
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Purity, not a fashionable thing


Stellar Mass
Do you find her intriguing, that she should first mirror mimic her very Father's words, and thus, now, to create, and recreate, the man in her mind, her Father wished to be. This was not the craft. but the process of rejecting herself, outside principles gate, she just needed to drop the pebble, to see how far there was to go. Yet still she clings to life, as if she had it in the first?  In her false face, and thus her false practices, and swagger, she makes effort. Effort to make the hairy, fat, and lesser hermaphrodite being, appear to the untrained eye,  a sweet and and perfected thing, though so far from Phi. You like her, for her softness? For the moment. For 10 year, she will have to make effort, to create the illusion, But you have been forced, trained, to relish the moment, you fool. In this, you have embraced the excitement of death, to which, she beacons you to join her! She only wants to take your very spot, as if there is a number that God recognizes, her ticket to heaven? She works her craft.
  Her ugly sisters, who stared at the moon, as her moment was being plucked, by those raping,  pillaging, which she now seeks, and calls "a real man". She bounces between 3 men, always, and thus is the acquisitioner? Yet false, with no acquisitioning mind? How confused this temporarily and odd be be. So she borrows, with stolen blessings, that stairway to heaven, which was a lie, who brude tells her in her ear, each night...Grandma, Mom, the Coven that trains.
 The Ugly Sister, She was the lesser, kept as slave, morphed, beaten, and it was a needed thing? For if you waked in a room prior, you would see that she would kill the very one feeding her, our of jealousy none the less.  Now she is the smart one? The machinating mind. This is what surely keeps those Agnostic, Athiest and far from God. So this is the culmination of that, to us, inside the sphere, billions of spin cycles later, she has her day!? Then let be short I say! This to over throw principle all together, for principle is all she tests! The true spiritual currenc?. She is made to destroy, set on the frequency of back stabbing and false acquisition. No dynasty of hers still stands, for she will always kill her sister, the better, the brave, the Queen of Scots, who is only good of default, sad to say.

 Well she is not pure. In her bleed, her two days not shaven nor showered truth, her make-up free face, her unoriginal mimic, all smoke, all mirrors, a maze, to which she is the serpent, who has wrapped herself around you, steeling your very loins, she could not find the peace oh Horus (is that not it sewn to your "person"?). This is the devils army, who follow the devils book, and if you ever really truly know her, when her default is not at play, you will see the evil in her way, in her eyes, and the madness, that she is not of goodness, and made within the sphere. She can not exist outside of it, and her treachery, like most, is often rewarded. Hanging onto your balls and tackle is all the Mason's can see, and cling to, the physical self, to be reembodied, only to be found in the same life, the same form, with new props, to set the imagination to believe, this is a new time. The divisions must be destroyed, as to reveal the truth of the situation, and the higher minds, should be the first rewarded, as to not be bound by debts produced by way of litigation, which is the other half, which is of an even lesser god, and is diminishing by the day TJPM. The offering is your pure intent, that is the God Saadi knew, Ahuramazda is superior to all you know, and yet, not even close to the Might One, the larger God, is my God, and yet comprising even the smallest spaces, you were eliminated and are only suffering due to your perpetuation of illusion, that you still exist, that your warn out contributions "matter".
 She is the one who does craft, always, in the car, in your face, telling you what to do, as to always arrive before principle does, a slower process, the neocortex.
 Your answer, which is why the sober mind is in pain, would be "then what else is there" but you do not seek. When you do seek, you will not be met with trumpets and heaven, but with mind rape, and the jade face, as well as the eye in the sky, will look upon you, all theatrics, for none of these things are anything but bitches to the one, which be resurrected, because the sin, the error, the rebellion, the defiance, to proclaim "I am God" then to lose even your status as a bitch to they.
 The moment, contained, is where you live. Within a sphere of repeat, constantly. The rediscoveries, are not the genius you think, the receiver was merely on the frequency, and of the frequency, he was manufactured to be that way. Only the docile, the controllable, can reach any esteem at all. The principle teacher, the true holder, will not tell you things you want to hear. The truth barer will seem evil to you, for he threatens your very existence and state of being. When you could clearly make the statement, without self pity "I have not name in heaven" then you would know that heaven is the only place, and you are trapped, inside a jail cell, within the prison of life, yet outside the living. You are the dead, you are not alive, and so too, your god is dead. and will bring you to his death. There, no true light exists, no power, it was always the father, who powered it all. The shades were to be understood, and thus reduced, to Purity, but alas, in your time, and all times, the purity is not a fashionable thing, ever wonder why?

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