
Sunday, September 28, 2014

Those of genius?


 Those who seem so far ahead, are merely of the frequency force, which the current "elect" allow, admittance into the "field". The stumbling upon an idea, though reported, never truly happens. It is in the exact point of confergence, and more so, the suspended ability to stay within a sufficient current, a stream of thought, which allows the convergence. Those who have asserted more, and thus appear to be less, are those who have, in a life, willed to balance the spheres. Understanding or rapid growth, in one sphere, will, effect the rest, in a lopsided levitation, so to speak.
 The current findings, and thus assumed discoveries, a with the hover car, by vw, is but an exploitation, of a far lesser idea, of what be available, when concerning oneself, with EM force. The torsion field is the repellent, The EM sphere work to adjust. Here the laws of inertia thus friction, are absorbed by the EM field below, which could and should power a whole city. It is in the idea of storage, which be the first deception. The deception lies in the fact that we, as beings, are more than capable of this "hovering" and more so "flight" all along. The EM spherical grids, which are now being happily used as a means to a Luciferian agenda, as to be in harmony with, and thus the idea to control nature, reveals the technological prison, of this EM force grid, by which we have all been trapped, and deceived. We have more available power, than a concept machine, to which our minds, are thus preparing ways, roads, to further this as outside ourselves, in order to cope with the fact, that as a full functioning and morphological being, we are capable of becoming anything, we choose, in the mind. The control mechanism is revealed, in the ways we are "allowed" to contribute by means of technological "advancements". The cover up, of Hover Craft, 2-3 years ago, in the middle east, the Vimana;postID=2160034175529747924

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