
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The metaphysical Mirror


Stellar Mass
On Hard Times

What image then, do you seek, in your "perfection", if the body will be transformed? I have seen men lose there bodies, youth, loved ones and souls, for money, only to see that that was but paper, in the end, so the trees did own you. How will care be transmuted into the next guise of deception? You must strive, to create, imagine, and yield to the highest source you can imagine, that will get the engines firing again. But alas, many of you are lesser at birth, and this will surely reveal you, but not to yourselves. We all see the makeup in the mirror, the false image cast before us, and it is someone else, the demon that takes you over? Most are but vacated body bots, who are not worthy of further driving the machine, after all, the thing you wanted, a lesser force came along and grabbed away, so it did not matter that the heart was and is still beating, you are dead, because you could not, and more so would not show that you are MORE! They are all like this, and if they were not, they would be cancelled out and destroyed, by the "agenda". There is the swirl in, and the swirl out, there is the sphere without and the illumination without that, which is more discerning, and can travel forever, thus creating it along the way. Good luck keeping up, for if you could, your experience would only be of the mirror image, a rip off, which you are. If you can not see, that here, there is an end, to yourself, that this means, the same foods are eaten, the same experience occurs, when you are vested in the physical "nature" of the experience. If you are not, then you will achieve no worldly success, you did not sell out, and anyone who gains, to be King, loses his Kingship entirely. You are all given the chance today, to be Kings, Pawns you are.

 The degree of thought, the scope before, and during, alludes you. If shown, and not a "natural' serve that master, in the redesigning of purity, as truth. The Truth, it was and is already destroyed, Hitler did not lose, and this, is the world, where the Pawns play god, a lateral dimension, that only reveals the true Arihant Warrior, and the one, whom this exists for, for nothing can exist, without an intellect to drive it. If you have played The One, in a movie, you are not The One. If you have given you baby the title name of warrior, he will be used for Evel's sake, a good life "Better than Kings", but in a world, where the enlightened allow your motorcycle to petal in the first? Is this name alone, not Leve (Leva)? It is the intention of the one who wishes himself a god, with no true will, but the one he serves. I serve God, the ONE GOD, and you are not that ONE, and will never be. Ever expanding, the finest quest, the noble suffer, but in their suffering, they are safe, for who they are? The warriors, never to fight the war, which has already been, and will never be. The physical action is mundane, and more so, a sin, an error, because of the tainted hands you use. So you wish to call God, on a line that says Devil? You are a bitch, a bitch to the lesser, and fun you will have, never to have been "Dedicated to fun, loyal to none", "Tight butts, drive me nuts" those are the bumper stickers, for the two most base people whom I have ever known, which seem to have made a Faustian deal, since long before birth. You are not capable of breaking the curse, so of course, you will be shown as significant, it is always a dichotomy, always antithesis, as those very roads, leading by angle and degree, as to square a town, and it's evel doing towns people. There is not one book, on the planet that does not speak lies, for it is in the language, and each word, which was made to deceive by first induction. First craft was done, and this you must understand now, for now you know, and it was not you. The God you seek is larger, ever expanding, and beyond Phi, but it is through Phi, that you first alert him, that is, his people, who will teach you, and test you along the way, until you have reached that end, only to know that the freedom, in liberty, does not exist, but service to the all mighty one, is your only eternity, for you this, you must serve the One eternal. The Devil dies daily, and is resurrect, with a new name, a new memory, a new face, for the times, madness, and corruption, now downloaded into his minions, you know who you are! You are the embedding of a code, of the knowledge, which draws on a current, and thus you summon it back, as a morphed version, and so to, do others, and your greatest weakness was not to be multidimensional, multi-positional, multifarious, and omnipotent. Because you can not be there, on every block, the block be the same, with the same people, the same shops, the same thoughts, the same planets, the same time repeat, the same played out default, to which you are but a pawn.  

There is no division, so too there can be no identifiable self before you. It must then, be the pre-thought, the sub-thoughts...the imagination, before peering into the mirror, within your very mind, which "distinguishes" you, from the whole?
 You become what  "affiliated" "recognized"?
Your need to be more, was set about, as a child aboard a ship, "where the wild things are" (Morris Sendak). You began to watch how the grown ups did things, the shoes they wore, the mannerisms, and in doing so, you lost yourself.
 You are a child, never to be more, because you were born with all that you need, with no need of a mirror, to reflect back, only the falsity of affiliation, recognition, distinguished value, to what, become a wild thing? Which is after all, a beast, and the acquisitioner, who collects only more carbon TJPM.
 Children now, jumping through time, no different than the hidden borrows within the bushes or the cardboard box maze, only now, the statement, that you are "The Lord of the Flie's" (by William Golding).
 When you "do" anything, in the pre-thought, the inclination, the action and the deed, be no different than picking up the phone, and speaking to the like frequency, on the other end. You are entangled, and when you keep this "mind state", you become the mind? Or, is it purely out of conditioning, that is, you have never had a chance, to be exposed, to other frequencies, which are just a shade better, and not of the God frequency, we are to follow. To go to heaven, you would surely burn, for you are self absorbed, and you should want the self to burn away, as to reveal the perfection you have sought, built and become, that so closely affiliates you, with the angles, and all that is pure, that you remember then. Memory and further the experience, has already been done, someone else has lived it, you have nothing to add. So many, think themselves genius, as to get on board the acquisitioning mind train, as to think like those of the past, only to mimic their very lives, and thus, to place the first one to the well, as your god, for your thoughts, actions and deeds are who you worship, and worship happens every day, all day, throughout the day.
 The Christian of today, will reveal himself to the true Buddhist, as they always have, enough to cause self immolation. Lap dogs, breed  and controlled, to be thus controllable. It is thus very important, for God's Son's to remain as anonymous as the Father himself, for credit is only the mirror looking back, and Satan would surely say, of course I would like to take a peak, at what others see, thus to create the event, and to set himself away from the frequency all together. The heat, will burn you away, for the frequency lies, inside a magma core, that is immeasurable, and there lies, the elements, to which Gold be only a tracing, of the static result, as the element also, has an evil hoarder who first lay claim. One must want something, just as those crows Indians hunted down the first six settlers who found Gold in Montana (forward "Life of Evel" by Stuart Barker). The dreams in the night, before those six woke up, to pan some Gold, must have revealed, as being that could be bought, used, to propel towards a future, of that revealment of man, and what man does, when he feels above other men, which be an illusion, and must finally be put to an end. The abolishing of money, and not the race, nor sex, nor occupational protection (a band aid, a lie, churning the karma). The money is the problem, because once you have looked at your image, and thought to be more, it was that hoarder, Black Jack 21, Satan, looking back.

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