
Friday, September 19, 2014


Stellar Mass
The last plea, to the world before it's final destruction

There leaves a very suspicious question, in relation to the Nephilim, and their offspring, the Raphiam. The Nephilim are said to be the very offspring of the fallen angels. Those who were to come earth on a specific mission, or, as in the EPL focused Gospel of Judas Iscariot, were these Liberated Angels, like Adamas a SELF GENERATING ANGEL.
 This all points to intellect, that when one aspires to be of a higher degree, there are certain things, that the aspiring must do, as those things had been done prior to. However, when one can petition before God, not the Lord, nor the Lord God, "who do not want their positions compromised, nor competition" we begin to see the truth unveil, as we go through a seeming grid of abuse, where the four division have literally read us, by way of frequency controlled us, and when I say us, I do not mean the vast majority, who are not infinite, and do not thus will not have a name.
 This brings us to the next in the thought process. What does it mean to have an infinite personality, an infinite self generating self. We are going to do, what we have, and thus what we will. Our will is thus the very thing that is constantly compromised. It was the HUMAN FEMALES, that caused the SON'S OF GOD, to fall. They were made on earth. If you take a true look at this, we are talking about force energy, which has been made where it will stay, and there are craft rituals, which are competitive, to keep you, a man, offspring of the Nephilim here. It is to obvious that there were Son's after the flood, and that the frequency we emit, is a combination of the four divisions, god's are the most powerful, or the Son's of God, men of RENOWN, as Genesis states. The Bible begins with this, and when it is looked at in many ways, by many degrees, the startling and obvious true emerges. Women are not Men, their force remains on earth. They know the craft, and Exodus states, in the "Jewish Law" that if you see a Sorceress, kill her. What is "sourcery/sorcery", the source of energy, the source or beginning of a force production, which has an outcome, a flow. Thus putting on lipstick, tight pants, a seductive walk, sexual advances...seduction, are all forms of sorcery, by a woman, who is not the source.
 This society, western society, is the root to goddess worship. If you are like I used to be, you will scratch your head, and ask "if chicks are gone, then what is left?", and you would then begin your journey into truth, and thus purity. We are of hermaphrodite origin, and truly the Angels are sexless. When in form of Man, to which they must have acquistioned themselves space suits, non celestial bodies, carbon based bodies, they had done no different, that we do today. Do you see, that the biggest deception, is that there has been any change in the goal at all. The goal is to pass the test, to pass through the lies, and the deal. To finally see, that the dichotomy of angst is all that be. That only the synthetic Son's of Cain, those who are here, and happy to be so, and if so, want to rule the TJPM stuff, and make more stuff. The laws, the technology, the rules, have been here, and have been the same, since the beginning. Sex, murder, theft, whoring, force acquisition are in the very beginnings, in the Bible, and are the same today.
 I will not be dishonest when I say, that the Holy text is to be read with a principled mind, for this is the true dividing point, where we can not speak the words, but must see the contribution of all the divisions, I did not say in the Bible either. I believe in God, I believe that God can and has directly worked within and through man, and that we men were are destined for this, to pass the Y chromosome earned power, onto the worthy. I believe the Holy spirit is the force, that is greater than any other, because The Holy Spirit is the force of Principles, the highest force, existent, as the positive portion of all energy production. I do thus believe in Jesus, and his teachings, as a true Brother, and a superior to me. I feel that I was given the same chance, to be pure and I also believe that the shedding of the past, to become a child again, is the way to that purity, as else has been an illusion, set by frequency manipulation.
 I also believe in the emerging science, technology, Atlantis, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Plato, Many of the Upanishads, several of the Nag Hammadi codex, and those amazing works, like Moby Dick, by Herman Melville....and a little from each religion the truth that is. There have been countless of books, videos, audio that have further my actualization's, but the truth is, what I say to you now, I have always known. I knew as a young child, Phi, in it's purest form. The rape upon me, the constant deals made to those closest to me, as they abused, me, or when those terrible people had met worldly success, in pushing me away, showed me the grander picture, that made most men mean, or break.
 I had craft done against me, always, and never used it, until one day, it took my life force. At that moment, I was awakened, and I have been the petitioning one ever since. I do not need to move a carbon based mountain, I can move it's energy, if it be in the way of truth. I have done things, that you would not believe, and I will continue to fight against the oppression. The sadness of bringing new life into this world, to be at the hands of the wicked. There is no goodness in anyone, and you can not trust yourself. Only by way of principle, as a code, as a code to ever lasting life, can you trust GOD, and protect yourself by sensing what and when those people, who are next you in buses, at work, on planes, in cars...everywhere are attempting to do, and use your ability to self generate.
 You are only bound if you see it as such, and are creating and recreating the mind which fills the sphere. Your free thought liberates everyone, and spreads as a virus, into an already corrupt machine. Only the worse forces, which are embodies within leaders, and anyone who aspires in this world, are filled with the worst forces, those of the Raphiam.
 I do not know what I am, or why I have been sent to such a wicked and awful place, with such low quality beings, who pride themselves on not seeing past their own noses. Who can not rally for the truth, and maintain their conviction. Who take credit for deeds, and do things for pay. I destroyed myself, when I thought the world was a godless place, that there could not be a God. I now see, that the filtering system, is very select. Further that Christ on the cross is what is expected, to make a statement as to free oneself. To be rejected, for being your best, in all ways. To be killed, because of mere jealousy, this is an evil world, of jealous beings, within suits, who have taken over, and are playing the people, as if a card game. One principle based righteous one, who fights as I have, and focuses on God as the highest principle, can unlock the wrath, which should, and shall, be upon them. The fallen ones have failed, and they have manipulated the time repeat as a desperate measure to hide, on a tiny planet, where they thought they could outrun God. This is the time, before the 1000 years of peace, and the war is within you, and without you, with WEAPONS OF TRUTH

 I have never met a woman with principles. Human Females, borrow ideas, genetic material from the Son's, as they have done for long. We are talking about the biggest fall, the biggest cover up that we know of. Further, that these forces are only out to rule the planet, and think themselves capable of setting into deep space, boy do they have surprises awaiting them. The human female, is not our original form, man is. We procreated, or produced only in a godly way, with godly form, sexless. Which is why the Alohim, were those beings, which are also thought to be possibly Anunnaki, were the teachings, teaching appropriate procreation to man and woman. We have, gone the wrong way, and I do not stand on a purity pulpit for my past, but that you can be wiped clean, by ceasing the nature of adultery within, and without. It is a hard road, yet you will see where the evil lies, with  no mistake, when you have reached this purity. The ideas, language and even the sciences of this place, are all spiritually based, and lead back to the same road. It is, the obstruction, from this fact, that is first craft, and thus, wasting you life, wasting your soul, is the goal, of these evil ones. The proof is found, when combining the religions, and teachings. No woman, no burrito, no car, no vacation home, no friend, no parent, no child is worth your soul in ever lasting bondage. First craft is the loophole, it is the knowing that they did what they did to you first, and thus the theft of your purity, any and all owe back to you, ten fold.
 You were attacked before birth. You were controlled through your life time. When and if, you can show, that you can be trusted, in a place like a heaven, or to lead the godly fight, you will see manifest, the way. Don't you see, the war is NOW. The universe, multiverse within your mind is real!. You will, however, be notifying THE ALL, when you have motioned to a deed. Are you a pure one? Or, are you going for gold, for power, and in this, the highest degree, to take on God? Then you now see, what you have most likely done, over and over again, rise up! Make a difference! For God!. There is a highest God, and most of what you read, is not the God I speak of. There is a lower Jesus, more than one, which people pray to, their IQ's, E.I. and many other measurable "norms" show this personality force or frequency control embedded within our very DNA. You have only to turn to God, and Jesus, the highest concept of Jesus, that he aspired to purity, and was killed for it. Then many after. Immolation is suicide, if a person is fleeing, or hating, as they do it. Monks are focused, and are in another place, they are transcending to formless form, as the Siddha. However, they, without a total homage to the highest God, be lost, alone, and in space. They rejected the sphere, and are thus trapped outside this sphere (my final take on the tether). When the tether happened, in 96', there was a gate way open, and entrance point, where the blind could now see, and thus descended. There may have been many fallen Angels, with no other place to go, waiting, for a long, long time, to gain entry to the earth again. These have not humbled their hears, as you and I have not either. If were were to become this total
 It is the people that make it bad here. It is the power seekers, the controllers, the noise makers, the disruptor's, the peace destroyer's, the seducer's, the thieves, the whores, the liars. the game players, the DRIVE TO BE MORE AND THUS TO BE GOD. Shine for God, perfect yourself to show that you know perfection ,and do not make effort to gain, by way of it. Perfect in all ways, by aspiring to perfect. It is the idea, of perfection, the application, the devotion, that God truly sees. This is why Cain killed Abel, because can wanted something, and Abel only wanted to perfect. Cain's, in "their"
nature, think perfection, is a selfish tasks, for this is the only reason they would perfect. They do not, and can not see the fact that you are also in a human suit, and are bound to the same insecurities, but through transcendence, you do not suddenly change from earthly drive. You perfect you body, because you know it, and it is your tool, you do not let your house become unclean, nor tattered, nor should you. You do not do what you do for affirmation by lustful women, and power seeking social climber women, you do it for God. They do everything for the gain of power, and do not know any god but a female god. They may be young, ask them when they are old, and they have no more earthly beauty, nor attention. After a lifetime of treachery, they suddenly turn to Jesus, and expect all men to be as he. They test it, and make their own Son's lives harder, for Jesus suffered. But they do not see, that they live from the Son, and would not have energy to continue. The Son who follows God, and not the false martyr idea or concept of a Christian, but the God loving, and Jesus believing as well as Holy Spirit entrusting Warrior, that is what God needs!
 God's Son's are of the quantum mind, and never rest, they rain wrath on the unholy, the unjust, the sinners. so this leads me to think of why the Angels were here? Why they were near and with the Daughters of primitive Man. Why indeed, they came, because they were, to stop the insane, the evil, the very woman that is manifest today, in her treachery.
 Go ahead, take the EPL code with you, take it to the office, to your Mother, you Sister, your Daughter, ANY WOMEN. See if they can pass the first PURITY, ask yourself, if they even understand, ask yourself if you do. When you do, pose the question again. There is not a one. There is not a one, which can pass any of the Principle Test, because they live, by anti-principle. This was why the witch hunt happened, because they were doing sorcery, and do more so today. There is not one attractive woman on this planet, not when the veil of illusion is removed. Can you see them with no make up? Even when they wear it? Can you see past the false persona? Can you see what is left, after the borrowing is taken away, what do you see? If you can say you see something good, something just, something worthy, then you are a true child of Cain, and you should visit no more, the eyes of God, are on you now, as I pen this, it is my salvation, my newness, my eternal pact with God, to make as much effort each day, in the fight which takes place, as I go alone, I carry a cross, the cross of truth, and it is a sword, that I use daily, and it stings, fire, earthquake, and destruction, to the sinners of this world. I am not perfect in human from, but I was born perfect, long before this world. and so to, have you, do not be lost, know thyself, by knowing they Father!
 Women who become Men, meaning, when and if a woman can live with principles, as a code, much like EPL, is the only way to salvation. I believe there may be a chance, the if we, as men, as the offspring of Angels, first man, a materia prima being, are not to amend our ways, that is, to prove to at least one female, by example, what principles of God are, we will not cover our breach. Thus, there are Lords, which demand souls, by which to promote enough force power, outside of God's permanent and eternal flame, to which there is only one. There is a highest God, and he is only to be met, by becoming what you truly are, with no falsity, it is a trip alone, but one where the labyrinth is of physical means. We are,to be making effort, to get out! Not to stay in. If all you can do, is follow the EPL code, and work on spinning at 1pm daily, the intent for not world peace, bur to spread God's principles abroad, into the far reaches of time and space, by imagining, and holding that place. Fight the urges (demiurges), be more, go in God's name, you may find yourself, a powerful Angel, a transient being, who can be anywhere any time, and thus, realize yourself, in this place, cruxed, for a reason, your destiny, to MAKE, the world better, with fore, the holy force. Stop getting kicked around by lesser forces, stand and destroy, the anti principle in motion, you motion is superior, you are a child of God, and you must become this all day, every day. Spin the principle, imagine light speed and light speed is occurring, imagine peace and peace is going to occur, but be realistic, most, if not all, are not capable, of becoming more, for they, in their very origin, are sin, error, and only need their trickery revealed, by destroying the forces within them, and protecting yourself, within the sphere of the Holy Spirit.
 If you still read this now, then you are lost, and need that home with the Father, and it awaits, it is as you imagine it to be, and you will not be alone, for in your council, will be those men, Saints, Angels, who have been collecting as an Army, as a peaceful perfect people, doing God's will,with no temptation. When you place why Jesus stated he was here, no to make peace, but as the destroyer, and he destroyed the craft the Jews were doing, the witchcraft, which is why a lesser god be pushed you in churches, you are praying to Lord, of domain, and not the one true God on high. The book is inner laden with Masonic meaning, as well as Zoroastrian Magi (Moses, the wise men and more) the god was a lesser god, and not concurrently the same god. EPL goes to the highest God, with no higher, all creation, all dimension, all places, cracks and lines, everywhere, that is the only GOD, I pray to ever. I pray for peace, a peaceful place, and there is none here. We follow Christianity, and get no where, because there is Kabbalah Magic within it. I will not bow to a Jewish god, and there are many, just read any Jewish text, it is craft. I will not bow to Baphomet, the Masonic god, for his is lesser, a lesser image, I will not bow to Black jack 21, who is the nearest one outside of heavens gates, and is but a serpent, who was there first, the smartest and craftiest. I will not bow to the goddess, by which all woman are bound, and pray to, for we pray to our own like, our highest self, and I am indeed the Son of God, as are you. Do you see what Jesus taught now, by saying greater things can you do in my name? That he is your Brother, but your superior, because he did, what we could not, what I could not. The witch, is the lowest, she crawls on her belly, and on 8 legs, with her distended belly makes 9. She slithers, and caws, as she uses the left over radiation, that has diminished, from purity, trapped in the moon, and takes the left over scraps, which there is none. She is bound to the lesser role, and has, in jealousy, cast herself further. This is what these men, of the past, were afraid to say, and inferred it. Because there is always a chance, that but one could decide to use these principles, to know them, to become a man, by having the principle understanding of a man. Yet, her sisters, keep her here, as they push false educations, which teach anti principle, Without the sex, what does she have to offer? Can you indeed, once she be revealed, carry on an intellectual conversation with her, without she having anything to gain that is? Can she, take the time, to cook a good meal, even when you have nothing to offer, and still not demand your sex? The better question is to ask, can you? You know that you can, and whether you have, you must do, to know. None of it makes any sense, without the quest towards the heavenly state, from which we have fallen. In all those texts, scattered about the planet, and the places, together, they make truth.

 It is thus, how important truth, and the practice of principles means to you. If 3D printers, and automated communities within a grid, more so planets, and the computerized trajectory of orbit, can be manifest, and thus continued. If cells are but machines, and the proteins be no different, than that o a nanoids, being directed by a force, then the idea of primitive is the biggest illusion. It is quite possible, that the revealment of technology, is but a desensitizing, to allow "people" to gain a familiarity, with what they are. Thus the time loop, the fact that we, "evolved" as in the Zulu version, which was:
"The hermaphrodite Man was ask which side of the cave they chose to go into. As each emerged, they emerged as either male or female."
 If a brain can be downloaded, as has been stated, then it could always be down loaded, and in fact downloaded, in it's deeds, into THE ALL. We live within a massive computer system, and the only way out, is of the mind. The mind must not be in rejection of this fact, nor in alignment. It is principle that an automated system can not compute, it is principle that Beast naturally knows, and displays, and when there is a pulling forward, of technological contributions, but no thanks need to be paid, only to God, ever. Then we will witness the utilization and application of THE ALL at work. Within in each, there is completion, within each sphere, separated only to distinguish the wave length, frequency and color signature. A statement of not division, but one of a proving, gaining and progressive understanding, that we, as material prima, were perfect, and had this, and thus, through sin and error are returning to this, for there is only one place to return. The time loop can keep us stuck, over countless repeats.

 The only thing that can over take, and be supreme over built craft, by way of common, and insistent brutality as force be the continuance and momentive force of Principles in motion. The pursuit of it, be the imagination, the imagination be the application, the application be the study, the study be the mastery, the mastery be the art, the art be the worship, the worship be the highest estimable value, within, that be manifest in the without, GOD. Build the strong hold and influence of his Kingdom, and you build your self, A SOUL. TRY

 In this, show no hate, in the act of malice, but the gravitation and protection of this principle based understanding. The force of principles, will instantly place you in alignment with the truth, the pursuit of purity, and the abolishing of craft. For you are working for God, and thus, must be an aspiring higher intellectual mind, a mind in motion, a mind connected, to the origin, beyond the grid, showing that no machine can be run, in it's efficiency or effectiveness without God's divine understanding. Do not place your Ego above his, from this day forth, make a packed, an oath, a promise. When you read truth, with principles as your guide, draw it in like a sponge, until the continuance, be reset, and will one day, vanish before your very eyes, as the Kingdom lives within the heart, where the higher intellect emanates with the frequency of it's like. True liberty be liberation from falsified liberty, which we are akin to now, with westernized Devil worship, the craft of the western mind, which is the Parliament of the lesser mind, which without a power force, will collapse as they speak, making effort to command.

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