
Friday, September 26, 2014


The only power a Presidency has, is in it's Parliament. Further still, majority craft only works, as in the coven of witches, but first the gathering of druids. There is no superiority, but the spiritual craft that be placed on the "people"(those who do not do craft). So then, it becomes clear, and obvious, to the principled one, why these many, of a secret order, have self proclaimed "superiority"in the first. It is obvious that first craft had been done on the masses.
 Only to rise up, from the slaves, a slave King? We deny Kingship, yet we wait for a Messiah, who has proclaimed, he will come as King? Then why is this craft based Parliament superior to your Kingship's? Because a tyrant King, or more so President, is part of the 1001 club plan. The dichotomy to control the balance of Good and Evil, as in why the Jewish law still stands today. This thus roots to one god, one force of power, a partial god, who must be create of the Parliament, the brude, the gathering...the summit, the bilderberg group meetings, the oval office, the right, the left.
 Only the Principled one, will stand above the law, for the law is not needed on he with principled understanding, this being the highest form of efficacy. So many men of genius, and further understanding, only deflate their entire case, thus their entire life's work, thus ability to understand, THE ALL, by deviating from principle, just near the completion stage of "discovery". Odd how this be more of a legal term, than a term which, and by which, includes ALL. All, as in all things, all thoughts, all movements, all events. Thus one word, or one dollar spent of the anti measure, is not then cruxed to truth, this will call principles. As I have stated prior, there is an ugly truth, to the left, where the perpetuation of what is, be all the operator works with, or chooses to see. This reveals the truth of the person, in the truth that he chooses to see.
 Thus the dramatic avoidance, the cool, calm and collected way, that supports an alliance, in polite society, of how we agree with what is happening to us. No different that a long term victim of abuse, for which I can attest, will enjoy the masking over, as the abuser makes haste in "covering up the wounds", as I had also done, a familiar spirit? The other side of truth, be found in truth's beginnings, as in purity. What must be able to start anew, with out pulling forward any of the past, thus bridges to the past, are a large part of a brudes malice, an ancient but principle less technique, to keep energies from moving on.
 Why then, would one be in such avoidance for things to move on, another era, more happiness, more purity, a finer state of being, Utopia in fact. Because the ill gotten gains, and more so, the creature born of impurity, would not thus exist. Be in total purity, in your spin, which is the only way EPL should ever be approached, and you will feel peace, and know (gnosis) restoration be taking place, yet be alerted by the sirens and the attacks, as if you were a devil, for to them, goodness is. Goodness, purity in it's finest state, will spread out, for it is the origin of THE ALL. Evil will pass, those cruxed to Evil will suffer ill, and pass away, along with the sands by which they fashioned their objects of clay of the past.
 This, ALL that I say, has been discovered, and rediscovered, over and over again. Most, if not all, can only see the now, and not remember, within a soul, felt in spiritual form and thus force, a time that existed in this pure, thus simple and perfect state of being, because they are not from it, and are not capable of a heaven now, nor thus ever. They will be ill, and they will become sick. When you pray for those to be healed, which are passing due to the reduction into and of good, the dissolvement, you pray to a lesser god, making a Faustian deal, with tracing of both good and evil therein, all to keep an illusion of "normalcy". Thus the generations become more corrupt, and do not see the dividing point, and this is why division does not work, yet only in divisions infinite state, as to never have a bridge to the "other place". Not one cell you now have will ever make it there. Your consciousness, if it be valid, and not a forgery, with a Faustian crux and spine, will spin in this madness, until it be rejected as not of it's like. They will intentionally make great effort, as demons do, to drive you mad, as you assert your greatest goodness, only to be met with rejection, insults and slanders. You will watch those liars, elevate above you, seemingly, only in social standing, and "monetary" reward, whom have done to you the greatest harm. Those who have, here, in this crooked place, have sacrificed their own, and thus made an unholy sacrifice, about an unholy alter, to a god, who was produced by "them". When I say"Them" or "They" I mean to say those who have built a god and goodness of man, and woman, and prayed on it, placing your works, you time signature, your entry into the book of death, for you god can not keep you alive, if you have no force to offer it.
 MY GOD, MY LORD, MY ALL, does not require your prayers, nor mine, to survive, it is you and I which require his. This God, is the only God, and all else be mimics, which are proving themselves, sometimes over aeon's, as not only unworthy, but of the God destroying mind. If you, Oppenheimer, Hitler, Nietzsche, can proclaim a God is dead, then you have only revealed which god you see and choose as the one above all, you simply do not see, because you do not have a name. The dichotomy, of what you will do, being what you have done. More so who you are, and how you are elevated to become, what you always were. No good person can be lost, and like a river, time may be on a loop, in the removal of false pathways and byways on the road. This is the precise mechanism, to which those who proclaim, and esteem themselves as "above god" have been lost, and thus have been a false prophet, as to mislead the masses. Those in power here, are those who have made a deal. Trust me when I say, if you aim to offer up any goodness, any truth, any complete and total principle based offering to this place "which is in between" you will be stopped. This is what the organizations do, the government organizations, the militia which controls the people, keeping the Vatican based world balance. Anyone thus bringing goodness, would be called anti Christ or dismissed as quack. Only to have the idea, slowly mutated and embedded, as to appease the truth seeking curious mind. Others, still others, will be taken, killed, experimented on, transported to other wordily places, offered as sacrifice, and other diabolical means.
 The King, is a superior, and will show this by his principle superiority. In this, he will treat all people, as they should be treated, based on the effort towards abolishing craft, and solely focusing all energies, on producing a principle based society, that be a constant return to purity. We can not go back to any era, in doing this, as many religions have asserted, but to simply live on the purity of bliss. All EPL Principles would address the answer, multifarious, which call on a clergy of the like: The first question, what brings you bliss? The second question, how can you improve it, the product? The third, how can this product benefit everyone in every way? The forth, would you like to offer your services to produce this positive outcome, or would you like to suggest those who can?
The appropriate ones are there, and they are attempting to help, and are being stopped, ardently by the Gathering of Falsity, the Divisions

No money is needed, as true bliss provides!
Those who are ill, and disrupt, who can not function, nor help, are not to be a burden, but placed on their own land, with all necessary provisions, and a way to communicate. Here there would be a leader of a province, who would teach simple tribal tasks and skills, in order to benefit the whole. No machination with pharms, nor sick and sad places called mental hospitals. Those who spend their life's work in the orthomolecular science field, have already discovered the treatments, it would now be the application. I would say, with great confidence, that if the foods in our world were not meant to debilitate, ill and kill...only servicing a false medical practice, and it's teachings, we would see that homestatic treatments, would heal not only the currently ill people of our day, but aid in the DNA and thus RNA signatures healing as well.

Barry Dean Masteller, Founder EPL

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