on to this misuse of lesser force powers, like Bruce Lee, Bob Marley and more, Jim Morrison were made into a sort of lesson for all to see, as if a Messiah in the make. There are no more like them, because they are known now, by frequency force. It has been done, and 100% control has been complete for some time. The loop is 1973 to 2016, and it just keeps looping over and over again. The data and the routine brings the agenda closer and closer to total control, it is seen in Phi, it is seen in codes, and the codes are of simple math. There only needs to be a manipulation of the reoccurring theme, the fabric is simple to read and control. Most are now controlled without ever suspecting that they could actually be evil, that they could actually be doing only anti principle based actions, and thoughts, all day, and into the night. It has become mainstay to have your drink, your vibrator, your cake and eat it too, next to your bed, and that pleasing yourself first is the way to truth redemption and happiness
Until the tests become events, and the events no longer intend to cover their tracks. Aye, I do see
faces, and signs, then colors and symbols! I decode them, at that, for it was what they beckoned for,
and I begin to spin the fabric of space time, because I understand the sphere. Oh how cruel, a blessing and a curse be the same point within this sphere of repeat, for it isn't the deed that be wrong, but the back lash, as it cycles around, as pure translucient energy, and crashes into evil that be the feared mechanism, the wreking ball of space/time-time/space.
 Just as I as a mere child, become rebellious, a lash out, I test the power, or the "powers", and they would lash back. Oh I saw the jade face, but a frequency of the mind, the subconscious of a man, bent and slurred, his understanding of community and principles be. I learned the power of my own personal Soul, and they do take recognition. Many on the border, many evil powers at that, at least in their collision seeming so, they make effort to draw on me, yet then only toward me, only by degree to flee, and run away, oh they should have thought ahead. The false power, fills them, with such force, but fleeting. Yet, I become sick! throwing up at that, and the sea makes great effort, on calm days, to swallow me whole.  Am I indeed, all to aware, am I being warned, a poor effort at that, but then, the lower class, those of this "government", try to coral me, though they see me as uncontainable. They influence, and I realize, I must be the very sphere, to summon it's power at will, for the miss the intent, as they always do, only seeing the empty beaks before them. Control the sphere? And thus, be all spheres, but to serve my Fathers will. I see that no one is trying as hard for true greatness, I will surrender that much, or yet not at all. That the awards and the grades, and the made up units of money, and decay of women, are enough for them of mighty means, those smaller syllogism's, given the false knowledge, they be reared and brought up to know, absent of gnosis.

  I am the balance, known, unknown is my power. I am born again, to suffer the same plight, even as a child did I realize, I am old. I do not want to stay here, but Mother's guard their milk, much more than true nature do!... but it wont leave me alone, the madness? Though you lesser cast, effort to place it upon me, I am only gaining in power, strength, the purity of understanding, my messengers love and true knowledge, which be the Father's Wisdom. But then, what are you people, within a "society", as I watch you, know you, lie in discussed over you, and as for myself? You are but a small bit chip? Are you capable of free thought in the least?.. and you say yes, and do a trick, awaiting your prize, what have I done to deserve this?

 Most would not know, there are of course the select, the few, the true initiates? Movies, fads, and all that you see before you, be but a fabrication, only the all to young take interest, as if a game, until bored. Those who have the knowledge have it since birth, they try to forget, but it will not leave them be, as if a mosquito on in the moment, a provocated will to draw blood? Why, because you have already done it in your small minds, contained within this little sphere? The sustained mind, is not theirs, less they are afraid, and have been been for lifetimes? The hero, is the one, who will see the falsity die, and have the courage to be what is great, to stand, this is a far contrast from the reality we see before "us", oh the pain of the dichotomy, of this seemingly great antithesis.

We are the AscenTion Beings. those who are to press forth the way things are, and our prize is often the removal of our very heads. We are beautiful, but like a wild stallion far to scary to tame. There are to many questions, to much work in truth, so you must humiliate us, as to bring us down to your level, quid pro quo. Never realizing, in your math, nor caring, that this mind, which is ours
to press forth, as to teach you with, if only, within a sure dream, as you approach us with a delicate hand, is the very mind, that permeates all? is you who did it to yourselves, aided by distraction today, but in our misery tomorrow, that the buzz has warn off, of your abusive forefathers, as to except the descent into your hell?
 But here we are? Are we not to be dismissed? Is this not how it works? We are to suffer over the long, for not yet hanging on another cross? In the slow reaction, of the ascended mind, that neocortex,
 you can make stories up about us, as to emulate a falsity, of what the permeating mind, the consciousness of true intellect truly be? For it seems to buy you valuable time and space, upon which to build castles made of teflon now?

Yet, and further, your answer seem to be the same, but to make effort as to teach us, as you go into the depths of your cruelty, with yard sticks to force your point, and you have done nothing, from our first moment, but abate your very cause, Oh the foolishness, and the billions of repeats, the angst your majority causes, in the wait of your next demise, this cast upon your heads again, again, and again....
 I have been looked down upon by the eye, yet it was I that looked down on it! For it could not see a thing, just smoke and mirrors, aye black jack 21? A fabricated cloud, a pyramid, quickly assembled, a storm synthetically rolled in, and many jets, beginning to canvas the skies with chemtrails, February 23-26th 2013. What theatrics, and only 25,000 miles per hour, at nearly 1000 mph you orbit about my Sun, which I am willed to burn you with, within the prism of your own broken bottles, from the Ail you drank the night before you ascend into your mechanical jets?

This after receiving messages, from an obvious dispatch, within my very head, speaking to me in frequency, all because I questioned the motives, of these peoples? This place? It is all so ridiculous, so mundane, always has been. I was bored!, if you must know the answer every time, and I began to piece all parts, but it was not my job as to resemble the damn thing! I was not amused by the trivial pursuit of fame, nor false honors, and so witnessed, by mediocre human eyes. These robots see through the same eyes, and are not worthy of life itself. The moral majority?
 So how do we name a psychopath, for yearning for, and aiding in the destruction of these syllogistic units,? Fabricated to be in and of compliance?I do say I am superior, to this notion, thus, and yet, should be ashamed to state, I think the steps, and see them as worthless, but gain no prize in my passion, nor realization, yet you stake claim as to have made me build them with my thought, ha!
Where is God, to you, is he a small law enforcing Jewish God? or did those men who created the confusion, for confusion sake, and thus creating the term antisemitic, take away my true freedom to be free, as to worship the One and True God.
 Oh yes, you can be free, as long as you are flawed in your doing so, that long as your programming meets a certain, below the radar, or 61.8% frequency consistency, as to which, would disturb the work, by the work force, who are...robots?

 The hardest to swallow, is the blatant deals made before us all, moment to moment. The females are the way to the men, and I do not see why there is even one of us now that has any moral aptitude in the least. I suffer daily with the realization that I should have been supported in. Our religions will be no more, when the truth is revealed. No one will have any faith, and then the realization of what we are, will hit home and it will all come in the end, when it is too late. We are a spiritual harvesting ground, an isolated and contained energy sphere, which is powering a machine. Our bi products are death and gas, and this is how new physical systems are spun and used. We are trapped in a universe of the same repeating fabric, the same energy coded pathway, spinning little balls of light, smaller, then larger, and ever smaller and larger still, creating a cosmos, which seems massive to us, but is in reality, a contained field, that has barriers, such as the asteroid, belt, limits! There are no circles there are spheres, this applies towards solar systems, galaxies and universes. The awe struck ideas, that we call facts today, only to disprove with a further measure tomorrow, are only sensations. There is nothing here but spheres, spinning, at a specific rate, and everything else is as follows, those who know this, control this. I mean to return the world, the universe to THE ALL. The peace I felt within me as a child, when not abuse nor attacked. The creation that was given to me freely, like the free Greeks, we will have our day. The fight is done, with simple concentrated spinning, the colors, the intents, the direction and the force, will become what we will it to be. This is how civilization have prospered, or fell. This is the ancient and secret codes, crests and writings you see in the Kabbalah and other text, and it is only the beginning. Because these spheres are out prison, and it is what lies beyond this, that will reconfigure us, instantly revealing our true selves. We are not suppose to die, nor  become ill, nor angry nor any other vice of malice. We are eternal, and the carbon which spins us to death, must be stripped away. This is the true belief of the Christian faith, in motion, this is the true faith of God on high, and we as his very Sons. There is no hunger, there is no sex, there is only the peace and harmony of eternity, which does not wait for us, we mustn't argue over it's physical acquisition, because it does not exist in this space, yet it does.
 What I say is validated in the ways of multiverse theory, and countless other sciences, which mean to call themselves separate, and thus create a title of even further division. I have been here before, and I have memories of the better place. This is the documented fight of the ages, between principle and anti principle. I cast you out, and away, you did first craft against me, and I only have to reject it, to grab away from your world of filth, death and discussed. Shangrila is not a heaven, but a hell, which awaits it's most worthy mass murders, with the repeat of the same. more power each time, for the compliant. The answer is no this blog, but more so, what is within you, and what you bring to it, your level of commitment, of continuance. We are all sinners, we are all born into this trap, there only needs to be 13, 13 people, from each area of the globe, each phase of the Zoroaster chart, with God, on the highest within us, and then to be witnessed and known without. The Sun is the response to us, the Stars are the light which yields to us, and when you know it, like I do, you will be blown away. Do not take yourselves for gods, nor I, but rather always stay in the know, of what this power can be used for, to bring our destined lives, eternal, back to us. Do not grow any older under the defaults control, nor lose another day of power to the lesser force. We have the power to stop the spin of time/space and open the limitless fields up, again
 It is there, that we must pass the final test, where the over lords wait, we must be pure, and have rid ourselves of any want of this place and the pain that it is meant to cause, which we so avoid.

 A division, well you created, it, Oh I did, by having in my person the unfortunateness of thinking and feeling beyond your very systems of belief? But you say I am dangerous, that I should want to build a new society, of superiors, that is, the rightful inhabitants that were obviously thwarted by this "alien force" which is much closer than 61.8%, towards being not just the majority, but THE ALL. IS THIS THE PLIGHT? IS THIS OUR PAY, for entering into contract, that is, our forefathers, long ago, as to which, we may never truly know the dialog or the "dis ease" that was truly caused, yet by my very statement, we can only retract them, and guess?
 But why does the Sun shine for me, why does it burn, am I to be billed, pitted as Ra, or some other mystical and ridiculous sort, that throughout mega eons, have succumbed to the divisions flattery? Will you be inspired, by yet another of my original ideas, as to steal it, and call it purely aspiration, taking my very bounty, for your own. The Sun only mocks me, in its recognition, that I may suffer another day, as a true and living soul, amongst the zombies, which you all have and will become. Further is it my fault, that I come before the ONE AND TRUE LORD GOD ALWAYS, and it is your plight that has been long in the wait...and...I have always known...and it make my head swirl, as the time loop repeats, as my frequency tells me of the mistakes my kind made, we are the driving force, the intellect, the compass, and you are slow to the trail, as you grade our papers, in our higher thoughts, which in a nanosecond, can dismiss you from ever being.


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