
Sunday, September 28, 2014

The Gift


To understand is not enough. I was often surprised to be met with great aggression, the better or stronger I became. It seems more obvious, that people are,  by large, vampires, who, live off of others energy force, but for another hour, of dwindling quality. It thus becomes a game, to most, to assert as much possible focus on power, and thus minimize the perceived loss of power. When we look at what be considered genius, upon further review, there is always a strong and steady stream of Purity and Truth embedded, and not concealed, as in the case of Sir William Shakspeare What those blind and salivating beasts don't see, or can't feel nor smell nor taste, they will not bother with. It is this private sector entitlement, that people search for, and they can not gain admittance, even when they seemingly have, as in the case of the poor, becoming rich, and taking on those "perceived acts" of the rich. You must not be threat, to the small plan, of the same hethans, which first killed a dinosaur, simply to display a power, unto themselves, unleashing their statement of ignorance to forces thus unseen, the acquisition. The rich, are, born into it, because they posed no threat prior. Those who esteem that it was intellect, which got them "there" think again, it was brute force, it was asserting yourselves above others, it was...leaching off of first those closest to you, then expanding your very leaching and feeding field...then, but to recoil, as you have only learned to be but a serpent, the first of the batch? So this be how your evolution works, in reverse?
 For those who believe in positivity first, you will be ill pleased, on the apparent "arrivement" of the truth, that it is the ugly truth, which this world senses as in sees, feels, smells, and means to devour. Not the origin, the purity, the real truth. Those who can not return to this purity, will find themselves quite lost. I mean to say, purity in all spheres of exists. In your current lexicon of speak, and understanding, only seeing your nose before you now, this means your diet, your spiritual focus, your aspirations and intent, further your assistance with a specific community (which requires elevation, for greater purity to be known). We more easily could simply turn to the EPL Spheres for this, as they always describe the "Truth" of the situation quite clearly:

Beginning with purity
Purity-Who you started out to be, your truth self
Faith-Gnosis of the Pleroma, leaving one, to gain the greater one, your quest for truth
Love-The first Gnosis, that aided you, to go on, to live, that there was more if you journeyed further
Hope-This beginning gave you Hope, to journey towards unfamiliar territories
Wisdom-The Wisdom was felt, out there, alive, and calling you, it was now a division of intellectual understanding, which pushed you towards the next
Community-You just knew there must be more like you, somewhere out there, or within, and so this began an inward, or outward journey. Only to see, Phi swirls in both directions (inward/outward).
Production-Your statement is the most important, not that you are the most important, but that you are able to see the importance can not be found here, and any proclamation that you are a god, revealed the greater, or this case, lesser you. Anyone can be the rich, the celebrity, the false god
EGO-It was, in a life, that you discovered, who you serve, what your highest idea or ideal revealed. Did you turn to a Jewish god, a god of rules, regulations, a balance between good and evil, a deal? Perhaps you chose to be your own god, only to be swallowed up, by yet a greater force? Maybe you were angry, and proclaimed, from a borrowing of power, and god's, a jihad on anything outside your scope of understanding, the highest form of prejudice. Perhaps you turned to craft, and began to slither like a snake, feeling off of power source, as a small artificial sodium light, willing to just survive, thus reduce to what you will become, near to nothing? The yield to God, the true God, is the quest, the God, which only the greatest men choose. This God knows Mercy, and Compassion, not ill set Passion, nor ill gotten Trust. You will, have True Temperance, and know true Care, and this can not happen by and through, the "Acquisition Abel" deals. Nor to be Acquisitioned. It thus becomes a maintained mind state, a statement of who you are, when in your neutral zone, which reveals the true heart of the one you serve, for it is.

Those who have easily moved forward received Love, and were empowered by a person nearest them, early on. Those who have had the hardness of life, been met with challenges have been denied this. This does not mean, a person will not outwardly show success, or further acquisition, on the contrary. This Gift of force, of Love, displays, that you will still have a peaceful place, and a balance, a gift from someone, who would not let you be defeated by the many vampires who wait at the door, of those who pulse with life. Who will you be, when you finally arrive, that is the greatest question before you now? The question alone, stirs the quantum field, in that, if you were to have arrived at "the end", and the destination did not need you, you would have never been offered the opportunity in the first. Your calling forth, your plan, your intent, is known to the like of your energy, for like draws on like. This is why, there are elders, of your like, your stars, your contribution.
 If you are unlike any others here, perhaps you have not ventured to see nor to experience enough? Or, you need to see what your end value be, is it positive in it's end product? Or perhaps, it is that you are of the few, who thus reveal this place, with your very perceptions, and that is how the great one knows, for he sees through all perspectives, and you are just a peephole, just a feeling, from a certain perspective, one of his many. Or perhaps these and more, are all taking place, in the now, and you have but to yield to the current, of understanding, to trust, and let it sweep you up, into the world to which you were always meant to be a part of? The more you assert control, the further the shunting to THE ALL, will be.

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