
Tuesday, September 16, 2014



My take, take one
This, a culmination of what was most likely taking place in the ocean, miles beneath.  The tether is typically used (in theory, entanglement) the particle like, separated, and the behavior of the particles or Fermion will mimic one another, identically. I believe the magnetic fields surrounding the particles, were the main reason for the tether, to expand the area of event effect. The animation suddenly comes to a close, the "beings" no longer had the particle nor the tether to draw upon, and were then gravitating to the particle that was beneath the ocean, yet not able to physically survive, breaking up, one after the other, upon entry, and thus entering a very different life supported system than that which they had "just originated" within.
 What appeared to behave identical to small jelly's, animated and excited particles, instantly re-creating life. The jelly's were replicated as well. The environment was basically cloned, identically displaying what was taking place submerged miles beneath the ocean floor. The mirror, life, the reason was the problem. Where do you think you come from?

Personal inflection
More so, why do you think you feel life is unfair? Because it is, and you live in a prison. It is quite possible that another self, be enjoying the very life, you know you should be, and the torture of your dreams, as you realize and remember things, that should have happened and never did...the crux.

Next point
I believe in February of 1996, when this "experiment" took place, There were beings brought to Earth, whom took the bodies and form of those who would have had a normal and natural human life. There was a conjuring taking place, as a second mission, the true reason for the tether, and why it was fired of a specific length, at a specific time, and location, as to open a portal, and attract further an opening, which a was kept operational, below the ocean floor. Look at the bizarre behavior of children born in this time era, the many problems, as well as the specific nature of their issues.

Next day
Take two
 I see the electromagnetic excitement, as if it these were welcoming a visit, I believe them to be souls, orbs, or spheres. I also see images, upon closer inspection, of cloud like faces and forms. All of these become more distinct when I focus, as the astronaut zooms in, suddenly he notices and zooms back out. The astro/cosmonauts are trained to say nothing which is why they are so quite and mundane in their speak.
 There seems to be an electromagnetic core surrounding them, with a center, almost like a single cell? The Tether, suddenly broke? The orbs, very large, remember the Tether was 12 miles long, obviously pulsing a specific quality of EM, which attracted the "beings". The entry seems nearly sad, as the Tether was no more, the "beings" were then attracted towards Earth, and in effort to enter the atmosphere, revealed the Curry like belt surrounding it, as if barbed wire. Makes one wonder why the sky is blue, and how long the EM grid has been placed around the earth, leaving the obvious, if for that long, then how? This would, if fully answered, lead to revolt, mass anger and personal devastation, pointing at the total control, via technology, for  planned lapping, and undulating phases. Principles of Light, who is being shunned, who wants to enter, and seems even joyous to do so?

Third take
My other, is more personal and harder to communicate, because I had known of this Tether experiment for a while now. This happened in 1996, and as I stated in the first take, there may be a far more sinister hypothesis taking place. In that, these may very well be souls, which without specific EM energy, are not able to see their way through, but knowing they are near to "home". There may very well be a summoning, which may have very well been something which occurs regularly, with the Over Lord's, as to chose which energy era shall be ushered in next, with a specific wave frequency attracting specific souls or beings. Which are then attracted directly to the hosts, for which they are meant, by direct communication, by way of EM directive. This shows a very strategic a planned control of who will be invited and when, as to serve the greater good, and/or be stored in cold space, until needed. the loop.

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