A family, holds in it's lineage, a certain mark, of a certain DNA replication process, showing familiar traits. The obvious explanation has always been that certain physical as well as personality, temperaments, strengths and weakness (illness) similarities are a sign, a mark, of a repetitive lifestyle, over the long. Very often "times" within a certain geographical region and/or zone. Further, that some, who were considered gypsy or transient, also "inherited" these similar attributes (as chronicled in the book DNA, by Watson lascivious vs. monogamous, oxytocin et cetera...). How strange it is, that spirituality be the leading string, which promote, and pressed a personality forth. So we are to say that of these insights, which we can agree on, then more massive systems emerge, in symmetrical form, fractals out, as if spheres spinning and balancing, and those who were not as well balanced? They were put to death, as the more volume, the more mass, physically takes over. Yet, where then do the spirits go, when so passionate, as to offer ones very life, for the cause?
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
These familiar spirits, also have a familiar highest esteem, a place where they all will to go, we know that intellect plays a crucial role in this. How can peoples of different regions and zones, come together, and esteem, with the very DNA they be construct, and worship the same highest value? We know that some can play basket ball, while others have never and will never touch one, we see that art, be only understood to a few, and yet most of these "artists' remain godless, or heavily Luciferian at nature. Further, how can we expect a feeling, a translation from a godless person, as to adorn a place of Holy worship? I have said it before, you could be sitting beside someone, in church, week after week, and seeming to pray to the same God/god, yet in your very intentions, brought forth by that person's very self will, which is who they are, what they do, and there is nothing more left to offer? Could be, and are, visualizing a different idea, ideal, and thus a Lord. Only when people have come together, with no division, will those numbers be multiplied? We are errored, and we express these errors in everything we do. God complete the errors, after we have brought the item, to a particular place, in Phi count, to the pulpit. There will still be perspective, and with less influence, from self will, or self proclaimed god, as will, we would begin to think, feel, act, and have faith, in those who are a varied perspective, but which complete our perspective. It is community, that God works the greatest works. Jesus is the meeting place, this convergence point. The stories we believe and place our faith in, which are so incomplete, but give us hope, the hero, seen in movies, like Rocky, over coming odds, don't happen in the same way, in real life. Self will, sucks away from others, and the Dollar does not represent Gold, any more than it presence money. In the Pledge, we pledge allegiance. My heart was never in pledging myself towards anything for the USA, and I am not a Muslim, nor an infidel, nor do I assert to call a Jihad on anyone. The division is clear, as the faith be clear. If you are not asserting a higher principle standard than your own country, then you fall outside the bounds of this. The law is used, to document the sacrifices, of a nations peoples.
I however, have created, with God's divined and direct assistance, an interchangeable system of thought, as I was taught quite the opposite, by harsh opposition, to my display of truth, in a lifetine, more often than most. Luciferianism says, that if you can not enjoy the earthly things, than you are not welcome of the earth. We see this with the constant casting out of people, ideas, thought, we upon full consideration, would only lead to further "free thought". We are taught to avoid certain social situation, and bow to the all "mighty dollar", as a constant default, a knee jerk "reaction" (short reaction "time" of the amygdula http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amygdala EMI, Goleman also Ornstein specific firing patterns of the brain).This is of course, is more so about earthly pleasure, which is a self promoting pleasure, without looking further toward, why we search for this gratification in the first. We crave completeness, and as so many have achieved this so called "earthly pleasure" today, from different walks of life. We see that most people are left empty, from Kings, to High Tech "wizards" none are fulfilled, unless of course, they have reached their end value? This end value, is what best displays how far a mind can stretch, and better so, what be the higher or highest mind of that person.
The work isn't enough, the work can be snatched from right underneath you. Just as you think yourself a god, you will see, whether instantaneously, or at the close of life, that you have praised and worshipped a common force, which was hungry to grow, and promote, the exact thing you have witness, in all your ambition. You will sacrifice, in the end, to the highest esteem. The only thing, that can stretch a person, is to see the infinite God, and thus the infinite Son, and so too the infinite Holy Spirit, who stays ahead of all growth, and radiates from the center. To worship then, a portion of this, is to bow to a less force, a force which be shunted off, only temporarily by EM anti principle based, EM quadrant division. You will see, if you can look through time, on a grander scale, those societies, and civilizations, which came to the same place we have, shown their highest regard, from within them, over eons in the make, and have become what they are. There are people who chose God, and so too, those are God's chosen people. Jesus said "Do not make any laws, else you be constrained by that law". Those who have made the laws, beyond principle application, are bound to those laws, and have thus, come into an unholy alliance, with unholy divisions, who have chosen a lesser, and more digestible
"tell me, what you want, with all your heart, think on it as long as you need. Then, together come up with a book, for the people, that will be respected by the people, that details this, and I will grant it all to you, as well as explain to you how you can continue the abundance of this wish, this will"
7/4=11 (July 4th)
13 new colonies
The documents were drawn, the leaders spoke for peoples. Tears were there, honor, and goodness, but, it was not God's goodness. We, as people, we as leaders of people, can not see past our own nose, or the imagined nose of Mother, a Father, another. We are deficient, in truly serving another, which is why we are slaves, in our final esteem, to one greater than us. This makes Jesus, who was and has been divined with God's Wisdom, the higher Mind. Self preservation is all Lucifer Teaches, and most can not think beyond this, no matter how hard they may try. This is why the Gospels were written so that the wisest and the simplest, could be in effect, worshipping the same God, the same scriptures, the same gospel, only for the wise to be shown, by THE ONE MIND, the simpler way, by the simpler man, and thus, the simple man be elevated, to the status of the wise. The Principles are God.
To the wise then, Lucifer is the necessary division, and thus he becomes Satan, to the unwise. Some of us must see through experience, as we only know to fill our own belly. To work beyond this, is to truly lose everything, everything the world, and the finite mind of acquisition aspires, when you become of holy means, will no longer be bound to you. You pray to no be bound by evil, yet you want the rewards of evil doings? Lucerifer reveals the truth, of a man, of a being, that the world and all it's beauty, is a testing ground, only to assert the value to this beauty, as to fight for a land, which will, at some point, proclaim to not know you, thereby to cast out its own peoples (volcano, ice age etc...)
The ignorant will only see a scary face, when viewing the thinker. The face will seem to neglect the needy, even if his highest thoughts are to serve them all. The ignorant will be easily lead, easily thrown off, never to understand, why they must be cast out. And so the pressing on of time, each soul must be earned. If you saw that the life times it took, to master a soul, required much more than the time it takes to make a diamond. If you could understand that spherical power, and command, that a human soul can render, you would realize how finite, and limited a planet is. Only when witnessing the Sun, and understanding the vibrations, which stretch out in wave lengths...for as far as the eye can see, there the Star is, with no end, but in the visual perspective. Our limited views will be pulled away, when the soul is ripe. You will know all, as your Father, and never be mislead. You are the Devil that you create, people of ignorance. You summon him, you create him. Lucifer is but an Angel, who exists in outside THE ALL. To have been cast down, like those Son's of Genesis, and in their fall, to test man, for the price of all his half thought prayers, and so to test themselves. Finely Tempered material, the most rare, not to mimic time, but to passage through time, for true completion, yet never to be complete. We have only to elevate the mind, which be around us, and which we be within. See what your genius invention will do, over the mark of time? What is infinite, is all that are principles, and the inventions, make themselves obvious, in the application of these principles. You will find no other like EPL, because EPL is all original, and yet, having been from the beginning, to begin.
Who then, could be called a true Christian, besides the 12, who witnessed the 1?
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