
Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Once the force is defeated, and you are allowed to go on, unobstructed from falsity and malice of evil, that mimic, that uses the form of death and not life, in the anti-principle, which has been disrupted and is no more. You will yield, to a simple way, an obedience towards the Father, of THE ALL, which has been sparsely here at all. You will not find a world of pleasure as you know it, nor the excitement of death, but a universe, with unlimited dimensional travel, think it, and you are there. You can fly, you can imagine, and create, because you are a child of God, and can be trusted to do so. You are forever in his presence, yet to always be before him, would turn the truly righteous into he, for they would be absorbed, and the evil, into further deformations of "themselves" as to reveal the nothingness, from whence they came. Does this unformed form, not show a perfect animal, who is safe from extinction, and can be simply? Does this not show the opposite of evolution as you have been taught here, but alluding to the spirit of the Bird, a cat, a wolf, un diminishable, though they try, un corruptible, and yet attached to the greater mind, able to miraculous things, when it is time. The breach has been made, and those who were filled with the pull of false power, are not the powerless. The world is and will forever more, be not made of death, but transformed into the living world. The being, the travelers, are further barred, and destroyed, as well. They have no place to go, which is why they made effort to build worlds of ice and gas, but too, the origin of ice and gas, is also of a holy place, and thus, the origin, shall once again take its power back leaving not even suit, nor dust, nothing. Into the void, where all of you, will be condensed into not the space of a fraction of a particle. That is your hell, the hell of vacuum, constantly reducing, with every pure child's laughter. You will here the echos and beg for death, and your death will come, as many times first as you have beckoned the death of the worthy. These worthy, collected through time, galaxy, and places your eye has never seen, Places which are like eras, only to reveal the tested, at their truth and best, for what did they choose, when given the same choices you have, but in fact, to be your evil superiors, and yet chose the simple path, knowing, that his path, was truly concealed from the wicked, and is made of not false Gold. This is your road, dear ones, and it is time to ascend, as the AscenTion Beings you truly are. Further, do not see any doctrine as means to replace which is revealed, from within, as forthright, true and holy.  Let it be (I say this as my only available language, and the blasphemy, in relation to the original, true and Godly language, is by way of intent, of the heart, thank you for understanding my plight Father).

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